Show Us Your Home Studio Setup!


Cherokee Warrior
May 4, 2006
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Auburn, Washington
View attachment 88139

So as with many here, this is a work in progress. I just installed eight Auralex LENRD Metro and two additional LENRD bass traps in the corners of my studio room. I have an old futon frame mounted as a diffusion panel behind my listening position. Between that diffusion and absorption, the KRK Rokits (on Ultimate Support monitor stands) are sounding cleaner in the bass response overall.

Anyhow, this is my home studio as of tonight, still work to do as the year progresses though!
You might consider relocating the desk in front of the window centered on that wall as to allow the length of the room to help your lower frequencies develop fully, more naturally. I had mine configured like yours and then when I got the free Auralex room assessment, this was their suggestion to me, and it has been helpful.

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ibenhad Regular
Dec 4, 2020
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Some killer setups here. I need to find a picture of mine.

Themistocles Regular
Jun 6, 2020
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Built my rack case on my lunch break! Less than an hour total.

View attachment 75366

View attachment 75367

Patch bay, interface, and eleven rack. I need to figure out how to jury rig my pcie firewire card into my mini itx case
I like it, it has that active shop vibe. Noted architect Frank Gehry famously preferred buildings that were in the process of construction to finished one.


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
I finally got around to treating my room, and hung some art that I'd been putting off hanging until I'd treated the room, over the weekend. Feels more like a studio now, and while the real test will be how things translate on other systems, my initial impression is I'm suddenly hearing problems in the low mids and low end that I wasn't really picking up on before, so this does seem to have made a difference.


Closeup of my rack:

Wall o' Guitars, to the right:

Back Wall o' Guitars

Right little half-wall

The left wall is three fairly ornate windows in a row, so obviosuly there are going to be some problems treating, and mixing, in this space. But I did what I could (this was a Primasonic London 8 kit, with an additional pair of 2x4 broadband traps) and while the ultimate test is going to be how mixes translate, I just completely reworked the low end of a mix I'd been toying with in about 3 minutes because I suddenly could hear the compressor absolutely annihilating the bass and making the kick drum feel kind of pokey because of it, so I THINK they seem to be helping.

Importantly, my girlfriend thinks it looks great.


  • Apogee Ensemble
  • BAE 1073MP two channel, running into the first pair of Neve 551 EQs in the 500 series chassis
  • Midas 10-unit 500 series chassis
  • a pair of CAPI V28s, each running into the second pair of Neve 551s
  • ART P16 16-input patch bay, for front-panel input to either the four external preamps, or the two open inputs on my Apogee (the inputs are unlabeled, but I've named the channels in Reaper so when I select an input I know which preamp I'm using, and they're in order on the ART)
  • Tech21 RBI multi-instrument preamp (I used to use this for bass, recording separate distorted and DI tracks, and it's still wired up and if I were looking to do distorted bass in a tune, I'd probably still go this way as it did sound great. Lately though I've just been doing bass direct through the BAEs with the preamps run hot, which with singlecoils is a recipe for fatness more than grit, but sounds huge. The Sansamp will probably go at some point but i don't know what will replace it yet.)
  • Barely visible, a AKGHP4E 4-channel headphone amp, from when my dad, uncle, and I were all working on a project and needed to be able to all listen on headphones.

I'm. pretty happy with this setup - the CAPIs sound incredible on acoustic instruments, very hi-fi, deep, detailed, and with really clear transients. The BAE is a Neve style pre, and a pretty faithful one at that, and is pretty much the opposite - thick, substantial feeling, and punchy, and is my go-to for electric guitars and bass. And those Neve's sound sick - almost impossible to make them sound bad, and it's amazing what even jus taking a tough of high end off with one will do to a SM57 alone, I might not have bothered to get into using multiple mics on a cab had I grabbed one of these first (naturally, now I just do both).


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Here is a short preview of my new homestudio setup:

This has been my long time dream to make a clean and simple workspace.


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
Is there no option to edit on this board? My pics aren't showing up
It may be that you have no ability to edit until you have more than a certain number of posts, but for regular members, you can only edit a post within an hour of first posting it, unless you have mod/admin powers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
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Copenhagen, DK
@Drew how do you like the screen hight? I have the same desk, but with your mac thing the screen seems even higher than mine, and I am seriously considering going to another desk to get the screen lower, also I don't have that much rack gear, so it doesn't really seem worth the compromise


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Somerville, MA
@Drew how do you like the screen hight? I have the same desk, but with your mac thing the screen seems even higher than mine, and I am seriously considering going to another desk to get the screen lower, also I don't have that much rack gear, so it doesn't really seem worth the compromise
It's never really bothered me, to be honest. I have my screen ever so slightly angled down, and I guess between that and chair height it feels pretty natural. I'd say the obvious solution here is to buy more rack gear. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
View media item 3916
My current setup, which has been 5 years in the making, starting from a MacBook Pro with GarageBand and a Line 6 Guitar Port. It’s set up now so I don’t have to get out of my chair to do anything. My goal of 2020 was to get it so no cables were being shared and I didn’t have to move anything to play a different instrument. I finally got it there around Sept. The monitors are a bit overkill, but I hate bouncing between screens, especially when I’m editing drum MIDI’s.

The room is only 12x12 but it’s so full of shit that I haven’t really had a need for treatment, it’s rather dead in there and I’m so used to it, my mixes are generally around 98% of where I want them to be when I check them on other speakers.

We’re moving in a year or so, back up to Massachusetts where we’re buying a house with a barn. I’ll be building a studio in the barn, which will be more like a big live room with some couches and stuff to hang out in. I’ll have a few friends helping out with it, but I don’t want to cheese it; floating floors, legit iso booths, a properly tuned room, etc.


Elegant Djentleman
Jan 12, 2021
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South east England
With one final Amazon delivery I have completed my "Phase 2" vocal recording set-up. Phase 1 was a rather ghetto arrangement, where I bought as little gear as possible as cheaply as I felt I could get away with, but I've slowly replaced bits and developed the whole thing into a more respectable but still fairly cheap set up. No pretty guitars for this one (they live downstairs) just strictly the vocals booth. Really just posting for posterity and to think out loud about where to go next.

TopDeck.jpg BottomDeck.jpg

So what have we got going on here?

Well the whole unit is built on a set of modular garage shelves, then the top deck covered with blankets, then very cheap acoustic tiles stuck with magnets to the frame of the shelves (which is why they sag so much). Everything else is kinda built around that, with cables routed down onto the bottom deck as much as possible, admittedly I need to tidy that up a bit.

The actual recording stuff is: SM58 -> Mic preamp -> Channel strip -> Y splitter -> Mixer (for live mic monitoring) / Presonus Studio USB -> Mixer (for playback monitoring) -> SE215 IEMs w/ custom molded tips. And then also pictured a little Korg NanoKontrol2 (bane of my fucking life, worst goddamn drivers) and a little midi keyboard to help me find the pitch. Oh and yes, I use a weird vertical trackball all the time; I have RSI. The pop filter is one I cludged together with epoxy onto a 3/8" threaded mount because those gooseneck things just won't stay still. Oh, and the water bottle is actually just there to provide weight, because the mini mic stand base is surprisingly light and tends to fall over, but I happened to have a mic stand bottle holder.

So nothing expensive or exciting in the pictures really, just quietly functional - The most expensive single item was actually the IEM tips (one of which I fucking tore and had to repair, but now I really need another set which will cost 200 fucking quid :mad:). Anyway, the goal as I built up was to do hardware monitoring with comp/gate/highpass in place, and that's where I am now. The last bit was the mixer, so I could pan my mic around hear my references properly.

And now I am here and I am kinda taking a breath... I almost don't know where to go next.

When I was starting to take singing more seriously, I was super excited about getting an SM7B, but even though I can afford one now I don't feel in a rush. I have zero complaints with my SM58, and I can't see the point of dropping 350 when I feel happy with what I'm getting atm. If anything I'm tempted to get a condenser, or even a lower end valve mic. I have also been tempted to get a valve pre-amp but I put my saturation in in post anyway, and I think trying to get it upfront would end up wasting too much time trying to get it right instead of singing. There's plenty of bits that could be upgraded here though. A lot of my bits are no-name brands, but then they also just quietly do the job without colouring the sound and I don't feel like there's any real need to chop them in just yet.

It feels weird to not be lusting after any gear - I'm open to any suggestion if anyone thinks I'm missing any kit, or if any of my cheap crap needs an urgent upgrade - But otherwise I think I'm going to pause and think about Phase 3 for later this year.