such a thing as Digital gear acquisition syndrome...

  • Thread starter vejichan
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High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
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Austin, Texas
My last comment here- Dude, I sincerely hope that you're not like this irl because if you are and I were your wife/ kids/ whoever, I would just think you to be insufferable and sadly, wouldn't want to interact with you much. I have to believe that this is an online persona. At least for your sake, I hope so.

You do remember that a buncha people on here including myself, have listened to your recordings and commented NOTHING but positive replies, yes? Yet you still... ah, fuck it/ never-mind. But rest assured If you keep putting down your progress and abilities after people have commented to the contrary.. and you're still posting this kinda crap yet you're no longer seeing inspirational or validating comments ( and that people are saying things that you don't care for), that it's because people aren't going to constantly/ repeatedly try to convince you otherwise. You wanna create this 'poor me. I have too much gear and I can't stop buying stuff with all my monies, and I'm content but somehow not content' dealie, then fine but eventually people will stop catering to you. That passive-aggressive self-sabotaging attitude is bullshit. It's honestly hard to even believe that you have a wife and kids that aren't miserable if this is really how you are.

But please... ignore all ( FOUR PAGES) of this sound advice. Just understand that you're gonna get fewer and fewer replies actually trying to help or even empathize. Well, lol... look who I'm saying this to. You have to know this.

I've honestly always thought you were a troll and at this point I feel that more than ever. At least for your well-being I sure hope you are.

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KGB Apparatchik
Oct 2, 2009
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I've always been really bummed out about a lot of old of my Guitar Pro files just rotting away in my cloud storage, but I bought the Odin II plugin recently as a guitar VST and I'm absolutely thrilled.

This thing has sped up my pre-production process by so much, unreal. I just combine it with the NeuralDSP Fortin Nameless and some compression for tightening and it sounds amazing. Usually I tried to get the GP exports to sounds halfway decent but it's usually not good enough a reference for people who have no prior experience with the sounds and limitations of GP.
Sep 21, 2021
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Baltimore, Maryland
So I'm have nothing to add to the current insanity but I'll say this. The "Free sims/IRs" thread is proof how much I've stockpiled. I have a few things I paid for as well but not a lot.

Since I got the Helix and Helix Native I don't bother looking at more IRs and sims.

Maybe it's because I record a lot or maybe it's becausenI do a lot of industrial type stuff where sound design is important but I figure I can get anything I need guitar and bass wise with what I've got. Everything else is a mix/EQ issue and I have yet to be wrong. Every now and then I'll want a specific sound and I'll dig into my sims and stuff because I have a particular one in mind for a sound I'm after but honestly in the Helix I have a clean, acoustic, crunch, main rhythm, and a lead tone. All of my bases are covered.

At the end of the day I'm writing and recording music and that is the main focus, not what amp I'm using and all that other shit. A wonderful guitar tone won't save a shitty song and a shitty guitar tone doesn't break an amazing song.

I used to be a super gear nerd and worry about tube brands/types, the right amp, speakers, cables, pickups, etc. These days I don't fuck around. Dean ML with SD Custom (but really any decent pickup will do), into my Helix and I like a Marshally sound through a V30s. I don't need to try a million different things, I'm happy with what I've got and I don't want to spend time and money fucking around with a million variables


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
Who is worse than me? have you actually heard someone worse at playing and making/mixiing/recording than my music?
Yes. Too many to count.

You need to stop with the self-loathing. I don't know how I can get this message across to you, but it's extremely self-destructive, and will ultimately hurt your family.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
For those who havent heard bad music and guitar playing...this was the last song i made and recorded. Again warning i am suck at playing guitar, song writing and mixing and recording...its basically me messing around and hitting record. But i guess i tried. For the rest who has heard this pathetic song. Sorry
Listen to Paradise Is Lost RD15 by David Cho 2 on #SoundCloud

I’m going to assume that when you were writing and recording this, you were excited about it, yeah? And you probably listened to it 200x after recording it and still enjoyed it….right up until around that 200th time when you started picking out all the flaws in it and only started focusing on the things you didn’t like about it?

I’ve been telling you this for about 2 years now, man. You need to stop with the defeatist mentality. When you write and record something, just be stoked it is what it is. If there’s something you want to improve upon, improve it in a future song. Don’t sit there and start flogging yourself for your perceived failures; you’re doing something creative, it’s supposed to be fun and if you really let go of all the negativity, you’re going to find out more about yourself than you ever knew.

Just the fact that you have the will to put effort into being creative is a fucking GREAT thing! Many people will go through life without that will, desire or even the knowing that they CAN create something. Exploit that knowledge within yourself, celebrate the fact you are a creative individual.

The greatest question I ever asked myself was “Why do I feel the need to tear myself apart?” because once I realized the answer, I realized I had no reasonable basis for tearing myself apart.

Alex Mortar Regular
May 17, 2023
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Just the fact that you have the will to put effort into being creative is a GREAT thing! Many people will go through life without that will, desire or even the knowing that they CAN create something. Exploit that knowledge within yourself, celebrate the fact you are a creative individual.
Absolutely agreed. It is possible to see on creation process not only for results, but on means of self development, including point of view of spiritual development


...that kind of idea
Jan 15, 2016
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North Yorkshire, UK
i'm starting to fear that vejichan is just a reflection of us all* with our ebay/reverb watch lists and our stack of guitars we don't have time to play and our "just one more" amps to fill a minor gap in the collection and our "ok I'm deleting this one but I'll get a good take tomorrow" library of unfinished songs

*or just me


Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Somerville, MA
i'm starting to fear that vejichan is just a reflection of us all* with our ebay/reverb watch lists and our stack of guitars we don't have time to play and our "just one more" amps to fill a minor gap in the collection and our "ok I'm deleting this one but I'll get a good take tomorrow" library of unfinished songs

*or just me
He's certainly a warning sign along the road of life; the dangers of unfettered self-criticism, with no ability to see strengths, only weaknesses.

One of the most important life lessons I've ever learned as an artist is, past a certain point, your style is as much a reflection of what you can't do, as it is what you can, and that's a good thing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2016
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Atlanta, GA
I don't know you Veji and I mean this to be constructive and not condescending.

You do not want HELP, you want ATTENTION.
Seek therapy from professionals, and not attention from people online.