The BRJ Black Friday Thread (Only for updates for/by customers.)[Ad Free]


May 22, 2009
Reaction score
Walnut Creek, CA
Where's Larrikin these days? I'm not trying to stir things at all but he did have a lot of money invested in this late in the game. Just curious to see how he's holding up.

I'm still alive. LOL. I had so much going on with moving my family across the country lately and my new job.

I wish I could say I had good news. I don't though. My situation is just as dire as the rest, but I have moved on. I honestly don't have the energy to devote to fight my credit card company, Paypal, and federal credit union for the various transfers of money that took place. I'm so far from being rich, but I can handle the loss of funds and go on with my life.

There's something I've kept hidden from everyone except for Bernie and my girlfriend for all this time though. When things really started to get bad ~18 months ago. Bernie was really hurting for money. No, I don't agree with the way he started emailing and calling people to get the balance on their guitars by saying they'd be done in a few weeks.

Bernie started calling and emailing me every single person who wanted to back out of their spot. To keep things calm, I bought those spots from the customer if their guitars even seemed mildly appealing. Eventually, I realized that still wouldn't be enough to keep things afloat. Bernie called me very panicked one afternoon saying that things were bad. He was eating a lot of money because of the rework that was going into a lot of guitars. Regardless of how or why those mistakes happened, I felt it would have been worse to simply let things go under.

To (hopefully) keep the ship from sinking, I gave Bernie a considerable loan to help keep the doors open. This is when I was single, living alone, had no one to support, etc. I made considerably less money than I do today, but I lived very modestly. I really hoped that influx of cash would be enough to push things enough to get things moving in the right direction. We all know that didn't pan out. The terms of the loan were agreed to over the phone, so there is no way for me to go after Bernie for a breech and win. I don't believe I would go that route anyways.

I really struggle with the combined money from guitars and the loan that I've lost. I truly don't believe I'll ever see my money or guitars again. I accept that though. I'm happy. The recent changes in my life have forced me to take time away from music, so my schedule helps to keep my from dwelling on the tragedy. I understand that others feel the effects of the situation more intensely or regularly.

All I can say is that I hope everyone gets what they are owed one way or another whether it's a guitar, money, or simply peace of mind.

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Kane's Bane
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Portland, ME
Wow, this reminds me of how Mike Sherman messed with Metal Mike after he had supported him.

Hopefully something comes of this, you deserve better dude!


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hooooly crap! That makes me really like you, and really dislike Bernie. I seriously hope he has enough balls and integrity to make good and repay you that loan. The right thing to do would be to come back and take care of everything, but at the very least you should be repaid for being such an empathetic person and a good friend.
And yeah, this does sound a lot like the Sherman issue. Even Chris got somewhat screwed in that whole thing, and Chris stood by him the whole way.
It's a shame, but Larrikin, I will say this: you are one of the better people I know for doing that. I wish more people were like you. I might have to drive down there and buy you a beer sometime! :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
I'm still alive. LOL. I had so much going on with moving my family across the country lately and my new job.

I wish I could say I had good news. I don't though. My situation is just as dire as the rest, but I have moved on. I honestly don't have the energy to devote to fight my credit card company, Paypal, and federal credit union for the various transfers of money that took place. I'm so far from being rich, but I can handle the loss of funds and go on with my life.

There's something I've kept hidden from everyone except for Bernie and my girlfriend for all this time though. When things really started to get bad ~18 months ago. Bernie was really hurting for money. No, I don't agree with the way he started emailing and calling people to get the balance on their guitars by saying they'd be done in a few weeks.

Bernie started calling and emailing me every single person who wanted to back out of their spot. To keep things calm, I bought those spots from the customer if their guitars even seemed mildly appealing. Eventually, I realized that still wouldn't be enough to keep things afloat. Bernie called me very panicked one afternoon saying that things were bad. He was eating a lot of money because of the rework that was going into a lot of guitars. Regardless of how or why those mistakes happened, I felt it would have been worse to simply let things go under.

To (hopefully) keep the ship from sinking, I gave Bernie a considerable loan to help keep the doors open. This is when I was single, living alone, had no one to support, etc. I made considerably less money than I do today, but I lived very modestly. I really hoped that influx of cash would be enough to push things enough to get things moving in the right direction. We all know that didn't pan out. The terms of the loan were agreed to over the phone, so there is no way for me to go after Bernie for a breech and win. I don't believe I would go that route anyways.

I really struggle with the combined money from guitars and the loan that I've lost. I truly don't believe I'll ever see my money or guitars again. I accept that though. I'm happy. The recent changes in my life have forced me to take time away from music, so my schedule helps to keep my from dwelling on the tragedy. I understand that others feel the effects of the situation more intensely or regularly.

All I can say is that I hope everyone gets what they are owed one way or another whether it's a guitar, money, or simply peace of mind.

You sound like too good of a person to have this happen to them. Woof. I wish I could get your money back to you myself somehow.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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New Zealand
It's a shame, but Larrikin, I will say this: you are one of the better people I know for doing that. I wish more people were like you. I might have to drive down there and buy you a beer sometime! :yesway:

Make good on that, and I'll flick some beer tokens your way before you get there, to cover you both. (hold me to that)

Larrakin, that bums me out dude, but kudos for moving forward. Been in a similar situation to you, so I appreciate how much character it takes to just move on and be positive.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Your situation crossed my mind again just recently. Glad I had a check on this thread.
So with your money down the toilet with Bernie and people filing charge backs I guess this means everything is done for at BRJ guitars. Sorry you've been burnt so bad, Larrikin. I know how it feels to be scammed thousands, not quite as much you though. Hope the good karma realigns itself your way.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
I've kept up with this thread even though I wasn't in for a BRJ. I say this NOT to joke, but the thread title should be "The BRJ Black Friday Group Support Thread" because of how upsettingly sad it is how many of you lost so much money. It's pretty clear at this point there won't be any guitars or reimbursements and reading even recent posts about how much money some people lost just makes me so sad, like Larrikin's post :( Larrikin - it's good to see though you've come away from it with a positive attitude. :yesway:

The one thing though that's killing me about this whole ordeal even though I don't have a cent invested in it is I truly want to know WTF he did with all that money! I still have a suspicion he might've had a gambling issue, though that is purely speculation of course.



Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
The one thing though that's killing me about this whole ordeal even though I don't have a cent invested in it is I truly want to know WTF he did with all that money! I still have a suspicion he might've had a gambling issue, though that is purely speculation of course.


I'm curious about what happened to all the half built guitars, and guitars "waiting on cases". I can only imagine the landlord backing up a dumpster and just clearing out Bernies shop. Or, Bernie, a family member, or friend grabbed them before he fully defaulted on the lease....


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Out there, somewhere
I've kept up with this thread even though I wasn't in for a BRJ. I say this NOT to joke, but the thread title should be "The BRJ Black Friday Group Support Thread" because of how upsettingly sad it is how many of you lost so much money. It's pretty clear at this point there won't be any guitars or reimbursements and reading even recent posts about how much money some people lost just makes me so sad, like Larrikin's post :( Larrikin - it's good to see though you've come away from it with a positive attitude. :yesway:

The one thing though that's killing me about this whole ordeal even though I don't have a cent invested in it is I truly want to know WTF he did with all that money! I still have a suspicion he might've had a gambling issue, though that is purely speculation of course.


Add up that he was close to going under BEFORE the Black Friday run plus the fact that everything was outsourced and I suspect the amount of money wasn't what you think it was. I would suspect the BF guitars were probably sold at minimal if any profit just to get cash in the door to cover back bills :2c:


Shred till your dead
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, CO
^ this. I dont think he was making any real money and all of the sales were an attempt to just stay afloat.

I really do wonder where all of the half finished guitars went. I saw at least 200 guitars that were 2/3 finished. I wonder if or when we will see them pop up.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
You probably won't see them pop up until most of this blows over, and if anything they'll be listed on craigslist or something. I'd be really surprised if all of those guitars weren't being held on to for exactly this purpose. No way he'd actually be able to get back in the business of selling completed guitars after all, and I don't think there'd be any sense in throwing such a large amount of materials and half completed instruments in the dump.

Also, didn't somebody say they talked to the landlord? You'd think he would've said something if he actually had everything tossed out.

Speculum Speculorum

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Boise, ID
Bernie didn't know how to run a business. It's really as simple as that. He swindled people out of money in a desperate attempt to save his ass and it didn't play out. I know that's hard to accept, and for a long time I thought surely there must be something more to the story.

But no. It really is that simple. The man had no brain for business, and was also a liar who was trying to hold off accepting that his business was a total failure for as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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New Zealand
Is it possible that the assets may have gone to a company creditor? I might have missed something but if he owed money, there would be businesses he owed. There'd have to be alot of equipment, tools and such.. would be very interesting to see if they actually just up and vanished.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
I'm curious about what happened to all the half built guitars, and guitars "waiting on cases". I can only imagine the landlord backing up a dumpster and just clearing out Bernies shop. Or, Bernie, a family member, or friend grabbed them before he fully defaulted on the lease....
^ this , luckily I backed out of grabbing a spot on this run but I'd love to know where the hell all of these guitars are.
I know he had a purple version of a hesperian 7 with the same Retro head stock I have with the 2/5 layout (I think they are the only 2 in existence) that I would
love to get my hands on (that one is a pre black Friday run guitar) that looked like it only needed hardware on it and it was good to go.


Shred till your dead
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, CO
I will be keeping a close eye on any Rico activity. If he tries to sell anything, I will be on him.

Additionally, I really feel getting some Rico knock offs built. I still love the design, the execution was the issue. If he tries to come at me with any "that's my design" bs, I'll tell him I will cease when he gives me my money or my guitar.


Keepin' it Kodos
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
If he tries to come at me with any "that's my design" bs, I'll tell him I will cease when he gives me my money or my guitar.


(Sorry, but I pretty much had to)


Shred till your dead
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, CO
I just feel like I need to take something from him, to even the score. I would like a Hesperian one way or another. Not the optimal path, but what options are really left.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
I've been following the luthier scene for some while but never got to know how this gentleman dug himself his own grave so deep and so fast. Just over a year ago, there was an entire circlejerk over his guitars.

Can someone give me a rundown of how the bloody hell he ....ed up this bad?

Many thanks in advance.