The BRJ Black Friday Thread (Only for updates for/by customers.)[Ad Free]


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
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I tried to dispute with Bank of America few months back they put the money in as temporary and then returned the transaction back to them :( maybe I should try again to see what happens.

So wicked did they finalize everything for you? when will they give it the ok?

If you don't mind my asking, how did it look in your account when it was temporary? Mine showed up as a balance adjustment, but it never actually said it was temporary anywhere. I first got a letter on Saturday, 10 days after that adjustment popped up on my account, saying it was under investigation (hence me posting about it here), and I just now got another letter saying that they consider the case resolved unless Bernie provides documentation to counter my dispute.

Actual wording from the letter: "Although we consider your dispute(s) resolved, the merchant has an opportunity to review any information and provide additional documentation to support why they feel the transaction(s) is valid. In the event we receive additional information from the merchant, we will forward any relevant documentation, and let you know if additional information is needed to support your dispute(s)."

The credit is still on my card and right now I don't imagine it will be removed unless Bernie magically brings up said proof against me. Also, I personally don't think that him promising the bank to make good on the guitar will hold much weight after delaying me for 18~ months and ignoring me completely for 12, assuming he tries to do that. Most likely, it would just end in me having to file a dispute again.

So all that considered I think it to be pretty final, unless of course your dispute went the same way and I'm just getting ahead of myself again. :lol:

You should definitely try again, and send them everything you have - all e-mails, links to this thread, his facebook page (the one with people complaining), full story of what's been going on in the past year with him being out of the shop (if you want proof straight from their own mouths about it the original post Terry made on their facebook has since been deleted , but it's been reposted a few times in this thread if you look around March or so), etc. Do not leave any relevant documentation out of your claim. Since we did absolutely nothing wrong on our end, it can only help you if you add it in there.

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Feb 21, 2008
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You can consider that a completed charge-back, since he can't really dispute it. So... there is still money there and his merchant account is active. Who knows how much, so consider his balance first come, first served.

The way "temporary" usually seems to work with charge-backs, from what I've seen as a merchant, is that it's just what the bank tells you (the cardholder) in case you're the one pulling something shady -- which is quite often the case with charge-backs.

I've processed a few from customers and successfully reversed all of them, but Bernie won't be able to do the same. No bank has ever asked me to provide anything other than proof of delivery, which they got. They wanted to see one of two things immediately: 1) the customer receiving their merchandise or proof that they already have, or 2) they get their money back.

Calling deposits non-refundable wouldn't help him at this point either.

There are plenty of millionaires that claim to be broke. Since his account's not closed and empty, he probably either has way more money than anyone thinks, or no one has been pushing as much as they claim to be on the internet. ;)

Another thing... when you call your bank, there's a pretty good chance that a moron will pick up the phone. :D If you get a "no," ask to talk to someone higher up, or just call back later and hope that someone slightly smarter picks up.

Just make sure you have your proof and documentation ready to go. Be thorough, but keep it brief and to the point. A link to stuff like this thread doesn't mean much because no one is going to sit there and read it.

Old emails/texts with promised shipment dates that passed long ago are probably the best bet, since nothing short of a tracking number will stand up against that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
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Awesome, glad to hear that I'm pretty much cleared then. :D As I've said before, won't go after the deposit since I got the spot second hand, but hopefully some others can.

Anyway, everyone in this thread needs to get on the phone with their banks ASAP.

I will add that the last thing they asked me for was the last shipment date after all the delays, but I had no idea what to tell them since he never provided one in the last e-mail I got from him. Had a hard time trying to explain that one on the phone, but if you have a series of e-mails full of the '2 weeks' business then you're probably fine once you fax it in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Greenville, SC
wicked call your bank back to make sure all is good but I had the money for like a week and they took it back.. but im going to try again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
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wicked call your bank back to make sure all is good but I had the money for like a week and they took it back.. but im going to try again.

The transaction where they put the money in my account was about 2.5 weeks ago now.

Did they happen to tell you why they reversed it? BoA said if BRJ provides any documentation to counter my claim they'll forward it to me and ask for more information from my side, so I'll just have to see what happens.

And going by the dates on the letters, I contacted their CS after the one where they said they consider it resolved. That's when they told me it's still under investigation so I don't think they'd tell me anything different if I contacted them again. I'm guessing this just means they're keeping it open to allow BRJ a chance to dispute, but I don't see how he would possibly be able to.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Greenville, SC
ok cool, im going to try again lol why not. I just hope they don't change my cc number again....... i told them not to.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Los Angeles, CA
Called BoA today, they said I should be able to file a dispute, and it was definitely a valid case. I wasn't able to go through it all today because I needed to request my statement online, which takes about 24 hours. This is for my final payment, which was $1450. Lucky I used my debit card for that purchase.

I'll update you guys if it works of course.

I realized that I paid my $650 deposit with my PayPal balance =/

I guess we're completely out of luck trying to get that back, huh?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
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I wasn't able to go through it all today because I needed to request my statement online, which takes about 24 hours.

For future reference, you should be able to download a copy of your statements in pdf format online instantly through the account page under 'statements and documents'. That's how I pulled mine up.

I'm not sure if paypal will help you, but I suppose you could try at the very least. I've heard they're more strict about that 45 day thing, but charge backs through the bank are usually like 60 days and they're still helping people apparently, so at the very least it's worth a shot. Worst case is you get a no and lose a few minutes filing the claim?

Good luck to both of you!


Shred till your dead
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, CO
I realized that I paid my $650 deposit with my PayPal balance =/

I guess we're completely out of luck trying to get that back, huh?

Paypal just about told me to .... myself. They claim 90 day protect, that is shit for this type of transaction.

I spent a few hours over three calls with them. Maybe there is loophole , but I haven't found it. All of their support were in India where as my bank was far more sympathetic.

I wonder how long Bernie can hide out? He's completely ....ed his life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
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Alberta, Canada
Still no word from Bernie? I don't get it. His website's up and running. Is he hiding out to avoid taking ownership of this gong show that was the Black Friday run of guitars?


Augmented User
Feb 4, 2013
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Glasgow, Scotland
Still no word from Bernie? I don't get it. His website's up and running. Is he hiding out to avoid taking ownership of this gong show that was the Black Friday run of guitars?

That's strange, I distinctly remember his website being down for a long long time. Now all of a sudden it has popped back up? They ain't free to run either...


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA
Still no word from Bernie? I don't get it. His website's up and running. Is he hiding out to avoid taking ownership of this gong show that was the Black Friday run of guitars?

Spit my coffee out on that one! Well played! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2013
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Hey guys, was just talking with some other net denizen and he mentioned that Bernie is out and about and even that he was out with Bernie to the shooting range around 10 days ago.
I don't know this guy and can't vouch for what he said. We just got to chatting over some gear I'm selling and that's what he said, figured you might like to know.


Aug 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys, was just talking with some other net denizen and he mentioned that Bernie is out and about and even that he was out with Bernie to the shooting range around 10 days ago.
I don't know this guy and can't vouch for what he said. We just got to chatting over some gear I'm selling and that's what he said, figured you might like to know.

Do they really let someone in Bernie's "condition" near guns and shooting ranges? :scratch:



Shred till your dead
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, CO
He's probably going to live his life as if this shit never happened. He always had such a huge ego, I'm sure he blames this on us.

He can go to hell.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
He's probably going to live his life as if this shit never happened. He always had such a huge ego, I'm sure he blames this on us.

He can go to hell.

Yeah, you're definitely right about his ego (not even gonna get into story time on dealing with it, but relevant to what you said he did put blame on me for asking them to fix their screw up on paint :nuts:), but I'm not sure what I'd believe at this point about any of it; there's way too much BS floating around the whole situation. I do find it weird though that I've heard nothing new from the bank regarding my dispute. If he was out and about I'm sure he'd want to counter a $1.5k charge back, considering how he handled some people in the past who were unhappy. I don't think he's the type to just walk away from things like that, mostly as a result of said ego. (There is the possibility that he realizes there's nothing he could do, or that he tried something and the bank didn't buy it but who knows, really.)

Anyway, how's the process going for everyone else attempting charge backs?