The CRAZIEST guitar gear collection on the internet?

  • Thread starter BadSeed
  • Start date
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Erie PA
Big collections require big finances, lol

I know Kyle is probably thinking WTF is this thread, but it is up to 10 pages. :D

This video did inspire me that I need to put my XXX cab back together with the stock speakers and give it another try.
Finances are a second passion of mine, though I treat mine quite differently than the average person 😂

For a front page that started off with a bunch of dudes saying "AKCHTUALLY" and USMarine revealing he hate watches all my socials, this actually is best case scenario 😁

People will probably tell me I'm dumb and that's ok, but for now, the gear is my avenue for making as much as possible. The constant but/sell/trade has definitely put me in a spot I never thought I would be in. Hell, even trading up has significantly worked in my favor. I keep spreadsheets to not only keep track of what I have for insurance purposes, but to also keep track of what has gone in and out, and essentially how much value has been gained over the course of doing so.

Luckily for me, this all culminated in a YouTube channel that brings in even more gear. So I essentially have even more secondary currency to deal in. I am also going to start leveraging that gear to bring in more revenue through other avenues - IR packs, Capture/profile and preset packs, etc. which is part of the reason why I currently have so much stuff, though it doesn't explain why I have so many guitars when I only play a few of them. I'll chalk that up to hoarding tendencies that definitely need to be dealt with, lol.

I'll be honest, all the REAL financial talk (stocks, bonds, iras, etc etc) is like a foreign language to me. As soon as people start talking to me about it, my eyes glaze over. I'm kind of thankful for this though, as I have an obsessive personality and would probably dive way too deep and get consumed in all of that, and it seems way more risky than guitar gear to me 😂 though I'm probably wrong.

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Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
For a front page that started off with a bunch of dudes saying "AKCHTUALLY" and USMarine revealing he hate watches all my socials, this actually is best case scenario 😁

Ok, don't take the win lol. I think you're taking this a lot more seriously than the internet is in any case, even the slightly jealous or annoyed ones. It's a nice collection and personally I appreciate you talking about it. I mean, probably. Not in the video, which I didn't watch if I haven't mentioned, but here on the forum with posts where comparatively the talking head format doesn't go as far because discourse is superior. An obvious comparison may be when a thread over a video nobody watched goes on for 10 pages while the OP all but ghosts it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Erie PA
Ok, don't take the win lol. I think you're taking this a lot more seriously than the internet is in any case, even the slightly jealous or annoyed ones. It's a nice collection and personally I appreciate you talking about it. I mean, probably. Not in the video, which I didn't watch if I haven't mentioned, but here on the forum with posts where comparatively the talking head format doesn't go as far because discourse is superior. An obvious comparison may be when a thread over a video nobody watched goes on for 10 pages while the OP all but ghosts it.
I think you think I'm taking this way more personally than I am, man. People seem to mistake sarcasm and humor for hurt feelings. If I was really upset, I just wouldn't be here, lol.
The frustrating part of the internet is, tone is not usually apparent unless you put things like "lol, haha" or use emojis to convey the mood. If you don't, people seem to take the dryness as being angry or offended. I don't usually type like that, and also have a biting and sarcastic sense of humor, so people mistake me for being mad or offended. That's a me problem, though. I just hate typing with constant "lol" and emoji punctuation.

EDIT - The "AKCHTUALLY" in my post you quoted isn't even about what you said. It's about people taking the video title 100% literally.

crushingpetal Regular
Nov 11, 2022
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I'm down for more finance talk.

Here's a question: why hasn't interest rates on savings accounts risen with higher fed funds rates? Doesn't economic theory suggest this will trickle down?


Heaven's Football Bat
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego
I'm down for more finance talk.

Here's a question: why hasn't interest rates on savings accounts risen with higher fed funds rates? Doesn't economic theory suggest this will trickle down?
They have lol open up a HYSA and quit using your bank’s default .00000001% interest rate savings account. I earned ~400 bucks from mine last year (pre tax) and this year it will be more like 1k

crushingpetal Regular
Nov 11, 2022
Reaction score
They have lol open up a HYSA and quit using your bank’s default .00000001% interest rate savings account. I earned ~400 bucks from mine last year (pre tax) and this year it will be more like 1k
Hrm. I should probably walk into the branch and talk to someone. But I hate those damn lines.

Is it as simple as saying, "I'd like to move my existing savings to a high yield account"? Are there any downsides?


Heaven's Football Bat
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego
Hrm. I should probably walk into the branch and talk to someone. But I hate those damn lines.

Is it as simple as saying, "I'd like to move my existing savings to a high yield account"? Are there any downsides?
You will usually have to open the account with an online-only bank such as Ally, SoFi, or I personally use Marcus. It will take you about 5 minutes. The downside is it takes 1-2 business days to take your money back out, so if you need money on weekends make sure you keep some in your personal bank. You'll only want to use it for true savings you don't plan to touch, not like a second checking account as some people seem to do.

I keep my emergency fund of 6 months' expenses in my HYSA and when I have an emergency I put it on my credit card and pay myself back when it transfers out. I have only had 2 instances where an emergency required cash, but to be safe I now also keep 1 additional month's expenses floating in my checking account.

crushingpetal Regular
Nov 11, 2022
Reaction score
You will usually have to open the account with an online-only bank such as Ally, SoFi, or I personally use Marcus. It will take you about 5 minutes. The downside is it takes 1-2 business days to take your money back out, so if you need money on weekends make sure you keep some in your personal bank. You'll only want to use it for true savings you don't plan to touch, not like a second checking account as some people seem to do.

I keep my emergency fund of 6 months' expenses in my HYSA and when I have an emergency I put it on my credit card and pay myself back when it transfers out. I have only had 2 instances where an emergency required cash, but to be safe I now also keep 1 additional month's expenses floating in my checking account.
Thanks, very cool!


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
@BadSeed That sounds like a decent mentality and justification. FWIW I like your channel, this just isn't a video I care about at all. The conversation about it is a lot more interesting to me personally.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Hrm. I should probably walk into the branch and talk to someone. But I hate those damn lines.

Is it as simple as saying, "I'd like to move my existing savings to a high yield account"? Are there any downsides?
Yeah, I also have an online high yield savings account that pays around 4.6%. Good place to park your money.

Although the market is down this week, so I am taking the opportunity to load my Roth IRA.


SS.ORG Infiltrator
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco, California
I can't even imagine owning more than 10 guitars and 5 cabs and 10+ heads. My maximum is 4 heads and 2 4x12 cabs. 1 other beat up 4x12 cab I keep in the garage for studio and gig days. That's it. Anything more, I get itchy and anxious seeing the clutter. I think if the anxiousness to clutter is not there, I would easily own alooooot more, and collect more stuff I like (collectible figures, vinyl/cd, comics) like when I was way younger. Now the music and comic collection is entirely digitized.

Clutter just triggers me the wrong way.


Whoaaa No Way!!!
Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
I can't even imagine owning more than 10 guitars and 5 cabs and 10+ heads. My maximum is 4 heads and 2 4x12 cabs. 1 other beat up 4x12 cab I keep in the garage for studio and gig days. That's it. Anything more, I get itchy and anxious seeing the clutter. I think if the anxiousness to clutter is not there, I would easily own alooooot more, and collect more stuff I like (collectible figures, vinyl/cd, comics) like when I was way younger. Now the music and comic collection is entirely digitized.

Clutter just triggers me the wrong way.
+1 to this. My kids have our house constantly cluttered and it drives me completely nuts to the point that I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack anytime I have time to sit down and think about it :lol:


SS.ORG Infiltrator
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco, California
+1 to this. My kids have our house constantly cluttered and it drives me completely nuts to the point that I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack anytime I have time to sit down and think about it :lol:

I got so anxious with kid clutter during Covid that I bought a dedicated small bag vaccum for all the LEGOS!!!! lmao

Even the guitar cables lying by the side of my amp triggers me.


Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
+1 to this. My kids have our house constantly cluttered and it drives me completely nuts to the point that I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack anytime I have time to sit down and think about it :lol:
The kids didnt buy the stuff though.

I also have anxiety about house clutter. Even offered to pay for a storage unit to reclaim space. We have til sept til its not a suggestion.

Teaching them young to put things away after use is a) fuckin hard b) important :yesway:


Whoaaa No Way!!!
Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
The kids didnt buy the stuff though.

I also have anxiety about house clutter. Even offered to pay for a storage unit to reclaim space. We have til sept til its not a suggestion.

Teaching them young to put things away after use is a) fuckin hard b) important :yesway:
Yeah, the problem is that one of them is good at it and the other one isn't and then the one that's good at it refuses to do it if the one that isn't won't do it and then it turns into a battle. Also - I definitely didn't buy them all that crap, their grandparents did and we keep telling them not to :lol: I've sold so many toys this year, it's crazy. You'd think having less, they'd be able to clean up easier, but nope. My daughter used to be great at cleaning up and then her brother came along and she's become super stubborn. Hard to motivate or punish her when she will absolutely die on her hill if she doesn't want to do something :lol: I'm hoping next year, with my son going into Kindergarten now, we'll be able to clean up the house and it'll actually stay clean.

complex-barb.0t Regular
May 10, 2022
Reaction score
You will usually have to open the account with an online-only bank such as Ally, SoFi, or I personally use Marcus. It will take you about 5 minutes. The downside is it takes 1-2 business days to take your money back out, so if you need money on weekends make sure you keep some in your personal bank. You'll only want to use it for true savings you don't plan to touch, not like a second checking account as some people seem to do.

I keep my emergency fund of 6 months' expenses in my HYSA and when I have an emergency I put it on my credit card and pay myself back when it transfers out. I have only had 2 instances where an emergency required cash, but to be safe I now also keep 1 additional month's expenses floating in my checking account.
Heck even Apple these days will give you ~4.4% for their savings account. I keep a few grand there for convenience. What's nice is the Apple credit card rewards go into that account and gain interest as well.

For cash I don't currently need, I use Vanguard (Vanguard Cash Plus, ~4.7% interest. FDIC insured.) and VUSXX (Vanguard Treasury Money Market Fund, 5.41% compounded yield. You can also avoid state income taxes on the gainz with this type of market fund.). There are other places you can get a bit more, but Vanguard is pretty reputable and is not some fly by night company. They handle billions of dollars of assets.

Seriously yall either keep your cash in Mark IIc+ hoards or in something like I described. You are losing so much purchasing power right now if you leave it in cash in your retail bank.