The Fishman Fluence Thread

slavboi_delight Regular
Nov 12, 2020
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the MKH pick ups will be in matt's new epiphone sig that he just unveiled on twitch this past week. Also there's going to be a Ryan "Fluff" Bruce bridge pick up coming at some point as well

I will never understand why insignificant youtubers get signature gear.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Austin, TX
the MKH pick ups will be in matt's new epiphone sig that he just unveiled on twitch this past week. Also there's going to be a Ryan "Fluff" Bruce bridge pick up coming at some point as well

Thanks, I'll check it out, there was also talk about P90 pickups, any idea when any of these will be announced? During NAMM, or after?

Hoss632 Regular
Sep 23, 2020
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So I found out today from Fishman support that the Javier Reyes pickups are only available in their open core configuration and as such can't be a drop-in replacement for the moderns on my Zeus :( disappointing to say the least
What's the difference between them that they can't be dropped straight in?
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Hoss632 Regular
Sep 23, 2020
Reaction score
I will never understand why insignificant youtubers get signature gear.
Fluff is more than just youtube though. He's been in a couple of successful bands that have toured world wide including Dragged Under whom had a very successful 2020 despite the pandemic. So that is 100's of thousands of people that he has an audience with and that's more exposure. Makes perfect sense just like Jared Dines getting a signature guitar with Music Man.

Hoss632 Regular
Sep 23, 2020
Reaction score
Thanks, I'll check it out, there was also talk about P90 pickups, any idea when any of these will be announced? During NAMM, or after?
This is the first I've heard about them doing p90's. That would be pretty badass though


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2018
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the MKH pick ups will be in matt's new epiphone sig that he just unveiled on twitch this past week. Also there's going to be a Ryan "Fluff" Bruce bridge pick up coming at some point as well

Both guys who do not have good tone, hmm...

New Trivium albums have been sounding worse. All their best stuff (Shogun) was just an EMG81. And Matt's tone when he does streams and demos is horrible. I'm also a bit put off by his weird selling of Fishman in the past, when he was saying they had less latency than EMGs and helped him play in time with his drummer better.. wtf

And Fluff, well it's a bit of a meme that he always has shitty tones in his demos

I will never understand why insignificant youtubers get signature gear.

Because it's a business relationship and not an award based on recognising talent. He has a lot of subscribers, and many are impressionable enough to buy his signature gear. He does also put out albums and tour with a band, so he's "legit" in that aspect I guess.

Hoss632 Regular
Sep 23, 2020
Reaction score
Both guys who do not have good tone, hmm...

New Trivium albums have been sounding worse. All their best stuff (Shogun) was just an EMG81. And Matt's tone when he does streams and demos is horrible. I'm also a bit put off by his weird selling of Fishman in the past, when he was saying they had less latency than EMGs and helped him play in time with his drummer better.. wtf

And Fluff, well it's a bit of a meme that he always has shitty tones in his demos

Because it's a business relationship and not an award based on recognising talent. He has a lot of subscribers, and many are impressionable enough to buy his signature gear. He does also put out albums and tour with a band, so he's "legit" in that aspect I guess.
You are just giving your opinion though. I think metallica's tone has sucked on every subsequent album after the black album. Load and reload weren't bad but after that, i can't even listen to them. As far as heafy, he sounds fine to me regardless of which pick up he's using. With Fluff his tone the past couple of years since starting Dragged Under I've honestly enjoyed quite a bit. It all comes down to what our ears like is all.

Hoss632 Regular
Sep 23, 2020
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The physical dimensions are different, the moderns are soapbar style.. the Javier Reyes are not..
Ah I didn't know that about them. Definitely will make a note of it for odwn the road.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
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Portland, OR
So I finally got a hold of a ceramic Modern 7 and here's my impression (coming from a long time 81-7 addicted death metal guy). Compared to 81-7:

Voice 1 - Looser. Has some of that passive-esque crunch goin' on (compared to an 81-7, anyway). A bit warmer. Palm muted chugs are not as quick/tight/resonant (not as brutal). Highs sound rolled off somewhere around 6k-8k. Better cleans. Overall relatively similar EQ besides the aforementioned differences.

Voice 2 - No comment on high gain, this voicing just isn't for me. Cleans better than voice 1, impressive for an active pickup (not as good as SD Ritributions, though).

Overall a good pickup, they won't be replacing my 81-7's but if randomly had to play a gig or somethin' with these I would mind at all, they sound good. The way they sound more passive-like than my 81-7's is pretty cool but I would never give up the tightness I get from the 81-7's for these. If only I could flip a switch and get this good of a clean on my EMG's.

slavboi_delight Regular
Nov 12, 2020
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You are just giving your opinion though. I think metallica's tone has sucked on every subsequent album after the black album. Load and reload weren't bad but after that, i can't even listen to them. As far as heafy, he sounds fine to me regardless of which pick up he's using. With Fluff his tone the past couple of years since starting Dragged Under I've honestly enjoyed quite a bit. It all comes down to what our ears like is all.

I have to add that I never got into the whole youtube guitar scene. Your Metallica statement i agree with. MKH sounds like he always sounds and i kind of dig that. But as it comes to Ryan Bruce, which i have seen some videos from (especially when i was looking for pickups back in the day), i just can't get myself to like him. You're right it comes down to ears, but his tone, his way of playing and overly pretentious character trait really struck a nerve with me. But then again that's my opinion so to each their own.

Hoss632 Regular
Sep 23, 2020
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I have to add that I never got into the whole youtube guitar scene. Your Metallica statement i agree with. MKH sounds like he always sounds and i kind of dig that. But as it comes to Ryan Bruce, which i have seen some videos from (especially when i was looking for pickups back in the day), i just can't get myself to like him. You're right it comes down to ears, but his tone, his way of playing and overly pretentious character trait really struck a nerve with me. But then again that's my opinion so to each their own.
Great points all around my friend.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Have a set of moderns that are great for Rhythm work but suck for leads. Which one of their sets has that nice lower mid bump that EMGs have. I also find that the moderns just don't accentuate pinch harmonics nearly as nice.


Delicious Noodles
Jul 20, 2007
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Somerset, MA
might have been asked before, apologies if so. Does anyone know if the 7 string moderns are the same size as EMG81-7X pickups?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2018
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Vancouver, BC


Nov 1, 2020
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So I finally got a hold of a ceramic Modern 7 and here's my impression (coming from a long time 81-7 addicted death metal guy). Compared to 81-7:

Voice 1 - Looser. Has some of that passive-esque crunch goin' on (compared to an 81-7, anyway). A bit warmer. Palm muted chugs are not as quick/tight/resonant (not as brutal). Highs sound rolled off somewhere around 6k-8k. Better cleans. Overall relatively similar EQ besides the aforementioned differences.

Voice 2 - No comment on high gain, this voicing just isn't for me. Cleans better than voice 1, impressive for an active pickup (not as good as SD Ritributions, though).

Overall a good pickup, they won't be replacing my 81-7's but if randomly had to play a gig or somethin' with these I would mind at all, they sound good. The way they sound more passive-like than my 81-7's is pretty cool but I would never give up the tightness I get from the 81-7's for these. If only I could flip a switch and get this good of a clean on my EMG's.
That is a good review, but I can't say I heard the same things. Albeit, I ordered the modified version of the Moderns (the Stephen carpenters) but not only do they surpass my 81-x (x being 6.7 and 8 string EMG 81s), but they do so quite markedly.

In my honest opinion, after reading this fishman thread for over a year, and after one members review about the carpenters, I was sure, they would be the little edge I was looking for over the moderns, which were great when the 6db engaged, but the carpenters really packed a punch, sort of like scoop with a high mid spike, which I have found a few reviewers and literature from fishman saying so - the closest thing to an 81 is the carpenter set.... so maybe give those a try next time - they are literally just a modified version so its a direct fit/swap

hope that helps if you wanted some 2 cents lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Norfolk, UK
Both guys who do not have good tone, hmm...

New Trivium albums have been sounding worse. All their best stuff (Shogun) was just an EMG81. And Matt's tone when he does streams and demos is horrible. I'm also a bit put off by his weird selling of Fishman in the past, when he was saying they had less latency than EMGs and helped him play in time with his drummer better.. wtf

And Fluff, well it's a bit of a meme that he always has shitty tones in his demos

Because it's a business relationship and not an award based on recognising talent. He has a lot of subscribers, and many are impressionable enough to buy his signature gear. He does also put out albums and tour with a band, so he's "legit" in that aspect I guess.

THIS x100


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Norfolk, UK
So I finally got a hold of a ceramic Modern 7 and here's my impression (coming from a long time 81-7 addicted death metal guy). Compared to 81-7:

Voice 1 - Looser. Has some of that passive-esque crunch goin' on (compared to an 81-7, anyway). A bit warmer. Palm muted chugs are not as quick/tight/resonant (not as brutal). Highs sound rolled off somewhere around 6k-8k. Better cleans. Overall relatively similar EQ besides the aforementioned differences.

Voice 2 - No comment on high gain, this voicing just isn't for me. Cleans better than voice 1, impressive for an active pickup (not as good as SD Ritributions, though).

Overall a good pickup, they won't be replacing my 81-7's but if randomly had to play a gig or somethin' with these I would mind at all, they sound good. The way they sound more passive-like than my 81-7's is pretty cool but I would never give up the tightness I get from the 81-7's for these. If only I could flip a switch and get this good of a clean on my EMG's.

get an emg rpc knob. Gives single coil cleans out of an 81

bang on review too. Exactly my findings too.


Agent of Chaos
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
That is a good review, but I can't say I heard the same things. Albeit, I ordered the modified version of the Moderns (the Stephen carpenters) but not only do they surpass my 81-x (x being 6.7 and 8 string EMG 81s), but they do so quite markedly.

In my honest opinion, after reading this fishman thread for over a year, and after one members review about the carpenters, I was sure, they would be the little edge I was looking for over the moderns, which were great when the 6db engaged, but the carpenters really packed a punch, sort of like scoop with a high mid spike, which I have found a few reviewers and literature from fishman saying so - the closest thing to an 81 is the carpenter set.... so maybe give those a try next time - they are literally just a modified version so its a direct fit/swap

hope that helps if you wanted some 2 cents lol
I agree 100%. I have both the Moderns and Carpenters in 7 string guitars, somewhat similar specs and the Carpenter's just have a bit "more" to them. I also have a 6 string Stef set and those flat out kick ass as well.