The WIP Thread

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rohan daniel

Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2014
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I do what I can. And one must remember that everyone has a very distinct way of hearing things, so there is no "one way" to make music. Indeed, a lot of the struggle comes from the equipment itself, especially if one has decent songwriting on their side. Some people (I loosely include myself) have an odd way of looking at the process...some people are very straightforward but inexperienced. I have my back and forth moments, and I don't EVER profess to know how to achieve what someone else is trying to compose or record, but I do what I can to help out my fellow human.

That being said, here is a WIP that I've taken a long road to get to. I've had house electrical problems that have charred 3 computers, lost my drum programming software, and have had the holidays to contend with. I've had to learn how to use Groove Agent (included in my DAW, Cubase), and I've had to completely learn how to use Amp Rack in conjunction with my JamUp app, at least until I can get a proper DI interface. On top of all that, I have no bass, so I've had to do my best at approximating something with my guitar. With all of that, this is a VERY quick mix of my WIP...and by WIP, I mean it still needs a meta-chorus, more guitar parts, changes in the guitar tracking (going to quad track with 2 different microphones, split 100L/80R, 80L/100R), needs another "outro" section at the end, and a solo guitar and/or vocals.

But I am happy with how with all of the issues I have had, I was able to spare 3 hours to get this far and be chuffed about this year in recording. Happy 2015!!!


Sometimes we need to hear an honest feedback from someone who is completely not attached to your own mix (basically a third world opinion) because for me its 95% sexually orgasmic but 5% keeps eating the brain out, so thats where ppl with proper criticism come in to place.

As far as i can say for your mix is nothing because you are starting from scratch. For composition i like your rythm hook.


Got Hype(machine)?
Aug 21, 2008
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Melbourne, Au
Yeah gash. The slap-back just felt a little too solid, I think if it was just a little more blended into the mix it'd be fantastic.

I'll probably have a proper go at mixing that song I posted here once I get it back from the studios and try my best to emulate their sounds :p


Got Hype(machine)?
Aug 21, 2008
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Melbourne, Au
This just happened haha



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Taunton, MA
Theo: That song with the vocals is sick! Its really cohesive and it stays interesting the whole time. I really like the chorusy parts with the lead melody in the background. And the solo at 2:30 is awesome! Theres nothing really to critique since you're sending it to someone to mix, and the song is already complete haha. I think the pre-pro mix you did is actually really good, so I'm interested to see what its like when its finished.

The new clip you posted is pretty sick too, that bass tone is crazy, really cool textures there. I just wish that the intro slappy thing changed chords. My ear kinda wanted the whole thing to go up a step or something. I think that would make it super interesting.

Thats a clever idea theo to send it to a studio and study what they did so you can repeat it :)!

Gashzilla: That song is awesome! I love the delayed guitar parts, and the harmonized part. The only critique I have is the part at 2:26. I don't think the drums and guitars are meshing there, I feel like either one part or the other should be changed. Also, maybe change up the velocity on the snare in a few parts to get some humanization. In the parts where it is hit a few times in a row quickly, its all the same velocity so it takes away some of the realism. Other than that, I think the mix is really good. To me the song seems pretty much finished, I would add an outro like you said, but I think there is plenty there to make a whole song. I wouldn't worry too much about adding more stuff. If you have more material, maybe use it on a different song. I find that when I try too hard to keep putting more parts in a song, sometimes it just makes it worse. I really like this style that you've got here though, I'd definitely listen to a whole album like this. Keep it up!

Gemmedia: Really sick song, you've definitely got a lot of cool tricks for mixing :) I like the bow-wow'ey type parts the best, that is where the low tuning shines in my opinion. Maybe the cymbals could be brought up a bit, to me they seem a bit weak compared to the guitars.

Heres my WIP. I'm pretty sure the composition is finished, and I've done everything I can think of as far as mixing. I'd love any criticisms on the mix or the composition, my ears are fatigued and I can't think of anything else to do to it right now. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Taunton, MA
Thanks for the listen theo! And thanks for the feedback, I'll definitely try some master compression. Also, that video was really helpful for me too, I had never heard of putting reverb on the master bus.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Taunton, MA
Ok I tried mastering it, I'm not sure about it, I think the guitars might have gotten too loud. And maybe the lead at the end is too quiet now, what do you think?


EDIT: F that master, I'm gonna redo it. I realized that one of the big problems I was hearing was just a tracking problem, so I re-tracked the main riff. I had done it in one take before but it was kinda sloppy so now I cheated and pieced it together piece by piece so that the details are cleaner. I also removed a bunch of stupid boosts that I did on the guitars and I think everything sits a bit better now. Heres the latest.


EDIT 2 (1/10/15 9:49) I fixed up a few things and mastered it while trying to be a bit more subtle. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out now, I think I'm done with it, but if anyone has any tips on how to improve it that would be great :)



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Taunton, MA
Hey guys,

Trying to make a new mix from the ground up. Used TSE x50v2.3.1, trillina, MF.

Critique some others before posting.

The guitar tone is cool, and I like how the trillian mixes with it. Its definitely a cool mix, Its just a little robotic, which is cool if thats what you're going for. I think that comes from the programmed drums and bass, but I can tell you edited the guitar parts too, It doesn't bother me though. My favorite part is when the lead comes in because then it sounds a bit more organic and I don't mind how programmed the other aspects are. Maybe try messing with the velocities on the drums for some more dynamics too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Manana- Sweet song man, reminded me instantly of Alaska-era BTBAM. For my personal tastes I'd make that snare a little less "garbage canny" and probably add some more low-end bass frequencies in there. Otherwise, sounds killer my man!

Tallest- There isn't much I can say that Theo didn't already say, except maybe I would try and make that lead at 1:06 sit a little better. I really love the vibe of that track though.

Here's my latest, it's a compilation of a few songs off my album that I'm currently working on. They're mixed, mastered, and all so feel free to tear anything apart as your heart desires.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
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Manana- Sweet song man, reminded me instantly of Alaska-era BTBAM. For my personal tastes I'd make that snare a little less "garbage canny" and probably add some more low-end bass frequencies in there. Otherwise, sounds killer my man!

Tallest- There isn't much I can say that Theo didn't already say, except maybe I would try and make that lead at 1:06 sit a little better. I really love the vibe of that track though.

Here's my latest, it's a compilation of a few songs off my album that I'm currently working on. They're mixed, mastered, and all so feel free to tear anything apart as your heart desires.

Thanks. I listened to the whole teaser. First, you can definitely make that louder! Throw something like l3 ultramaximizer from waves or any kind of master oriented limiter! The writing is really good. The guitars could use more treble and presence, otherwise its pretty good. I think you can play around with the levels to make it more balanced. :hbang:

Here is a mixtest I did. Cover of bay of pigs by acacia string. I will be using this as a template for all my low tuned songs so I hope its good!


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego
Hey guys,

Trying to make a new mix from the ground up. Used TSE x50v2.3.1, trillina, MF.

As Shammas said, it definitely has a BTBAM vibe to it. I dig it! Maybe beefen up the guitars a bit by introducing some low mids in there? Maybe around 350-550 hz.


I really like your clean tone. It's super crisp and elegant. Some interesting snippets you've got there! Great variety.

Here is a mixtest I did. Cover of bay of pigs by acacia string. I will be using this as a template for all my low tuned songs so I hope its good!

I went ahead and listened to the v2 you just put up. Drums as punchy and cut through really nice. I feel bass guitar could be brought up a bit as well as beefing up the guitars around the same low mid area as I said above. But very concise and well played!

Here's a little something I've been working on.
