US Political Discussion: Biden/Harris Edition (Rules in OP)

  • Thread starter mongey
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DrewH Regular
Mar 4, 2022
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If you had the level of education you claim, you would understand my points about the difference between having the money to buy something and being able to afford it.

I guarantee you I would not be impressed with how much you make, especially given you have to work outside of normal work hours to hit whatever number that is. And the fact that I'm less than 4 years into my career while you've had decades to save up and work your way up the ladder.
I voluntarily work beyond normal hours because I'm compensated for every second of that time. This concept of normal work hours is something that is the problem with younger generations and this culture of entitlement prevalent in this thread. There are no normal work hours. There is only doing what it takes.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
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I voluntarily work beyond normal hours because I'm compensated for every second of that time. This concept of normal work hours is something that is the problem with younger generations and this culture of entitlement prevalent in this thread. There are no normal work hours. There is only doing what it takes.
This still isn't a point in your argument's favour, just a sad statement. Also sad that you don't see that.

DrewH Regular
Mar 4, 2022
Reaction score
This still isn't a point in your argument's favour, just a sad statement. Also sad that you don't see that.
Of course you wouldn't see the point. The point is society has gotten lazy and entitled. Look around you. Just look at the rate of obesity that does nothing but increase over time. These are the people you want to reward with handouts. Doesn't make sense.

profwoot Regular
Aug 30, 2020
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DrewH every time he posts

DrewH Regular
Mar 4, 2022
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DrewH every time he posts

One final comment before my lunch is over and I gotta get back to work.

Everyone of us here has dealt with the same issues in society in one way or another. Whether it be growing up poor, education not paying off, lower salary than one feels they should earn, high housing prices, etc. I come in the with the experience of someone who was able to defeat some of those challenges and I'm the one who is stupid? Too funny. I just came in for some political discussion and I got swarmed upon when I said anything that contradicted the very errant group viewpoint here that society has presented us with all of these insurmountable challenges. Maybe your attitudes are the ones that need some adjusting. Drop the entitlement and victim mentality and put some foot to ass. I'm older than a lot of you and when I was growing up, that was what you strived for. People weren't victims. They worked hard and took pride in what they accomplished by doing so. That is something that is tragically lost now.


Heaven's Football Bat
Sep 1, 2012
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San Diego
One final comment before my lunch is over and I gotta get back to work.

Everyone of us here has dealt with the same issues in society in one way or another. Whether it be growing up poor, education not paying off, lower salary than one feels they should earn, high housing prices, etc. I come in the with the experience of someone who was able to defeat some of those challenges and I'm the one who is stupid? Too funny. I just came in for some political discussion and I got swarmed upon when I said anything that contradicted the very errant group viewpoint here that society has presented us with all of these insurmountable challenges. Maybe your attitudes are the ones that need some adjusting. Drop the entitlement and victim mentality and put some foot to ass. I'm older than a lot of you and when I was growing up, that was what you strived for. People weren't victims. They worked hard and took pride in what they accomplished by doing so. That is something that is tragically lost now.
That's a lot of words to say "back in my day we licked boots and we liked it"


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
Everyone of us here has dealt with the same issues in society in one way or another. Whether it be growing up poor, education not paying off, lower salary than one feels they should earn, high housing prices, etc.
So, then it would follow that we should support people equally then? Hold up our most disadvantaged? Try to improve these systems so that fewer people need to suffer from them? .....right?

ThePIGI King

Jiu Jitsu Enthusiast
Sep 17, 2014
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I voluntarily work beyond normal hours because I'm compensated for every second of that time. This concept of normal work hours is something that is the problem with younger generations and this culture of entitlement prevalent in this thread. There are no normal work hours. There is only doing what it takes.
I agree with this
This still isn't a point in your argument's favour, just a sad statement. Also sad that you don't see that.
And I simultaneously agree with this.

If my job allowed me to, I would work beyond 40hrs every week (currently we only can when busy and get approved) to pay off a mortgage. BUT I also wouldn't work as much as humanly possible because I want to see my family and enjoy life. Everyone has that work/life balance that is perfect for them, and if you want the extra coin to pay off debt or something, that's their choice. My mom worked 70+ hour weeks for a number of years because she had a goal. She achieved it, worked a more "standard" amount.

Of course you wouldn't see the point. The point is society has gotten lazy and entitled. Look around you. Just look at the rate of obesity that does nothing but increase over time. These are the people you want to reward with handouts. Doesn't make sense.
And I think the obesity issue goes further than laziness. There's a number of factors including poor general understanding of fitness, and a current cultural trend of promoting it(?).


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
One final comment before my lunch is over and I gotta get back to work.

Everyone of us here has dealt with the same issues in society in one way or another. Whether it be growing up poor, education not paying off, lower salary than one feels they should earn, high housing prices, etc. I come in the with the experience of someone who was able to defeat some of those challenges and I'm the one who is stupid? Too funny. I just came in for some political discussion and I got swarmed upon when I said anything that contradicted the very errant group viewpoint here that society has presented us with all of these insurmountable challenges. Maybe your attitudes are the ones that need some adjusting. Drop the entitlement and victim mentality and put some foot to ass. I'm older than a lot of you and when I was growing up, that was what you strived for. People weren't victims. They worked hard and took pride in what they accomplished by doing so. That is something that is tragically lost now.

Jesus Fucking Christ On a Fucking Pogo Fucking Stick.

People work 3 fucking jobs these days and still have NOTHING to be prideful about because they can’t even make ends meet with 3 fucking jobs.

It’s not 19fucking80 anymore, dude. Trickle down doesn’t fucking trickle down.

You’re content knowing people have to crawl through glass to earn a living because you put some effort into securing a job for yourself when times were different. Get the fuck over yourself.

I’m not asking for a fucking handout, I’ve stepped up and did what I had to each time to make enough money to survive. Doesn’t mean that should be the way it is.

profwoot Regular
Aug 30, 2020
Reaction score
Jesus Fucking Christ On a Fucking Pogo Fucking Stick.

People work 3 fucking jobs these days and still have NOTHING to be prideful about because they can’t even make ends meet with 3 fucking jobs.

It’s not 19fucking80 anymore, dude. Trickle down doesn’t fucking trickle down.

You’re content knowing people have to crawl through glass to earn a living because you put some effort into securing a job for yourself when times were different. Get the fuck over yourself.

I’m not asking for a fucking handout, I’ve stepped up and did what I had to each time to make enough money to survive. Doesn’t mean that should be the way it is.
This. Lots of people here are successful -- look at all the gear we buy. DrewH just thinks he's special and the only way he knows how to reinforce this belief is to attempt to rub other peoples' noses in it, despite it being irrelevant to the thread, sadly ironic given his nothing-special job, and being an asshole move. It's perfectly possible to succeed and also want others to succeed. His insistence even now that only poor people want to fix the system, despite how many times this has been explained to him, epitomizes his blinkered caveman way of thinking.

It's the same mechanism as Dunning-Kruger: people who lack emotional maturity and self-awareness don't know how childish and transparently sad their arguments are, because such recognition requires emotional maturity and self-awareness. Such are the vagaries of existence.

DrewH Regular
Mar 4, 2022
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This. Lots of people here are successful -- look at all the gear we buy. DrewH just thinks he's special and the only way he knows how to reinforce this belief is to attempt to rub other peoples' noses in it, despite it being irrelevant to the thread, sadly ironic given his nothing-special job, and being an asshole move. It's perfectly possible to succeed and also want others to succeed. His insistence even now that only poor people want to fix the system, despite how many times this has been explained to him, epitomizes his blinkered caveman way of thinking.

It's the same mechanism as Dunning-Kruger: people who lack emotional maturity and self-awareness don't know how childish and transparently sad their arguments are, because such recognition requires emotional maturity and self-awareness. Such are the vagaries of existence.

So, stating I overcame the system that you think is insurmountable is rubbing peoples noses in it? Nice try. I never said my job was anything special. Just said I was able to make a nice comfortable life from absolutely nothing. That runs contrary to your argument. But, you'll say I did it in a different time and it doesn't count. Every time period has had it's challenges. Thinking that everything is so much harder now is a narrow minded and incorrect point of view. Just heading you and others off as the pass on that one.

The whole psycho analysis thing is so cliche on this forum and it's born of you and others insecurities.

You think that the very small number of folks who comment here in any way represent what everyone in society wants? That's also a common error in thinking here. I know plenty of people who have no issue with this system and like it the way it is and who have done very well in it. I've run into more Robin Hood take from the rich and give to the poor thinking folks here than I have probably combined in my entire life. You are the minority. Not the majority. Have some self awareness to understand that.

DrewH Regular
Mar 4, 2022
Reaction score
Those of us on executive lunch breaks come and go as we please.
It's called discipline which you lack. I could have opted not to work at all today if I so chose and don't have to ask permission nor report to anyone about it.


Barking Pumpkin
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
It's called discipline which you lack. I could have opted not to work at all today if I so chose and don't have to ask permission nor report to anyone about it.
If you stopped reporting to work, there would be a celebration.


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
So, stating I overcame the system
Again, presented with no criticism - if the system needs to be overcome, is that not a problem?

You think that the very small number of folks who comment here in any way represent what everyone in society wants?
Given that the people in here come from varied walks of life, and it mirrors the same discussions happening outside of the forum. Yes. Yes I do.

I know plenty of people who have no issue with this system and like it the way it is and who have done very well in it.
Congratulations, you've discovered conservatism.

DrewH Regular
Mar 4, 2022
Reaction score
Again, presented with no criticism - if the system needs to be overcome, is that not a problem?

Given that the people in here come from varied walks of life, and it mirrors the same discussions happening outside of the forum. Yes. Yes I do.

Congratulations, you've discovered conservatism.

This whole exercise of life is overcoming everything that is in front of you. If we lived in this utopia where everything was provided, we lose the one thing that can turn us into exceptional humans. You get the very best out of people when they have challenges to overcome. I just watched a Netflix or Amazon (cant remember which) doc on the space program. Amazing what we accomplished in 10-ish years leading up to 1969. Same thing with the a-bomb.

If conservative people are successful and leftists are poor, what does that suggest? Maybe that leftists have some things to learn and adjustments to make in how they conduct their lives? Say what you will about conservatives. A lot of conservatives I have known in my working career weren't afraid to work. Former boss of mine was counting change he pulled from his couch cushions at one point and then went onto amass a net worth of many times what anyone here will ever have. Die hard conservative to the end and i don't think he even sniffed college. I didn't agree with him politically, but I certainly respected the hell out of how he went about his life and how hard he worked.