Worst show ever last night


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
the depths of the atlantic ocean
So after playing infront of a packed venue, having huge pits, our drummer decided since he needed to go and controlls our band money that he had to interupt the promoter ( who which is running sound also becuase his brother's in the hospital who usually runs sound) while he's trying to help get the band after us setup and ready to go, and ask for our money for the night. And even after the sound guy saying hold on im trying to work, our drummer kept on going. SO after the promoter/sound guy got pissed off with him, he told us never to come to him again for shows becuase he doesn't want to work with people who piss him off that much for 100$ while he's trying to work. So i busted my fucking balls helping this guy cleanup for 2 hours after the show, adn talked to him continuously the rest of the night and helped him setup mic, etc. for the rest of the bands. He told me im a very respectful kid and he isn't going to screw our band over just becuase our drummer is a dick, and he's still gonna hook us up with shows.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
the depths of the atlantic ocean
Yeah, after i talked to our durmmer he understood what he did wrong, this is his first time being in a band and playing shows, so he doesn't know the general rules like interupting sound guys, when to ask for pay, stuf flike that, but he did apolgize to the guy about it through our band myspace, but the guy never responded, and this guy is a huge promoter for maryland metal bands.


Previously CYBERSYN
Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sunny Coast, Australia
Yeah, after i talked to our durmmer he understood what he did wrong, this is his first time being in a band and playing shows, so he doesn't know the general rules like interupting sound guys, when to ask for pay, stuf flike that, but he did apolgize to the guy about it through our band myspace, but the guy never responded, and this guy is a huge promoter for maryland metal bands.

Fuck, i got ninja'd. :lol:

Apologizing on MySpace is NOT really the way to do it. :lol:


Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Ugh, sorry the drummer almost fucked your band over without knowing it. It's a common mistake for newbies to ask for anything at the most inappropriate times. I always make it a point to stick around and BS with everyone and help out if I can.

Side note, I hate cleaning up other peoples messes. I moonlighted with a band a few years back where the vocalist burnt some bridges. As the main person booking/managing the band, I wasted a lot of my time patching things up with venues and other bands. Majority of it was, oh we gave the old lineup a show you owe us a show, and not a show at "venue x", like last time. I eventually got irritated with it all and left the band.

Moral of the story: you and your band always need to be on your best behavior. You never know who you'll insult or piss off and how it will effect you down the road. Bad attitudes will get you no where.


Officially the unofficial Forum Censor
Sep 10, 2007
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Cyprus, Europe
Finding a drummer is hard these days so talking to him is logical rather than kicking his ass.:yesway:


Rainbow In The Dark
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
RETARDED mistake, but sort of forgivable considering he's new...I've never played a big show and even I know you don't harass the dude for cash though. It's just...manners :\


Loves his Q-tuners
Apr 4, 2009
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You would think he would have some common sense... :scratch:

Why is the newbie handling the money?

Oh and apparently the show went well if you played to a full house.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Sydney, Australia
I've had a drummer do this also, drummers are absolute retards.

It's times like these when I'm really glad I have a laptop & superior drummer. Plug that shit into the desk, no drummer required...

BTW: From my experience it's best to delegate one member from the band to deal with the money, somebody with sense...
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Bow to Keyboard Cat.
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Step 1. Watch bands.
Step 2. Play your set.
Step 3. Watch other bands.
Step 4. Go ask whoever's in charge politely to pay you.
Step 5. Leave.

Sometimes they leave out the hidden step where you get hassled for half an hour. "Dude we only had X amount of people show up tonight, and we can only pay you Y amount, even though we PROMISED to pay you Z amount." Some of the guys running venues can seriously be dicks. If you can't pay me what you said you were gonna pay me, don't book me. If it weren't for the bands, how are they even going to make money? Sorry, went off on a tangeant. I just feel like I've had to go through a lot of shit sometimes just to get paid.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2006
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Fucking drummers.

If that's your worst show ever though, that's not so bad. Just wait until you're a thousand miles from home and the promoter tries to get away with handing you 20 bucks then disappears before the end of the night because he doesn't have any money to pay you. ("Gorespawn" Chris in St. Louis:squint:)

Sounds like you're dealing with a promoter who's not that much of a jerk-off and he probably isn't going to forget about you guys now, which could potentially be to your advantage.


Bringer of DOOOOOOOM
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Indiana.
Sorry for the novel I'm about to write here.

We haven't really had a WORST SHOW yet. We had a really bad one when we were starting out. I had a serious nosebleed earlier that day that had left me really weak, which was bad, seeing as how I'm the frontman. As a result, we didn't play the songs very well and I didn't put on the best show I could've. Another downside to that show was the fact that a majority of them there were there to see a local Christian Hardcore band, pretty much the polar opposite of us. (We're a norse influenced doom metal band.) So, let's review:

1.) Weakened physical and mental state.
2.) Affected stage performance from the above.
3.) Indifferent crowd, even if had played well.

Oh well.

We also had another kinda shitty one on Feb. 27th, 2010. We were once again playing with nothing but Christian Hardcore bands (Think The Devil Wears Prada.) We were the first band there, and we talked to the promoter and snagged the 2nd slot of the night, seeing as how we didn't want to have to play first or last. We had nestled our gear over on one side of the stage when the other two bands came in. They seemed nice enough at the time. They nodded at us, came up and talked, asked about our music, etc.

I was setting up the Floyd on my main guitar when one of them yelled over "DO YOU GUYS PLAY BREAKDOWNS?!". I politely responded "nope", smiled, and went back to my work. However, in the back of my mind, I knew this wasn't going to end well. The bands had brought in two refrigerator-sized plywood boxes for them to jump off of onstage, despite the low ceilings of the club we were playing in that night. On these boxes were all painted huge crosses, further driving the point home that they were Christian bands. Oh well.

The first band went on. Not bad for Christian Hardcore, actually. The guitarist was using a badassed really tall Peavey 4x12 cab from the mid '70s. Drummer was goofy, his glasses kept falling off during the set onto his snare drum. Singer was a cool guy, didn't talk to the crowd much. Oh, did I mention the crowd? It was us, about 10 of our fans, the other Christian Hardcore band, and two of their girlfriends. Small crowd, I don't care. Anyways, they finished theirs, we set up, we played ours. Overall, I was really happy with our performance that night.

Third band tiem. Things start getting weird. They were pretty generic sounding, but bearable. Me and the rest of the band were sitting over at our merch table while the first band hardcore danced around the floor. We didn't join in for a number of reasons. 1.) Hardcore dancing is dumb. 2.) I can't hardcore dance. 3.) I didn't like their music. 4.) None of our fans did either. Not our problem. In the midst of one of their songs, one of their fans walked up to our table and said these words:

Lolwut. I let it go. The dude we put in charge of running the merch booth was wanting to fight him after the show, but I stopped him. Come to think of it, my girlfriend/manager was wanting to kick his ass, too. (Angry Devout Atheist Chick + Rude Christian Hardcore Kid = VOLATILE SITUATION.) Luckily, I was able to keep her calm.
The band played 2 songs (We were supposed to play a 30 minute set. First band did 5 songs, we did 6.), then they put down their instruments, pulled a bible out of their gig bag and their bass player proceeded to tell us the story of how he came to know Jesus Christ, his lord and saviour. I could've understood a simple "Everything we do is for Jesus Christ, *NEXT SONG*, like most Christian Hardcore bands do, but they did something different. They literally stood on that stage and preached to us for 10 MINUTES OF THEIR SET, and told us how all other ideologies were wrong and how our gods were wrong because theirs can "bring down the fire". To this, I snickered to our drummer "Yeah, well mine can bring down the thunder." while I nestled my Thor's Hammer pendant in my hand. They ceased preaching and played one more song, and the pain was over.

After the show, the promoter came out and paid us. The way this club worked was that the club took just a little off the top to keep the place running and then gave the rest to the bands. Our income for that night: 12 dollars. I'm not complaining. We didn't have to drive far at all to play, it was a fun show for us to play, overall good experience. Then the other bands started bitching about the payout. Struck me as odd, seeing as how they were supposed to be playing for Jesus, not the money, and they drove a lot shorter distance to be there. A thought I had that I didn't verbalize was:
"Bitch, plz, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have even gotten that. LET IT GO."

So, that's it. Hope me and my band didn't come across as assholes or anything. I love you guys. You made my taste in music not suck.


Bassist of Redivider
Dec 4, 2007
Reaction score
Indio, California
+1 to the "some drummers..."

Our past drummer would have probably done the same thing if my vocalist isn't around keeping him in check all the time.
Dude is demanding, rude, and frustrating to work with but MAN could he drum.
He bailed on us out of nowhere after trying to run the band deciding that band practice would happen whenever it was convenient for HIM aka whenever he couldn't find anyone to hang out with or anything to do. Basically he chose his social life over the band. His 13" tom is still here and I haven't heard of him in months.

Thankfully, our new drummer is much more respectable, sane, and talented.

Good job making up for it the rest of the night, though. Seriously, things would've been worst-case-scenario if you didn't. Good to see your band has a mediator. Without you, it would've been like this at just about every show you guys would go to.


Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Although I'm sure there are some perfectly normal, modest drummers out there I've dealt with a hell of alot of immature unprofessional wankers over the years behind the kit. There must be some reason for it. Some primal neanderthal urge to hit things with sticks is congruent with agression and egotism. I dunno, just speculation really.
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Oregon, Willamette Valley Area
Yeah, after i talked to our durmmer he understood what he did wrong, this is his first time being in a band and playing shows, so he doesn't know the general rules like interupting sound guys, when to ask for pay, stuf flike that, but he did apolgize to the guy about it through our band myspace, but the guy never responded, and this guy is a huge promoter for maryland metal bands.

He is new, and your letting him handle the bands money?