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  1. R

    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    ok guys, my band is waiting for the world wide album release, on 1.06.2012.! it is bands second album, first for the new label, MUSIC BUY MAIL (Germany). here is direct link for website, with more info, and please check the title song of the album, "Second Sun"!!! give a comment on youtube...
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    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    please listen to my band's new single, album is coming out in the first couple of months of 2012, for a german label/distributor Music Buy Mail. it is a cover of a famous yugoslovenian song from the '80's!! listen, share, download, give a comment!!
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    NAD: ENGL Special Edition E670

    Xykhron, you lucky b*stard. just kidding, all the best with that nice gear and don't give up, never!!!
  4. R

    Your Amp History

    Čajevec 100WATT combo (product of Former Republic Of Yugoslavia) Roland Cube (very old one, still works) Randall RH300 g3 + randall rs412cv Peavey 6505+ + randall rs412cv
  5. R

    "Best" Noise Supressor pedal

    i have a NS-2, with my 6505+, and it's working just fine.
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    Random Pics of Your Rig

    thanks man!
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    Random Pics of Your Rig

    my humble rig.
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    Your dream rig vs. your current rig?

    My current rig: Peavey ROTOR EXP Jackson JS30 (EMG81/85) Peavey 6505+ Randall RS412CV cab Boss TU-3 Boss NS-3 Boss CH-1 Cry Baby From Hell dream rig, later...much later...
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    Boss ch-1,to buy or not?

    bought it. and i am very satisfied! it is like brand new, new battery was inside, and it works like a beauty. for the price, matchless.
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    Boss ch-1,to buy or not?

    that's right eaeolion. not in bosnia :9 our shipment is far too large for everything. so i will probably take the pedal. thanx a lot! cheers!
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    Boss ch-1,to buy or not?

    I can get a really good deal for it. like brand new, recently bought. dude is selling it for under 80 $... works like new, no scratches... i know there are better chorus pedals out there, but i think this is a good one, especially for the price. what do you think? greetings from Banja Luka...
  12. R

    Line6 UX2 pod studio problems..

    I have the same problem. I'm using line6 pod studio ux2, pod farm version 2.02, on win 7. a new computer, recently bought. Hope that there will be an update soon, from line6 to sort of this problems...