Search results

  1. R

    New Line 6 Pro HD Rack?

    I've looked at one of those too ... Personally, I prefer the sound of a real amp, I've had amp modelling amps my whole life until now and haven't enjoyed them at all. (Also, the Triple Rec wasn't cheap ...) I assume by your answer you can use racks through an fx loop of an amp? That'd be what I...
  2. R

    New Line 6 Pro HD Rack?

    So I'm pretty much a rack effects noob, I'll probably never own the likes of an Axe FX II but recently I saw the new Line 6 rack which seems to be a poor mans equivalent. My question is: is it dumb to buy one of these if you already have a good amp? I'm sitting here with a 2 channel Triple...
  3. R

    Mesa Triple Rec problems

    I'm more than likely just being an idiot here ... but when I pull out the little black cover over the fuse, it's literally impossible to get at. I'm obviously doing something wrong here ...
  4. R

    Mesa Triple Rec problems

    I see ... I was afraid of there being more problems. I see the fuse right there, should I just yank it out or what? If it is the fuse, where do I get a replacement?
  5. R

    Mesa Triple Rec problems

    So I recently bought a used 2 channel Triple Rec head on ebay and it arrived today, and when I plugged it into my transformer there's no signs of life at all ... I've obviously contacted the guy who sold me it, but I wanted to stick a thread on here too. How am I able to tell what exactly is...
  6. R

    Mesa Dual Rectifier Heads ...

    So between a 2 channel (R-010087) and a 3 channel (multiwatt version) what should I go for?
  7. R

    Seymour Duncan Blackout 8 String

    Cheers for the replies guys, I think I'll stick with EMGs!
  8. R

    Mesa Dual Rectifier Heads ...

    I asked this dude what amp he was using and he said Dual Recto 3 channel. I'm sold tbh, I understand there's a certain amount of post processing going on ... but comparing the sound of that video and his 5150 one, I like the Mesa far better.
  9. R

    Mesa Dual Rectifier Heads ...

    Thanks for the info bro ... I think it's a multiwatt 3 channel Recto, which is good enough for me. The only competition in my eyes was the 5150, and after listening to clips and reading until my head hurts ... I'm pretty sure it's not for me. I heard cleans were really bad and you needed to...
  10. R

    Mesa Dual Rectifier Heads ...

    3 channels.
  11. R

    Seymour Duncan Blackout 8 String

    I didn't want to make this a "vs" thread per say, because they have been done a million times ... but the only 8 string pickups I have tried out so far are the EMG808s and I was wondering how much better the Blackouts are for Djenty stuff? Here in Northern Ireland, guitar shops are extremely...
  12. R

    Mesa Dual Rectifier Heads ...

    All I know is that it's a Dual Recitifier Solo Head and has a diamond front plate thing. I would, but I'm not even sure what to search for as I don't know too much about either tube amps or this particular amp. :/
  13. R

    Mesa Dual Rectifier Heads ...

    So I was gonna go ahead and grab myself a used Dual Recto head when a thought crossed my mind ... This head will be a good few years old, and I was wondering have Mesa changed anything between then and now that would make any sort of noticable difference, i.e. fixed design flaws, changed...
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    Maxon OD808 knobs

  15. R

    Maxon OD808 knobs

    So I recently picked up a used Maxon OD808 for cheap on ebay ... and it came with a missing tone knob. Do you know where I can buy replacements for that kind of thing? (It's the small one at the bottom.)
  16. R

    Ibanez's marketting group think we're idiots?

    What I find funny too is you get pedantic arseholes that go into great depth to explain why 25.5" is "fine" for an 8 string just so they can stroke their e penises. Just no.
  17. R

    8 string case help

    Well, I thought it was obvious that I've checked Google first ... check yourself, there's nothing on 8 string cases.
  18. R

    Ibanez's marketting group think we're idiots?

    Drop A is 1 tone below a regular 7 string tuning ... what's your point here?
  19. R

    Vocalist needed for Prog Metal band in Belfast

    Sup guys, Alex here, 19 from Belfast ... been looking to start a local Prog Metal band for far too long now. Gear-wise I'm sorted, I'll be grabbing myself a custom 8 string in the very near future, I have a Bugera 6262 head, Mesa 4x12 cab, SM57s etc etc. I also have a suitable drummer...