Search results

  1. R

    Best "boost" pedal?

    There's a knob inside the head called "Bias Adjust" ... I just need to know where to go in the UK to get what I need.
  2. R

    Best "boost" pedal?

    I'm beginning to wonder if it's a bias problem ... where can I buy a kit to check that in the UK?
  3. R

    Best "boost" pedal?

    I'm not entirely sure, but if the gain is really that ridiculous on this thing then there's something wrong here ... could be my tube bias, tubes, emg batteries or even cables.
  4. R

    Best "boost" pedal?

    Gonna do some checks on the amp of course, but I still feel I need a booster pedal of some sort.
  5. R

    Best "boost" pedal?

    So I recently pulled the trigger on a Bugera 6262 head and (as mad as this sounds) it doesn't have enough gain for me (despite all the reviews saying it has "more than you'll ever need.") Either that or the head didn't come perfectly biased or the tubes are already dead. So I'm looking to boost...
  6. R

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    I can pretty much see it being a disadvantage in every way for all the techniques you know on a regular scale guitar ... I can imagine sweep picking patterns being the most fucked up.
  7. R

    What do you guys think about these string gauges?

    How do you get this thing into 8 string guitar mode. :S
  8. R

    Chimp Spanner tabs thread...

    Did the Under One Sky tabs ever surface?
  9. R

    RG2228 mockup help?

    I'd be interested in seeing a mockup of a RG2228 with pearl binding and a quilted maple top thing goin on ... but I've no clue how to do it.
  10. R

    Custom 8s in the UK?

    I think I'm gonna settle with Siggery, he quoted me a really great price and seems to be a great guy. I'll let you all know how it goes soon!
  11. R

    Help! with my agile 727

    Yep, sounds like dying batteries. Mine does exactly the same.
  12. R

    Schecter 8 question

    So little 8 strings on the market right now ... and imo, they all have a design flaw.
  13. R

    8 String Dilemma

    lmao, I've done some searching around about all the 8s on the market and all I read are horror stories , so I made my own thread so I could get some great advice!
  14. R

    Schecter 8 question

    Yep :/ that's always the way ... so I'm going custom now. Seems to be the only way I'll be truly happy with my guitar.
  15. R

    Schecter 8 question

    It was a Hellrasier C-8 and with all the fret buzz on it I can only assume it had uneven frets or a bump in the neck. I had it set up for free in the guitar shop I bought it from and it still wasn't right so I got my money back. As for action, I like it extremely low, like a credit card width...
  16. R

    Schecter 8 question

    I only speak from personal experience, 4 different guitar techs told me that if I wanted the low action I'm going for then I need a scale longer than 26.5" On top of all that the guitar was also defective and got sent back.
  17. R

    8 String Dilemma

    As I stated in other threads, the scale length was part of my problem, 4 different guitar techs explained to me that having low action across the board with a 26.5" scale isn't possible with a 0.80 or lower and I just don't want to use strings that thick. On top of all this, the guitar was...
  18. R

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Perhaps I was trying to fix the wrong thing, but I cannot imagine a 25.5" 8 string with a 0.80 having anywhere near the right tension for a F# ... I'd really love to see it for myself. The Schecters 26.5" scale couldn't handle the action I wanted across the board without buzzing like crazy, 4...
  19. R

    8 String Dilemma

    Too late, it's refunded. The guitar was balls and defective on top of that ... I would never buy a Schecter 8 string, the scale is the wrong size among other things. Just my 2 cents for you people out there in the market for an 8.
  20. R

    8 String Dilemma

    They're that good eh? I assume Siggery is respected around here, I can only find a handful of threads on him.