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  1. Absaloms Axe

    NGD: Legator Ghost G8FP Pink Flamingo 8-String fanned fret multiscale

    They don't really line up, but i don't notice any differencein sound to be honest. got a new video with them too ;-)
  2. Absaloms Axe

    NGD: Legator Ghost G8FP Pink Flamingo 8-String fanned fret multiscale

    Made the same mix withoud edits with new Dimarzio D Activator 8 pickups for semiscientific purposes ;-)
  3. Absaloms Axe

    NGD: Legator Ghost G8FP Pink Flamingo 8-String fanned fret multiscale

    Well, just replaced the electronics with D-Activator 8 Pickups. It's a different beast now, will post sound samples if i make any.
  4. Absaloms Axe

    NGD: Legator Ghost G8FP Pink Flamingo 8-String fanned fret multiscale

    Hey there, got this one in the mail today and after some major trussrod adjustments it sings like a dog. Regarding CC issues: I chose to keep it even though the g-string was not tunable at first and i needed to change it (not a big deal but kinda sucks) The windings on the ball end were too...
  5. Absaloms Axe

    Best BKPs for clean 8 string playing?

    i own the bareknuckle coldsweat and nailbomb set (with ceramic bridge pu) i really dig the nailbombs tbh, the splitsounds are great and even if you play the plain bridge pickup into a fendery clean it as a pleasent mid-character to it. (my opinion might be biased by the fact that the nailbombs...
  6. Absaloms Axe

    Just bought a strandberg OS8

    how do you like the 808x's so far? i'm about to buy one too and i'm hungry for detailed reviews of the sound, since i'm still not sure what pickups i'm going for
  7. Absaloms Axe

    Question: Strandberg Boden OS 8 which pickups?

    Swapping PUs, although aesthetically displeasing me then, should be only the second option. Best case would be i go for the EMGs and i'm like "well these have a great dynamic range" orlikewise going for the laces "well these aren't so cold and quiet sounding as i thought!" which experience...
  8. Absaloms Axe

    Drop C1 pickup suggestions?

    depends on how you want the string to sound. but if you wand some attack on distorted tones i'd go for something high-mid heavy like the Lungren M6 or Barknuckle Painkiller or Aftermath or Duncan Invader. If you prefer clean more bassy sounds any PAF should just do the trick
  9. Absaloms Axe

    Question: Strandberg Boden OS 8 which pickups?

    do you have any experiences with them? i'm really afraid i constantly have to run a fullrange boost in order to compensate for the output. is it possible to adjust the pickupheight to a relatively high-output level? hm that sounds good to me. how do you feel about the pickups reacting to...
  10. Absaloms Axe

    Question: Strandberg Boden OS 8 which pickups?

    Hey guys, i'm gasing heavily towards a strandberg boden OS and i'm also about to buy one, but i have a few concerns towards its sound and hope to find some suggestions and answers. Which pickups are better suited for what? There's not too too much information about the Lace they threw...
  11. Absaloms Axe

    Headless Mensinger 8-string with BKP Nailbomb in action

    Thanks a lot! :) As an amp, I'm actually using a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe as a straight clean amp. And it's boosted with an Xotic BB Preamp and a Wampler Plexi-Drive. And this Track also got some DI-magic going on to make the low end more present. (Live I would use an additional Bass Amp if...
  12. Absaloms Axe

    Anyone tried a vader 8 multiscale?

    i want one so badly! this might not be the right thread, but is anyone experienced in buying from carvin/kiesel in germany/europe? hope the regular price + shipping + tax + toll is not as scary as it seems..
  13. Absaloms Axe

    Headless Mensinger 8-string with BKP Nailbomb in action

    he told me once, but i'm not sure i can explain it correctly. it should just work like that if played like a flute without the mouthpiece (which is pretty hard to find the right spot to do so in the first place) then you need all kind of microtonal key-combinations to at least get a slightly...
  14. Absaloms Axe

    Headless Mensinger 8-string with BKP Nailbomb in action

    Hey there, anyone into headless ERGs and some heavy and modern jazzmusic? Or improvised extended play? Beards? Then this might be for you Specs: Mensinger 8-string custom headless guitar "paddle" inspired by Steinberger ash bodywings Maple Neck Necktrough ABM locking hardware with easy...
  15. Absaloms Axe

    NPBD - piled up Pedaltrain 2

    In that case i must disappoint you. I use the BB preamp as some kind of tubelike sounding OD with gain set at 11 o clock and the spark to boost the BB (and any other pedal). Thats because i basically run through clean/slightly overdriven amps with no second channel. But i also tried it this...
  16. Absaloms Axe

    The Poverty Rig Thread

    poverty pedalboard
  17. Absaloms Axe

    NPBD - piled up Pedaltrain 2

    thanks for your understanding lol it's kind of doable, lots of clubs where i play have an ok backlineamp and i have my headless steinbergerish 8-string guitar on my back and the PT2 in the softcase. Going by trains and busses it might not be the most comfortable way of travelling, espacially...
  18. Absaloms Axe

    NPBD - piled up Pedaltrain 2

    Thanks! I did the maths on different power supplies. The BBE supercharger doesn't have the 300mA option i need for the strymon sadly though the rest sounds really great about it considering the price in comparison to voodoolab and cioks. the vlab pp2 got the same issue. The mondo is wayyy to...
  19. Absaloms Axe

    NPBD - piled up Pedaltrain 2

    It's a great sounding pedal with lots of possibilities (that oddly still are just different delays). After a whole day of fiddling around it begins to all sound the same :D but i did a lot presets that i consider usefull and i really use them live. might just be about 7 or 8 banks or so. For...