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  1. P

    Official Daemoness Guitars Thread

    I just wanted to throw out a word of caution for those still on the wait list. My Daemoness was completed about 11 years ago... before Dylan fell hopelessly behind with an ever growing queue. The guitar I received was stunning, however the lacquer job was botched horrifically. Unfortunately...
  2. P

    Speaker for AX8 bedroom jamming

    Hey, I just recently bought an AX8 and wanted to get some sort of powered speaker setup (FRFR?) to accommodate it. I have no desire at all to buy a traditional amplifier. This speaker would be almost entirely for bedroom jamming at lower volumes (in an apartment complex), although it would be...
  3. P

    Appreciate suggestions for mid+ priced acoustic

    Good call on the Taylors. Ended up buying one even before I read the new responses to this post. (We're on the same wavelength!) Initially I went to Guitar Center and tried a few classical guitars out. Their selection was quite bad and the ones they did have there didn't impress me at all...
  4. P

    Appreciate suggestions for mid+ priced acoustic

    Hey all, I'm interested in purchasing a mid- to high-end acoustic guitar for myself. I don't know much about acoustic guitar brands and figured I'd come here first to generate some ideas (brands/models) to start my search. I guess the first thing I've been struggling with whether to go with...
  5. P

    Minimalist setup for practicing/recording

    Thanks for the suggestions (feel free to keep them coming). Looks like there is quite a variety of options which is a good thing. I actually was considering a Kemper for a while (I appreciated that its lunchbox shape was better for me than a rack unit) although it suffers from the same problem...
  6. P

    Minimalist setup for practicing/recording

    Forum goers, Before I begin, I'd like to say 'thank you' to anyone who takes the time provide their insight. I'm interested in putting together a small bedroom setup. I want the setup to have the following properties: (1) allow me to practice at low (apartment-level) volumes, (2) allow me...
  7. P

    Cabinet/Speaker/Amp with built in rack space?

    Hey guys, I'm a big minimalist kick right now, and was hoping for some input for a simple bedroom setup taking up the least amount of space possible. I would use my setup for practicing solo at low volumes and some recording as well. Right now, all I am working with is an Axe-FX 2. I would...
  8. P

    Djent tutorial (hilarious!)

    I don't care much for djent, but this is neither funny nor clever. About the "pesky guitar" comment... the guitar is a tool to make music, nothing more. If you can exploit technology to avoid extra takes and experiment when recording music, I'm not sure what the problem is. And I'm glad I...
  9. P

    DC727s and your opinion?

    Eh, I have mixed feelings about my Carvin, which I am now in the process of selling. In terms of aesthetics, they really can't be beat outside of getting a full custom. Their quilts are insane. However, I never fell in love with the tone; if I had it to do all over again, I'd explore other wood...
  10. P

    Emulating instruments other than the guitar

    Well I've been looking at the recommendations and I have to say that the EastWest programs sound fantastic. I guess my follow-up question is, how exactly do these programs work? Do I control the music through a keyboard or do I just write the music on a staff or what?
  11. P

    Emulating instruments other than the guitar

    I'm in the midst of trying to assemble a home studio for myself and I need some advice. I'd like the capability to emulate instruments/sounds I do not have access to (pianos, choirs, etc). What are my options to accomplish this? Getting authentic sounds is very important to me, and cost...
  12. P

    Carvin DC727 Opinions?

    My experience with my DC727 has been a mixed bag. I never really liked the tone that the stock woods (maple and alder) produced. Even after a pickup swap (which is bothersome with Carvins) the tone was still unappealing (for metal). I've had a lot of intonation/tuning problems due to the...
  13. P

    Carvin DC727 Alder v Mahogany

    Approximately six years ago I purchased a DC727 from Carvin's custom shop. I didn't have a full understanding at the time of all options and ended up getting the stock body wood - alder. I was never happy with the tone of the guitar. I tried out a few brands of strings, a few amps, and I even...
  14. P

    Best and worst vocalists.

    This. Plus, Mikael Akerfeldt, Russell Allen, Layne Staley, Monika Pederson, Julie Kiss, and Lana Lane. Worst? Nothing comes to mind. If I hear bad singing or music, I turn it off immediately and forget about it...
  15. P

    Help me build a rig (prog metal project)

    I've been playing a 7 in standard tuning, although I have recently been thinking of tuning lower.
  16. P

    Help me build a rig (prog metal project)

    Hello, Over the past several years, I've been cobbling together ideas for a progressive metal album (so it's not just a clever name, I'm sure you're thinking). It's now time to piece together the appropriate rig for the job. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a gearhead, although I do know the...