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  1. Omnibus

    No idea where to take this This is my mixtest/work-in-progress I have been working on now that I can borrow my friends bass. I am pretty content overall but as a perfectionist, I want to of course make it better. Problem is I don't really know where to start, so any advice or critiques would be...
  2. Omnibus

    The WIP Thread

    This song is pretty cool, maybe try to raise the volume on the bass and eq the snare so it sounds a little less "box-y". I'm loving the low-freq resonance on the synth, and the chords you use are really nice. Try making the strings a little more powerful if anything. I like the clean...
  3. Omnibus

    Lil Wayne quits music...........For Skating

    A person who has made thousands of songs and has been rapping for TWENTY years wants to do something else with his life? OH SO COMICAL. Seriously guys, can a person not just live there life? You don't like his music? don't listen to it. Don't take a metaphorical shit on him just because he is...
  4. Omnibus

    Funk Music

    I think there is a ton that could be learned from this video, because it covers all instruments and how you would approach them from a funk aspect.
  5. Omnibus

    Soundcloud Thread

    Here's mine. I end up usually having the same track multiple times with a few changes in each one, just because I'm too lazy and I like having a record of my progress. Omnibus1's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  6. Omnibus

    New Cloudkicker is out!!

    Ohhh I am soooooooo sooo looking forward to hearing this.
  7. Omnibus

    Would you consider this good enough for a 'final mix' ?

    This sounds kickass, snare sounds kickass, bass sounds kickass. I guess my only suggestion would be to make the cymbals and such a little louder. Awesome song!
  8. Omnibus

    My Current Work-In-Progress(any feedback wanted)

    awesome. I can't wait to work on this a little more, its the first time that "mix" wise I have been somewhat pleased. I really get the drum thing now with my headphones, never really noticed on the buds as if it doesn't have enough of the kinda punch that you normally hear in metal. Thanks you a...
  9. Omnibus

    My Current Work-In-Progress(any feedback wanted)

    anybody? I'd really like to learn what I could do with this.(besides the obvious bass lacking) I was able to get my headphones back just an hour or so ago, so that helps, but I'm new to mixing music and it would mean a lot to me.
  10. Omnibus

    New Cloudkicker announcement!

    I am looking forward to this so so much.
  11. Omnibus

    My Current Work-In-Progress(any feedback wanted)

    Work In Progress by Omnibus1 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free Spent the last 14 or so hours just hammering away at trying to get this intro section of a song of mine down to something that sounds nice. I don't have a bass yet, and my headphones are getting...
  12. Omnibus

    The DUBSTEP Megathread (all things dubstep)

    Love me some dubstep. I prefer the more chill and relaxed version of dubstep to the more aggressive form sorta known as "brostep". I can listen to both though, I just find a lot of emotions that come from the relaxed stuff that doesn't really come from anywhere else in my music.
  13. Omnibus

    The super thick/heavy tones thread

    Regardless if you think they "fell off" or whatever, the tone that Metallica had during Load/Re-Load was absolutely massive. Nothing to question here. This one is more dependent on the actual song, as I don't think the tone would really work with other bands. ...And...
  14. Omnibus

    Guilty Pleasure Songs?

    Not really ashamed of any music I listen too, but it definitely confuses my friends that know me more as a metalhead. ANYTHING By Justin Timberlake. I pretty much love both of his solo albums mostly everything he has ever featured on. Really wish he would start making albums again...
  15. Omnibus

    Open tunings

    I believe you would call that Open E6add9. It just has the 1st inversion as the bass note.
  16. Omnibus

    Need Advice

    I can definitely tackle the EQ of the guitars and the volume of the Cymbals. When you say that the Drums themselves are EQ'd and Compressed wrong, could you go into a little bit more specifics? I am really new to this and would really like to soak up all I can to get the best sound. Anyways...
  17. Omnibus

    Need Advice

    I have a quick clip of just a short little groove that is my normal mix of things. I was wondering what I can really do to add to the sound of this. I just feel as though its lacking in some way, but I just dont have a well-trained enough ear to recognize exactly what it is i'm missing. The only...