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  1. theunholyguitarist

    Have string manufactures not caught on to the extended range market?

    Dread15 might still work as a 15% off btw, my personal code for a FB group I run. Just remember to adjust your nut slots if your going with a bigger string gauge and it sits above the slot
  2. theunholyguitarist

    Have string manufactures not caught on to the extended range market?

    Personally, I really only buy off the shelf if I'm desperate, I use The String Source for everything these days. I know it's a bit cliche because I'm using a brand that a friend owns, but I stand by it. He has a quality product that suits my needs after having dealt with other brands like...
  3. theunholyguitarist

    Your Top 3 Guitar Brands?

    Depends on the price range really. Entry level I don't really look at all too much but mid tier (especially older MIJ stuff) probably Jackson, Ibanez and ESP (E-II/older Edwards). As far as the high tier it's a tough say, I've played a lot of great brands. Kiesel and Strandberg were up there...
  4. theunholyguitarist

    Advantage of using bare/uninsulated wire for grounding?

    Luthier here, you can ground with a thick enough piece of a guitar string. If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid. That said, there's really no advantage or disadvantage to either.