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  1. D

    Half way between HM-2 style pedal and Rat style pedal?

    Might be interesting to build a RAT but with the EQ from a HM2. That would be a nasty sounding pedal.
  2. D

    A new trend with pedal builders...

    thank y'all
  3. D

    KT77 or KT66 in my amp?

    kt66s not exactly a drop in for 6l6s, they have a different plate impedance and this will change your output tap secondary impedances. I have used JJ Kt66s before, they have a big glass envelope as large as their Kt88s so space might be needed if your amp is cramped. they bias up the same tho...
  4. D

    When I get a few seconds I will. Thx

    When I get a few seconds I will. Thx
  5. D

    Best amp for post/sludge/atmospheric metal

    thanks for the love guys!
  6. D

    Custom handwired amp dayy!! (DOOM content)

    That guy is kind of back burner for the moment while I build a ton of custom shit but maybe someday This is the current amp I am wiring up, its a 200W 4 x KT88 guitar amp super clean single channel doom/drone crusher. So yes it can do some Sunn0))))...
  7. D

    Custom handwired amp dayy!! (DOOM content)

    Thanks for love folks!