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  1. wheelsdeal

    Nice hotel practice rig?

    I am still rocking my Pod XT with my any dated modeling stomp would work even better. If you want something with speakers the Yamaha THR line is a cool piece of kit.
  2. wheelsdeal

    Can you do metal on the Crunch channel of a ENGL Powerball?

    No i havent tried the I...but i can tell you the Crunch channel doesnt work for metal on the II.At least i,couldnt get a decent sound.It doesnt work like other amps. I am a fan of boosting mid gain channels for heavy stuff,i did that on the 6505,EVH and IRT60 (well not that mid gain that...
  3. wheelsdeal

    Chapman Videos for 3 most popular selling guitars Over & Under $1000 at Thomann

    What they fail to mention is that brands say like Ibanez and Gibson have strong dealerships throughout Europe besides Thomann,meaning a lot of sales goes directly from dealers and local shops...where Chapman guitars you can only get from Andertons and Thomann (and maybe a couple of small shops...
  4. wheelsdeal

    Harley Benton Fusion T line (Fusion series... but Tele)

    So it isnt just me that dislikes this minion...i feel less of a dick now.
  5. wheelsdeal

    Can you do metal on the Crunch channel of a ENGL Powerball?

    The Powerball II is propably the only amp that does not need an OD in front (thats on the Rythm and Lead channels)...i've tried the 808 and it was abrasive af and just too much. The Crunch channel however is weird...even though is mid gain it does not like overdrives in front and it wont give...
  6. wheelsdeal

    Harley Benton Fusion T line (Fusion series... but Tele)

    Well,i much prefer this one...same price with the HBs.I might get it for christmas.LTD TE-200.
  7. wheelsdeal

    Talk to me about reverb pedals

    Get the HOF in my opinion.I think its better when getting a first x pedal to get something mainstream and well tried,cause you dont really know what you want of it,so no reason to go special and expensive...the Hall Of Fame is very popular and has a lot of features without breaking the bank. I...
  8. wheelsdeal

    New gear ideas?

    I disagree with the above that the 50w is better in low volume than the LBX...i dont know if those statements comes from owning both,but i do owned them both and i can tell you the LBX is better at home use.It just lacks the high end fizziness the 50w has when you are not cranking the hell out...
  9. wheelsdeal

    The trick to getting the Mark V right

    Cant say about the III but the IVb i tried recently was really dark.Propably the darkest of all Marks so yea Bass low Treble really high works.
  10. wheelsdeal

    Has anyone reviewed the non-Vintage 30 Harley Benton G212 cab?

    The non V30 Harley Bentons have no name chinese cheap speakers,they dont even have a sticker on them or a you wont find any info.If you like them better buy them and maybe tell us how they sound. As for the UK vs Chinese V30 debate the UK ones are usually 15 year old speakers vs new...
  11. wheelsdeal

    Help me pick a practice rig

    I vote for Option 3...I've runned the EVH 5150 lbx with a Maxon 808 on an ENGL 2x12 and it rips...especially the green channel boosted.One of the best tones i've ever had...
  12. wheelsdeal

    New gear ideas?

    EVH 5150 lbx...Laney name a few.No need for a distortion pedal with those,they do mid to high gain really well.
  13. wheelsdeal

    1960A vs 1960B

    Get the straight one...unless you play really close to the cab.Then maybe the angled might project a little closer to your ears than your balls.
  14. wheelsdeal

    Solid State Amplifiers

    KSR Ceres plus power amp and you are this point distortion pedals (or preamp pedals as they call them now) are so much better than any SS head right now. Check out this channel,he tries a lot of pedals on 7/8 string djenty stuff.
  15. wheelsdeal

    6534+ just died.

    Definitely take it to a tech,it might not be as bad as you think.Dont mess around with it or you may damage it further and dont open it unless you know what you doing. Capasitors hold electricity enough to kill you even if its unplugged for a while.You need to know how to drain them before put...
  16. wheelsdeal

    Best pedals to buy on black friday?

    Not what you propably expect, but since you mentioned the Waza Chorus i just received a Joyo Analog Chorus from a Japanese vendor on Reverb...33 euro shipped,brand new. Pretty much identical sound to the Boss CE-2,metal casing,solid feel on the pots and button...maybe if you dont want to still...
  17. wheelsdeal

    Screamin Eagle preamp pedal based on the ENGL e530

    Distortion pedals are getting alarmingly good nowdays.
  18. wheelsdeal

    Boss Tuner Pedals or Polytune?

    My Polytune 2 is giving me issues...sometimes it wont come on and i have to unplug and plug the power again to work. Sometimes it gets confused with what string and what tune and wtf...
  19. wheelsdeal

    New from Mesa Boogie: Cabclone IR+ Reactive Attenuator and IR loader

    I wonder if Andertons will make another objective review...
  20. wheelsdeal

    NPD gift from my wife.

    You can get a Tremol-No for 55$ and make it fixed.I've done this to my RG3120 and it works great. Ask the guy about the neck,you dont want a chunky one.