Search results

  1. Vinny554

    Gain Staging and DI Guitar Chain Help

    Hi everyone. I've been on a hunt to upgrade my home setup for a while now and I've finally spent some pretty pennies on some new equipment for recording DI guitars. However, I'm running into some trouble and I'm really struggling on figuring out the source of my problems. Essentially, I'm...
  2. Vinny554

    Avalon U5 Clipping? Is my setup correct?

    Thank you - great info. I was almost certain that this was clipping after the avalon, but looks like I've just made a rookie mistake. I plugged my monitor headphones into the Avalon directly and, of course, the guitar is clipping going in. Have to figure out if this is a headroom issue or a...
  3. Vinny554

    Avalon U5 Clipping? Is my setup correct?

    Huh, really? That is pretty loud. The annoying thing is that there is no U5 manual, so I don't know for sure. Some folks say the blue light is an indicator of a very low floor signal, others say high like you. No clue! I'm sure the Mic to Mic would be fine, however the intent of having a $600...
  4. Vinny554

    Avalon U5 Clipping? Is my setup correct?

    bump? sorry...dying for help on this
  5. Vinny554

    Avalon U5 Clipping? Is my setup correct?

    Hey guys. Just landed an Avalon U5 which I've been real siked about for a while now and unfortunately I'm clipping with my guitar going right into the DI. Having trouble identifying if this is an issue with either (a) my guitar pickups being THAT hot or (b) my Avalon is set up incorrectly...
  6. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    I've heard it's a myth also, but what kept me confused was that even Radial has a video on Youtube that suggests it also - passive box for active pickups, the opposite, etc. In regards to the U5, I've gathered that recently. It's "clean" but also is used to color the sound in its own way (more...
  7. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    :wallbash: Thanks for the heads up boys. Have a good tech around here so won't dare try this myself. I'll keep you all posted...try to record a sample before and after!
  8. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    :hbang: Had you noticed a different from cables previously?
  9. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Are we talking about the same guitar? The SE "SVN" is an SE 7, unless there's another model I'm unaware of. If so, thanks for the heads up! Dreading this potential :coffee:
  10. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Definitely reassuring. A pretty top-tier engineer also told me recently that Juggs weren't impressive in the mix, so thinking Black Hawks are it!
  11. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    Are we talking the $80 Lavas or the $300 Lavas lol
  12. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Hmmm....good find and beautiful guitars Considering he made the recommendation on the hawks specifically because the guitar is warm (which is most certainly is), leaning in this direction. If you listen to any TesseracT, the guitars are distinctly bright and twangy. Love that sound, although...
  13. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Interestingly enough, I messaged the guys at BK and asked for their recommendation. Here's the conversation: Message (me): Hey guys! I've had my eye on your pickups for some time now, and curious if you could help me narrow down my search based on your experience. Recently bought a PRS SE SVN...
  14. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    Have a Mogami. Any other suggestions?
  15. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Interesting. Very descriptive run-down so much appreciated. Any input on the Ragnaroks? Also, everyone, open to some recommendations outside of BKPs. Passives preferably!
  16. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Your vocab was just fine! The Aftermaths sound great on videos and samples, however I feel that in Drop A they run the risk of muddiness...I despise muddy and want to evade it at all costs (obviously, other factors contribute to this). Juggs seem great, just not quite sold on them entirely as...
  17. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    Definitely want to snag the Apollo - mostly for the vocal preamps but I've heard the DI input is great on it also. Definitely noticed an improvement in the Audient vs my original Scarlett 2i2. I'd like to swap out my pickups also since they are the stock ones on the PRS SE SVN - feel as though...
  18. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    I've heard great things about the RNDI also. Noticed in your signature you have an Audience iD22 as well. Do you chain the RNDI into the iD22? If so, has it improved your DIs from the Audient by itself? Lastly, kind of odd you specifically responded because I have another thread asking about...
  19. Vinny554

    DI Boxes and Guitar/Bass Recording

    Hey all, hoping to get your input (no pun intended...har har) on the use of DI boxes for my particular recording setup. I'm aware that opinions vary all over the place as to whether or not a DI box is necessary when you have a decent Audio Interface, but it seems the consensus among reputable...
  20. Vinny554

    Bareknuckle Pickups in a PRS 7-string ?

    Hi all - I know this topic is often discussed but they never seem to have all 4 of these options in one thread. Recently bought a PRS SE SVN, which I love, but despise the stock pickups for the type of music I play. Decided to make the jump to Bareknuckle since the build quality and sound...