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  1. erotophonophilia

    7, 8? What should I do??

  2. erotophonophilia

    Hardest solo?

    Devoured by Vermin Proof rappers have no musical talent.
  3. erotophonophilia

    Help me find this song!!!

    It's a travesty Harley's radio station, plays anything other than Motörhead.
  4. erotophonophilia

    String gauge, too thick?

    That's a ridiculous amount of tension for the guitar and your left hand. Nile uses .070s for drop A on 24.75" guitars, and I think that's even excessive.
  5. erotophonophilia

    Basic theory knowledge needed for jam sessions?

    This. But I also recommend learning the Phrygian mode, especially if the people you're jamming with, play a completely different genre. I used to jam with hippies, and it was easier to play something that sounded exotic, than it was for us to adapt to each other's contrasting playing styles.
  6. erotophonophilia

    Is it too much to go straight to eight?

    I'm generally against 8s because I don't think they're practical and the increased scale length and neck width inhibits your playing, when compared to a 6 or 7 string. I also think they're a guitar, that can't decide if it wants to be a bass or a guitar, or a bass that wants to be a guitar. I...
  7. erotophonophilia

    First fret tapping - nut filing?

    I'd definitely try a lighter string gauge first. Nut filing is a bitch within itself, especially if you don't have expensive nut files.
  8. erotophonophilia

    Best pick for sweep picking?

    I prefer the Medium Pointed V-Pick over the Screamer. On paper, they seem insanely thick, but they're really good picks. If you decide to get some, make sure you get ones that aren't clear, because I've lost 3 of them. Dunlop Tortex Sharp 1.35mm also work pretty well too.
  9. erotophonophilia

    Oiling an Ebony board?

    I condition mine with bore oil, every few months. I put a couple of drops on a q-tip, and apply it evenly on the fretboard. I let it soak into the fretboard, maybe an hour or so. After the bore oil sets in, I use paper towels to rub off the excess oil, that didn't sink in. Finally, I spray...
  10. erotophonophilia

    Behringer Hell Babe HB01 Wah

    I've bought few and for the same exact reason. They sound really good, but they're not very durable. Check this out Behringer Stomp Box Cross Comparison Chart | The Tone King |
  11. erotophonophilia

    String Tension Super Thread (Got a string question? Post it here!)

    The feel, output, and tone will seem unbalanced. But that's just opinion.
  12. erotophonophilia

    Is there anyway to increase the sweep of a regular crybaby?

    I've also wondered this. Would changing the potentiometer do anything?
  13. erotophonophilia

    Help me find this song!!!

    It'd help if you could discribe the genre or how old you think it is. This is the only song I could think of
  14. erotophonophilia

    Surgically Implanted ear phones

    Imagine if you could hack into them...
  15. erotophonophilia

    So I think I finally have a band/project name

    Verb the Noun is actually a really good band name.
  16. erotophonophilia

    World war three safety spots?

    This. A nuclear submarine would be ideal. You'd have to wait 100-1,000s of years to be able to leave a bunker.
  17. erotophonophilia


    The Wonderful World of Oz. Also, check out the HBO series, Life's to Short.
  18. erotophonophilia

    How hard do you pick?

    Buy a shitload of different picks. Every time I've taken a break and come back, I've never been able to use my previously favorite pick with the same exact efficiency.
  19. erotophonophilia

    Tomb Raider or Bioshock Infinite?

    I've playing a lot GoW and the new Resident Evil, Bioshock is a lot better. I don't buy games, that I can't talk shit to other people...