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    Jaimie Vendera READY TO SCREAM?

    Ok I just downloaded Jaimie's lessons and had a quick look through and too be honest it seems very well constructed (the purchase includes the pdf. guide to warm ups and how to accomplish each scream technique, 3 mp3's one going over all the scream, how the sound and how to do them, backing...
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    Jaimie Vendera READY TO SCREAM?

    That is something I have always questioned (what is being powerful exactly). By screams it is mainly placement for me as I seem to stay in "one region" which I am sure is wrong haha. I will try the lessons he's done and I will come back and say what I think of it. mainly asking because I don't...
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    Jaimie Vendera READY TO SCREAM?

    I am full understanding the fact that he is trying very hard to sell it. I watched one of his free videos earlier on and found it extremely helpful so far. I am also aware that I shouldn't try to sound like other vocalists. I have been told by a few vocal teachers and my girlfriend (who is a...
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    Jaimie Vendera READY TO SCREAM?

    I found this the other day: I have been trying to learn to scream/sing correctly for a long time and I can't either find the right vocal lessons or I don't trust other scream vocalists from my area. So I'm asking has anyone tried Jaimie's lessons and are they...
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    Angle of fall

    It is a question that keeps popping up and yes it is ANGLE. We chose that because we thought Angel was overused and it sounded similar.Hope you guys are enjoying the songs :)
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    Angle of fall

    Hey this is my bands page and we will release our E.P. soon. We already released one of the songs and we are number 9 on the local metal charts in the UK help us out a bit by checking out the page and the music :) Angle of Fall Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
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    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    Would highly appreciate some of you guys giving this a listen :)
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    Metal Vocalist LF online Project

    Sorry to ask man but could you tell me how you sing and scream? I'm looking to do both but I keep doing it wrong and can't find an good info
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    Guitar intonation problem!

    Im using 11 gauge elixir strings
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    Guitar intonation problem!

    Yes I'm using fresh string. I went and got someone to help me with my guitar and it might be the saddle being ....ed. according to him the strings are only off by 10 cents. So can anyone recommend any good bridges?
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    Guitar intonation problem!

    I turned it around cause I thought it might help. saw it on another forum
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    Guitar intonation problem!

    Here is my bridge. I'm using 11 gauge strings
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    Guitar intonation problem!

    I looked everywhere for a solution and I nothing is helping, I looked if I could find something on this site but nothing. I got my Dean Dime-O-Flange in C standard and when I come to intonating the 3rd (D#) and 4th (A#) string they are always too sharp and no matter what I do they don't seem to...
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    Guitar intonation problem!

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    Best album/s you came across by accident or were surprised b?

    Recently I came across a few albums/soundtracks which really surprised me and I'm curious to see how many of you have the same albums or completely different ones that I will check out if I haven't heard them
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    Live Back Tracks - Need Help!!!

    I've been wondering about that myself as I'm about to finish my bands EP and we need to figure out how to run all the synth's through the PA. But I would imagine the easiest way would be like this: Run the backing as a stereo track from a laptop into a small audio interface (like an M-audio )...
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    Best Metal Gear game???!!!

    I think you will enjoy MGS4 quite a bit due to it's great graphics. I picked it up as my first game so I had no idea what was going on :p
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    Best Metal Gear game???!!!

    1st one I played was MGS4 I bought it on the day of release completely by accident. Really loved the multiplayer on that. MGS3 is an obvious classic, Took me a while to get into MGS2 , never played MGS1. So far I'm really enjoying MGR: revengeance. The two other games look incredible so far.
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    Learning sing/scream like a beast!!!

    Not sure if this is the right thread but here goes. For a while now I've been trying to sing and scream. Now with singing I don't know how to use my muscles (according to two singing teachers) and with screaming I got very little Pitch control so obviously I'm doing something wrong. Does anyone...
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    Best Metal Gear game???!!!

    Decided to make this thread 'cause i had to say goodbye to my metal gear shirt a few days ago and started the pc version of Metal Gear Rising. As the series has grown on me over the years I've become more and more curious on what people believe is the best one. So now the dark times...