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  1. D

    Programming Polyrhythmic drums

    Without sounding dumb here. How did we end up with what we have? the commonly regarded divisions. Is it a function of what sounds and feels natural to the rhythm of the human body? Or is it coming from another more random historical place? Do you have any links of that crazy looking score...
  2. D

    A new model for record labels?

    So maybe this system could be adopted? In the orchestral situation where do the endowments come from? wealthy art lovers? Exactly, I can't help but think there has to be a better way, why shouldn't musicians have stability and be able to start families and continue to play original music...
  3. D

    A new model for record labels?

    It does seem that plenty of people make money from music, its just not necessarily the original artists. There must be a way to remedy this!
  4. D

    A new model for record labels?

    Yeah I think cap era sports is a good analogy. I suppose you are right in a sense that it is easier than ever to get your music out there these days, however given the proliferation of online outlets its harder than ever to get it noticed once its out there. Touring wise, I suppose its a whole...
  5. D

    A new model for record labels?

    Please do type out the long response, I'm interested in a debate about this kind of stuff. The current level of crowdfunding that I've seen pretty much equals fans pre-ordering albums from independant bands, so that they can fund the album recording process. Which really only works for...
  6. D

    A new model for record labels?

    This is a very half formed thought, but something struck me the other day about the music industry. Musicians don't necessarily want to be rich, they just want to be able to live comfortably doing what they love. Record labels want to be rich and therefore don't always work with the artists...
  7. D

    Tech-Death Clarinet.

    Which means you should start doing it right now! :hbang:
  8. D

    Midi drum loops for hard rock/metal?

    Ultimate guitar also has quite a lot of metal and rock tracks transcribed into drum notation, which is easy enough to read and re-create as midi. Then you can mess with tempos and move some hits around to create something new.
  9. D

    Bloody groovy Djent! (Axe FX II and 8-string)

    not a criticism mate, I love monuments, just thought I should point it out if you hadn't heard that track :) Personally i think your's sounds great too!
  10. D

    Odd or unusual instrument(s) in rock or metal?

    Its kind of like a strange heavier middle eastern hoobastank!
  11. D

    Bloody groovy Djent! (Axe FX II and 8-string)

    Um hopefully its by accident, but it sounds very familiar to this dude!
  12. D

    Going for realistic drum sound please help!

    To be honest mate, that sounds great. This kind of stuff has to be nailed tight and precise drum wise, so I wouldn't do a lot of messing around with velocities and such. Maybe just vary a couple in the fills and make sure any snare ghost notes that are in a row don't all have the same velocity...
  13. D

    Any other fans of First Signs of Frost?

    Don't be jealous, the gig was rubbish! Don't get me wrong FSOF were good, but it was one of those classic 4 people and a dog gigs. There are too many promotors in the UK that don't bother to promote!
  14. D

    Any other fans of First Signs of Frost?

    Yep I am! Had the 'luxury' of seeing them live here in the UK about 4/5 years ago. They never quite got the attention they should have. Do you know if any of them are in other bands these days?
  15. D

    Drum Forums?

    Altar, whats DFO?
  16. D

    Perfect Pitch in a Pill

    Best thing about the side effects: "Abnormal Dreams" might make for some creative writing, but the potential "thudding noise in the ears" would probably become unbearable from what I've heard above if it wasn't in tune!!!!
  17. D

    Drum Forums?

    This is for all the drummers amongst us. Anybody know of any drum specific forums like 7 string out there?
  18. D

    First official single - Calamity Lane (Nu Metal)

    Now for the hard part, finding good vocalists is just about the hardest thing to do! If you find one though I'd be up for an album full of your stuff :)
  19. D

    First official single - Calamity Lane (Nu Metal)

    Before I weigh in here, this is just my opinion! Personally i think this kind of stuff is crying out for a vocalist and is generally a make or break for me depending on what the vocalist sounds like. I don't think the music is complex enough to hold the attention on its own, its like its...
  20. D

    New Recording - Infinite "Atlas"

    Out of interest what drum software are you using there? Lovely mix by the way, best kind of mix I forgot it was mixed I just enjoyed the music!