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  1. Inceptic

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    How much $$$ did today's batch go for?
  2. Inceptic

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I've never received a newsletter, nor a reply from contacting them.
  3. Inceptic

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Painted satin necks will kill the G.A.S. for me for sure...
  4. Inceptic

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    What's the tuning and string gauges for the 8-string pink ones?
  5. Inceptic

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Any word on pricing/availability for the pink master series?
  6. Inceptic

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread Will this be one of the uniform specs offered? I never imagined myself for an eight string or a pink guitar, and yet here I am, wanting this one. What a stunner!
  7. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    No one else bothered by the fretboard being shorter than the neck?
  8. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Do the Salens have an arm contour like the Bodens?
  9. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    No one is getting screwed because no one is owed a Varberg, and no one is being coerced into joining the run. It's just naive to think that the Varbergs ended up looking that way because "kids voted on them". Everyone knows that the value of a run is determined by the free upgrades, so the...
  10. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Actually, the WG specs weren't determined by voting. On the surface, it looks that way, but if you pay attention, it's not. 1. Mehtab chose the Varberg shape in spite of poll results. 2. If you look at the second round of voting, the survey doc, the choices they want you to make are...
  11. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Compared to the previous koaberg run, the response to this varberg run seems mostly apathetic. I'd be surprised if they even sell 10 of these.
  12. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    For those that have tried both, is a Varberg less comfortable to play than a Boden?
  13. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Now that's more like it; glad to hear you are keeping SS frets!
  14. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Making the Korean line more expensive while removing stainless steel frets is a total head-scratcher for me... :nuts:
  15. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Cool. I think this FB post pretty much confirms a Boden line with Fishmans:
  16. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Do the Fishmans need a battery compartment? I thought they were rechargeable via USB...
  17. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    Thanks man, I see it now! Sweden design - made in Korea EndurNeck patented Since it has a battery compartment, it might have EMG57/66, since those were the only actives that made it on the survey...
  18. Inceptic

    The .strandberg* Thread

    How can you tell with such blurry text?
  19. Inceptic

    Padalka guitars

    ^Anyone know what kind of nut is that?

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