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  1. F

    Albums that you love that most hate

    Def Leppard's Slang. It's dark, it's melodic, and catchy. Wish they'd do more like it. Edited once I read the freaking title of the thread.
  2. F

    What VSTs do you use?

    Guitars For guitars, I try to stick with Logic's amps because I find they sound so good. For really heavy stuff, I generally grab the LePou plugins and mix them with Catharsis IRs or Wall of Sound. I'll use Guitar Rig here and there, but the heavy sounds sound assy. I'll often throw the TSE OD...
  3. F

    What cab impulses are people using nowdays?

    I'm using Lepou Hybrit with Catharsis. I'm closing in on my sound. I've got Wall of Sound, Guitar Rig, Redwirez, and whatever's in Logic. It's an endless search really.
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    FocusRite 6i6 Problems

    I've swapped out cables, the delay still happens. The static has only happened once thus far.
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    FocusRite 6i6 Problems

    I should add, it appears to be a problem with the sends to the speakers only. The headphone jack seems to be working fine.
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    FocusRite 6i6 Problems

    I was curious if anyone else had these problems with a Focusrite unit - delayed sound. unit is turned on, takes a few minutes to actually get sound playing through it. - fuzzy sound. audio sounds incredibly fuzzy and static-laden. turned unit off and on, seemed to resolve it. Is my unit...
  7. F

    Logic pro x thoughts ?

    So I have both Ableton and Logic, with Logic being my primary since it's better for rock music. I find it has the following strengths: 1. Great UI 2. The sound engine is fantastic 3. Stock plugins are recording ready 4. Very simple file management 5. Has a built in notepad I do have some...
  8. F

    Logic Pro X and Pro Tools: Finding things to hate in each of them.

    At this point, I'm not sure. I'm pretty new to recording and felt it was a good place to start. I'd consider the Line 6 HD Pod Pro rack unit, the Axe FX is too pricey for me. So far, I think I'm getting good results out of Guitar Rig, but I don't think it's as popular for a reason. There are...
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    Logic Pro X and Pro Tools: Finding things to hate in each of them.

    Guitar Rig. I'm using it until i can afford a proper rack.
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    Focusrite Scarlett Studio Interface

    Focusrite products are solid, good choice. I have an SM57 and it's a workhorse mic. I never get to use mine because I have an apartment, but whatever. I would say if you have headphones, start there. I have monitors and I use my headphones way more. My opinion on DAWs is stick with what...
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    Logic Pro X and Pro Tools: Finding things to hate in each of them.

    I found the same thing, coming from Ableton though. I liked Live because it was a good electronica program (which I still use it for), but for metal it was not sufficient. I felt like the aggression and passion was getting toned because each part was being sliced up into a section or bar. Logic...
  12. F

    Another mix test! (Captain Cabbage)

    Delicious tone, man! What's your process? Been wanting to get some crisper cleans but I think my PRS is a bit too warm for such clarity. As for drums, the snare could be a bit more stronger and I'm think the bass drums could be a bit more punchy. Up to you though, I'm a newbie on this!
  13. F

    Suggestions for new computer for recording

    If you're happy with Reaper, then I'd stick with Windows. Unless you're wanting to buy into Mac's audio ecosystem (which is awesome, at least for me), then I don't see a reason to do anything else but build your own PC. Do yourself a favor though, go Intel. I've had nothing but crap experience...
  14. F

    Suggestions for new computer for recording

    If you're budget is at most $800, I think you'll get the most out of a PC. Do have any hardware already? If so, leverage what you already have. What gear and software do you already have? You can't go wrong with a desktop. If you have the know-how, building your own is by far the most...
  15. F

    Test driving Logic with a new arrangement

    Hey guys, I just got Logic and wanted to share my latest arrangement. Any pointers on EQ and general mixing would be appreciated. I know the leads a bit too strong in the mix and I need to add a bass track yet. I'm thinking guitar...
  16. F

    General cost to get into computer recording?

    I can really relate to your sentiments on Cakewalk, it was my first and I struggled a lot with it. Ditch it. For your computer, I would suggest at least an i5 and 8GB of ram. You could get a decent recording PC for ~$1000. My opinion is if you're getting into it, get an iMac, Logic, a small...
  17. F

    Is Pro Tools the best DAW?

    Each DAW is a tool, each tool has its uses. I started out with Sonar and I found it to be really obtuse and lacking in workflow. I felt defeated and discouraged from learning production. I then discovered Ableton and I found I could work in it and dig deep down into my tracks and better learn to...
  18. F

    Logic Pro X mastering - mixing tutorial video?

    I found this series and it's pretty helpful.
  19. F

    Guitar Rig for Metal

    I mainly use the 5150 or Mesa sims for my sounds. I typically use a tube screamer in front. Compressors are useful in fine tuning the sound, as is Reflektor for IRs and reverbs.