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  1. M

    Live Show Etiquette

    What really annoys me these days are bands that don`t stay around to check out the other bands. Arrive just in time to chug half a beer and do your set, load your stuff and leave while shouting `goodluck` to the band that`s just about to start their set. Way to not get invited to play again if...
  2. M

    Mesa Boogie coming back to the EU/UK

    Well, a shitload of money. But then again, in 2003 I bought my DR Tremoverb and paid €2500. It`s always been an expensive brand here in Europe. I would try and get a used one, they`re not that expensive...
  3. M

    Back where we started?

    The first 7/8 years it was decent guitars (first a Squier strat and moved on to Ibanez S-series pretty quickly) and a shitload of digital multifx that was really attractive to me in the 90`s. (multiple zoom and boss pedals) Plugged that into a combo amp at the time. When i got my first real job...
  4. M

    Metallica: 72 Seasons

    Tried to get through a few songs on Spotify, but it`s just to damn boring. The songs are (way) too long, riffs are ok, drums are not interesting, vocals are ok, solo`s are generic and sound lazy. I thought it would be at least somewhat better than Load, but it`s certainly not. Dissapointed...
  5. M

    Plug That Shit! Current Projects:

    Did a demo with my band `Those Left Standing` Recorded live at our rehearsal space, minimal editing, mixed it myself (had never done that before) Genre: hardcore Spotify link Instagram link
  6. M

    Metallica: 72 Seasons

    Vocals sound good, guitar tone is not really what I would want Metallica to sound like. Songs are decent, nothing I would buy for sure. They still produced a few good songs in the 90`s, but after Jason left there`s not much inspiration to really create a record that stands the test of time. To...
  7. M

    Confused on boosting a high gain amp.. (Marshall DSL100HR)

    Also don`t forget about the cabinet and/or type of speakers you use. Makes a huge difference in how tight your sound is.
  8. M

    Playing guitar standing instead of sitting

    The reason I picked up a guitar in the first place was seeing rockstars like Slash and James Hetfield. That`s what I wanted to be, so you have to play standing up. I just can`t imagine only sitting down playing a guitar and have always practiced playing standing. At first way down like my idols...
  9. M

    Evertune bridge help...

    There is an evertune users group on facebook that also offers great support and help with troubleshooting. Might be the easiest way to figure out if something`s really wrong.
  10. M

    Have you ever been disappointed in a band after you saw them live?

    I`ve been disappointed a few times by live performances from bands, but mostly because I expected something different. Mostly the bands played well, but you will never ever see me at a Tool show again, damn that`s boring. (like the last 2 albums btw, but I saw them before that) Parkway Drive...
  11. M

    Economics of Touring Metal Bands

    All the more reason to do more planning yourself. Thirty years ago not knowing things was a valid excuse, nowadays with internet it`s just lack of effort i would say. (of course combined with some bad luck)
  12. M

    Economics of Touring Metal Bands

    If I understand their story correctly they were touring last summer in Europe. To me it sounds like a lot of bad planning (they were TOLD hotels cost 60 euro a night, didn`t check or book beforehand apparantly) and a lot of bad luck. All the large metal bands were on tour here this summer...