
  1. S

    Need some help with DIY project Murder Weapon

    Alright…..need some advice. Anyone have any insight or tips on painting. I really want to do a home project myself as I think it will be way rewarding and more satisfying, and encourage me to work on it. I had an epiphany after seeing the Scott Ian murder weapon ( I know behind the times...
  2. ElRay

    Multi-scale Breadwinner and Klien "Replicas"

    Here's an article about an Ovation Breadwinner inspired ERG (It's 26″ to 24.75″ scale length, so it's baritone-ish scaled): And two threads (Part 1 and Part 2)regarding a Klien-inspired multi-scale with an interesting DIY headless tuner. It's barely "baritone-ish scaled" (25.75" to...
  3. ElRay

    Hip Shot Vs. Floyd Rose

    What's the difference between this HipShot bridge: 7 String US Contour Tremolo Chrome) and the more common LFR/OFR bridge? I'm asking because I can order a 7-string strat-style piezo set from GraphTech and do the change-over myself instead of having to go the custom-shop route to get a piezo...
  4. 7 Dying Trees

    Homebuilding a pedal board, advice needed

    Never done any woodwork (which'd make this interesting) but also have an aversion to giving someone the best part of 100£ for something where I can't fit what I want on, hence I want to build one, hence: -> Angles? Shoudl it be tilted? -> Wood, what do I use, what type is adequate? -> Anyone...