Axe fx or pod hd pro x or eleven rack

  • Thread starter jd267
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Feb 7, 2011
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Atlanta, GA
Hey now!! A bit of obnoxious squak is sometimes just what one needs :)

Yeah, I usually tend to use this method also. I usually boost the 800hz-1000hz-1400hz range (depending on if I want chug or clank) with an EQ or a Tubescreamer, and then cut the mids around 800hz after the amp.

I would just dial it back by a few db so that you get the benefit of the pre-eq, but the squak is less obnoxious.

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not quite a shredder
Jan 18, 2012
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Hampton Roads
Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but it also depends how you plan to use the modeler - FRFR or power amp/guitar cab. I'm told by a few axe users if using a power amp and guitar cab (so your modeler is just a preamp) then the axe is not that big an improvement if at all, but as FRFR the Axe is a big jump in tone quality.

FWIW, i'm loving the pod HD as a preamp, didn't like it so much as an FRFR solution.


Feb 7, 2011
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Atlanta, GA
I can only speak for myself of course, but perhaps nobody mentioned them because they are just not in the same league for High Gain tone IMHO. I"ve tried the GT series and the cosm modeling always sounds a bit fizzy and fake to me. The high gain models in the 11 rack actually sound like the amps they are meant to copy imho. I've played through a Mesa Mark IIC+ and the 11 does a pretty good job creating something similar. Bug again, YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY.

another poster mentioned FR (full range) vs guitar cab and it's a great point! some gear does sound better through full range systems (speakers/monitors/cabs that have woofers and tweeters/mid drivers etc.) rather than just guitar speakers.

The POD works great through guitar cabs but less so through FR systems as the top end is tough to tame in FR systems IMHO and gets tamed somewhat by itself in guitar cabs simply due to the fact that guitar cabs have a limited frequency range.

Nobody is mentioning the Boss GT100 or GT001?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but it also depends how you plan to use the modeler - FRFR or power amp/guitar cab. I'm told by a few axe users if using a power amp and guitar cab (so your modeler is just a preamp) then the axe is not that big an improvement if at all, but as FRFR the Axe is a big jump in tone quality.

FWIW, i'm loving the pod HD as a preamp, didn't like it so much as an FRFR solution.

That is an interesting thought for me. I know I have been thinking about this lately.

I had a HD500 for about 2-3 years. I tweaked and tweaked that thing, and eventually upgraded to an Axe-FX II. I have been wondering lately if I would be happy with the HD knowing what I know now about tweaking. It always did have an aggressive sound that I liked. The Axe can sound too smooth and too "perfect" sometimes.

However, I found the same. I could get the HD sounding great into an amp, but the Axe always killed it into a FRFR system. Who knows, maybe I would be able to get better sounds now? What annoyed me to no end about the HD was the weird level mismatch/clipping stuff that happens, and the stupid EQs it has. Who knows though, maybe I will get another one day... especially if they ever come out with a big update.