Dark Lord of the Sith type build ;)

  • Thread starter Omzig
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands,UK
This is the scratchbuild I started a hundred years ago - https://www.sevenstring.org/threads/jimf-first-build-slow-progress.328683/

Going to do a build thread / NGD when the lastest project is complete :D

That's interesting how the CFW has seemingly kept more colour in that leaving the wenge unfinished!

Hey Jim

Well sometime's i think a good break away from a project can be what you need,dam i got half baked stuff going back 10 years im pretty sure i'll get around to finishing them ;) I say defo revisit and finish up your build looks like you've come to far with it to just leave it gather dust,my first build took me 2 years (or about 8 months total as i was working in an unheated 6x6 shead!) 2nd one was 3month and came out way better.

And yep the wax does seem to help the lighter tones pop a little more,hopefully i can get the neck cnc'ed and wax'ed up this weekend.

So what do you know that furrels and 2nd ball nose pass kind worked out real well i think.



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cip 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2013
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Hey Jim

Well sometime's i think a good break away from a project can be what you need,dam i got half baked stuff going back 10 years im pretty sure i'll get around to finishing them ;) I say defo revisit and finish up your build looks like you've come to far with it to just leave it gather dust,my first build took me 2 years (or about 8 months total as i was working in an unheated 6x6 shead!) 2nd one was 3month and came out way better.

And yep the wax does seem to help the lighter tones pop a little more,hopefully i can get the neck cnc'ed and wax'ed up this weekend.

So what do you know that furrels and 2nd ball nose pass kind worked out real well i think.


That is a great Idea!

Sorry but I might have to steal that one day :lol:


Dec 18, 2015
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
That looks fantastic! Very organic!

I do intend on finishing the other project soon, but the current one is capturing my interest more! ;)
I think I may end up having to re-fret the neck I made, which isn't ideal. Hence the procrastination!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands,UK
Made a hole lol


I'll post a better Update on Sunday when im not stuck with just ms paint to resize things!

That looks fantastic! Very organic!

I do intend on finishing the other project soon, but the current one is capturing my interest more! ;)
I think I may end up having to re-fret the neck I made, which isn't ideal. Hence the procrastination!

YRe-fretting im sure you'll find is is one of those things you think will be a major super rock hard job, but once you've started you'll think...why did i put this off for so long!, myself i always order extra jumbo SS these days as there's a lot more meat for me to make mistakes on ;)

That is a great Idea!

Sorry but I might have to steal that one day :lol:

Steal away (the night) as i say i saw this on a random YT cnc cutting video & thought well that's cool might have to try it one day..


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands,UK
Killer body! Very clean.

Your step over tip helpped with this one :) that and using the trem pocket and heel holes to screw to the spoil board i got away without having to use bridges,which was nice.

So yep milling a 15mm neck profile from a 32mm Wenge blank.....a very very bad idea,next time it gets ripped on the bandsaw to 20mm (this was one of those times were 10 mins to change and setup a ripping blade would have been the best option....)

6mm ball 10% step over 0.25 left for sandout...i think i might run a past cut option on the side's before i profile cut it out of the blank.



Dec 18, 2015
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Wow! Amazing work! Can't wait to see the finished project (then buy the next one you make! :D )


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands,UK
Wow! Amazing work! Can't wait to see the finished project (then buy the next one you make! :D )

Cheers Jim :cheers: glad your diggin the build, and you have enought projects and guitars by the sound of ;)

Well just when you think everything is going to plan and your totally happy with the result the CNC god's decide to slap you about a bit !

Left my phone in the workshop so no pic's atm but the CNC lost steps in the X axis (while i wasn't watching) and managed to cut the profile for the outside of the neck 1.5mm out of wack to the bass side of the neck.....Now im pretty sure could save it/fix it in the mix but doing so would alter the profile (which is a copy of my laguna GH) way to much and it would always be bugging me every time i pick it up so this neck is going on the rescue me project pile and i'll use it for a later project and i'll cut a 2nd, there are a few little thing that are bugging me about the fretboard also so that's getting remade as well (for anyone wondering what the issue is it's because i cant see the led/postion markers without them being on (yep not a big deal))

Not sure why the cnc lost step first time ive had such an issue,in fact even after check and cleaning the little dust that was on the X axis gantry i couldn't find anything that should have caused such an issue ????? I re-ran the cut in the air and not one issue..i can only think it was a power gitch/usb interruption

So i'll try and pick up my phone tomorrow for the pics of the fuck up but no more updates for about a week or so as i'll be on demolition duty for 5 days or so with my bro as he's short handed at work.



Dec 18, 2015
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Gutted! I'm sad for you mate!
I've heard of things like this happening when belts skip a tooth or something. Could you split the blank down the middle, add a contrasting strip of wood then start again? Essentially moving the incorrect neck edge outside of the cutting area?


PepperFox Guitars
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Prosper, TX
Hey Jim

Well sometime's i think a good break away from a project can be what you need,dam i got half baked stuff going back 10 years im pretty sure i'll get around to finishing them ;) I say defo revisit and finish up your build looks like you've come to far with it to just leave it gather dust,my first build took me 2 years (or about 8 months total as i was working in an unheated 6x6 shead!) 2nd one was 3month and came out way better.

And yep the wax does seem to help the lighter tones pop a little more,hopefully i can get the neck cnc'ed and wax'ed up this weekend.

So what do you know that furrels and 2nd ball nose pass kind worked out real well i think.


Looks rad. Really digging this concept.

With the angled heel, do you think there will be any issue with the way the screw heads set into the wooden ferrules since they will be off axis to the neck when you mount it?


PepperFox Guitars
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Prosper, TX
My bro told me to post this as he thought it was funny...seems i lack the "Rad" Tat's though ;)

This is mega awesome! Did you get your "finish line" tattoo removed from your thumb?

Don't want to triple post and am too lazy to quote your wenge neck photo...but, damn, that is fucking sick. I hate that your machine lost itself. Has happened to me before. It isn't a kick in the nuts for the loss of wood (even though wenge is more expensive than maple), it is the loss of TIME that sucks so hard. Takes so long to mill a neck.

You'll definitely recover from the neck mishap and this guitar will rule. I'm super jelly and have a major itch to design a headless now.

cip 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
Cheers Jim :cheers: glad your diggin the build, and you have enought projects and guitars by the sound of ;)

Well just when you think everything is going to plan and your totally happy with the result the CNC god's decide to slap you about a bit !

Left my phone in the workshop so no pic's atm but the CNC lost steps in the X axis (while i wasn't watching) and managed to cut the profile for the outside of the neck 1.5mm out of wack to the bass side of the neck.....Now im pretty sure could save it/fix it in the mix but doing so would alter the profile (which is a copy of my laguna GH) way to much and it would always be bugging me every time i pick it up so this neck is going on the rescue me project pile and i'll use it for a later project and i'll cut a 2nd, there are a few little thing that are bugging me about the fretboard also so that's getting remade as well (for anyone wondering what the issue is it's because i cant see the led/postion markers without them being on (yep not a big deal))

Not sure why the cnc lost step first time ive had such an issue,in fact even after check and cleaning the little dust that was on the X axis gantry i couldn't find anything that should have caused such an issue ????? I re-ran the cut in the air and not one issue..i can only think it was a power gitch/usb interruption

So i'll try and pick up my phone tomorrow for the pics of the fuck up but no more updates for about a week or so as i'll be on demolition duty for 5 days or so with my bro as he's short handed at work.

Might not help but before I start jobs I usually check if there’s any flex/movement on any of my axis’ just by pushing lightly. I’ve had a lot of trouble with my Z axis flexing so always make sure to check it’s all tight.

Like you said maybe just a glitch, just if it helped!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands,UK
Looks rad. Really digging this concept.

With the angled heel, do you think there will be any issue with the way the screw heads set into the wooden ferrules since they will be off axis to the neck when you mount it?

Screws sit flat inside the ferrules it's just the sides that are flush with the heel,i just tryed this as i didn't want that scoop/ridge id have gotten in the rear holes with using a flat topped ferrules

And yep the time lost is the biggest kick in the nuts (even more time if you stupid enought to mill it from a 32mm blank ;),my excuse is wenege is a bitch to cut on my bandsaw and i my thicknesser needs sharppening ;) )

Might not help but before I start jobs I usually check if there’s any flex/movement on any of my axis’ just by pushing lightly. I’ve had a lot of trouble with my Z axis flexing so always make sure to check it’s all tight.

Like you said maybe just a glitch, just if it helped!

Good practice i think i'll add that to the wall behind the cnc in big black marker pen.

OK shocker but it turned out it's not a Glitch but user error!!!! who'ed have thunk it....i went back over my feeds&speeds settings to check,because at the time i had dropped the cut/engage rate from 1000 id been using for hogging to 500 for the final pass to avoid any chance of chipping....some how id managed to also set the approach rate to 1500 which is about the max my axie's will run smoothly at without gagging (im also going to recheck and clean all my axie wheels next week) but this time around it seems that 1500 was a little to much for it so it lost steps,i'll drop the max rate to 1250 in GRBL so it never exceeds that and make sure to check my rates before i hit OK!

So any hows onto the pics of the F**K up (im sure most ppl with go wtf "just sand that out"....)


Doesn't look like a major issue in this pic but as you can see below it runs the full length and has a little scoop


And dam how strange does fresh milled wenge look? super pale im guessing its UV or oxygen reactive?

Stuff that turned out good....

Brass retainer i milled fits perfectly and looks great in place


Also forgot to account for the string/wires for the LED's power coming out the base of the FB so i'll have to add a slot for that,BL/Wenge combo looks great though...was thinking of going ebony for the new fb but i'll stick with wenge/wenge i think


Right im off for a beers as ive been taking down a roof and smashing up block work all day.

And thanks for all the feedback and comments/likes guys i really appreciate your input :tumbsup

cip 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
Screws sit flat inside the ferrules it's just the sides that are flush with the heel,i just tryed this as i didn't want that scoop/ridge id have gotten in the rear holes with using a flat topped ferrules

And yep the time lost is the biggest kick in the nuts (even more time if you stupid enought to mill it from a 32mm blank ;),my excuse is wenege is a bitch to cut on my bandsaw and i my thicknesser needs sharppening ;) )

Good practice i think i'll add that to the wall behind the cnc in big black marker pen.

OK shocker but it turned out it's not a Glitch but user error!!!! who'ed have thunk it....i went back over my feeds&speeds settings to check,because at the time i had dropped the cut/engage rate from 1000 id been using for hogging to 500 for the final pass to avoid any chance of chipping....some how id managed to also set the approach rate to 1500 which is about the max my axie's will run smoothly at without gagging (im also going to recheck and clean all my axie wheels next week) but this time around it seems that 1500 was a little to much for it so it lost steps,i'll drop the max rate to 1250 in GRBL so it never exceeds that and make sure to check my rates before i hit OK!

So any hows onto the pics of the F**K up (im sure most ppl with go wtf "just sand that out"....)


Doesn't look like a major issue in this pic but as you can see below it runs the full length and has a little scoop


And dam how strange does fresh milled wenge look? super pale im guessing its UV or oxygen reactive?

Stuff that turned out good....

Brass retainer i milled fits perfectly and looks great in place


Also forgot to account for the string/wires for the LED's power coming out the base of the FB so i'll have to add a slot for that,BL/Wenge combo looks great though...was thinking of going ebony for the new fb but i'll stick with wenge/wenge i think


Right im off for a beers as ive been taking down a roof and smashing up block work all day.

And thanks for all the feedback and comments/likes guys i really appreciate your input :tumbsup
If you're set on getting a perfect neck, I'd just reuse that neck for another project if it's salvageable or just even as a test neck for fitting new bodies if you need it. Not all a waste!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands,UK
So after a ball breaking 6 days demolishing block and concrete inner warehouse building's i managed to get back to this

I decided to rub down the messed up/lipped edge neck to see how the wax feels and it's super silky defo using it as a finish on both neck and fb.


As im rebuilding the neck and fb i decide to add some m5 inserts/bolts (these one's im going to try are know as Hole Slab based T Nuts) might need to countersink the holes slightly but i think these will work better than the standard round/tang T-nuts


My DPDT switches turned up also (will only be used as spdt north/both/south coil switches for neck and bridge), these came with water proof covers not sure if i'll keep the surround/covers on (i already pop the tip cover off) or just use the standard nuts.

Also as i had the issue with the tower led side markers being useless without them being powered on i have 200 of these blue/green 3x2x4mm led's coming that im going to try instead of dots


these will sit flush with the edge of the fb so shouldn't need to be powered up to be usable as a marker.

Also a bought a new slab of wenge @ 24mm thick, to save me hogging out another neck from the 32mm slab i already have....turned up the other day and it's 29mm thick....well that's 2 passes saved i guess.


PepperFox Guitars
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Prosper, TX
I love this build!

You have a jointer and/or planer? Best score in my shop is a 6” jointer from Craigslist for $50. It’s the little Porter Cable one and has been a workhorse. Even without a planer, if you had a jointer you could get a perfect straight edge and take the board down so the thinnest part of the board is thick enough for your work piece. Then the CNC could take care of the rest and save time.