
Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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There's something strange going on with your new patches Bobbo. I only noticed it now when I tried to record a compilation test track with them.

The thing is they are working just fine when I'm playing just straight into monitors or headphones, but whenever I hook up the usb and open Reaper to record there's some digital clipping coming from the left channel when I play. Some patches have it louder, some barely noticeable (but still there). My other patches work fine either way.

Also whenever I hold down the tuner button with one of your new patches selected, the dry signal comes only from the left channel. Again no other patches have this. There seems to be somekind of weird boost going on on the left channel with your specific patches but I have tried everything from tweaking amp volume, master dep, the mixer after the amp, turning effects off and so on but nothing gets rid of it.

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May 30, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
question for all....not sure if this would be the correct place...but the pod hd is at least involved :p

i am thinking of making a video. my camera has 2 XLR inputs. I would like to playback the song via the DAW or whatever as well as take a direct from the Pod.

Sonar recognizes the Pod as a USB "sound card." Could I run Sonar --> Pod & Guitar --> pod and just use the Pod's stereo out?

I just came across this dilemma yesterday. If your using the pod USB, then the only sound that will show up in your video will be from the pod. In order to add my backing track, I had to add it to the video in windows movie maker. Otherwise, it won't pick up anything from your daw.

If your running xlr's into your camera and not using usb, then it should work fine. Hope that helps!


Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I just came across this dilemma yesterday. If your using the pod USB, then the only sound that will show up in your video will be from the pod. In order to add my backing track, I had to add it to the video in windows movie maker. Otherwise, it won't pick up anything from your daw.

If your running xlr's into your camera and not using usb, then it should work fine. Hope that helps!
I asked then from my mobile on the way home.

Since then I've tried this and it works just fine. Put the backing track in Sonar (solely for playback). Set the only device to be the Pod. Plugged guitar into Pod. Ran the stereo XLRs out and it worked fine. Now to find a song I'm not horrible at to actually test it. I don't have the skills of like 90% of the ppl on the forum LMAO


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I asked then from my mobile on the way home.

Since then I've tried this and it works just fine. Put the backing track in Sonar (solely for playback). Set the only device to be the Pod. Plugged guitar into Pod. Ran the stereo XLRs out and it worked fine. Now to find a song I'm not horrible at to actually test it. I don't have the skills of like 90% of the ppl on the forum LMAO

I'm not very skilled either. Just use a song that you wrote so that no one can tell you that your playing it wrong :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
There's something strange going on with your new patches Bobbo. I only noticed it now when I tried to record a compilation test track with them.

The thing is they are working just fine when I'm playing just straight into monitors or headphones, but whenever I hook up the usb and open Reaper to record there's some digital clipping coming from the left channel when I play. Some patches have it louder, some barely noticeable (but still there). My other patches work fine either way.

Also whenever I hold down the tuner button with one of your new patches selected, the dry signal comes only from the left channel. Again no other patches have this. There seems to be somekind of weird boost going on on the left channel with your specific patches but I have tried everything from tweaking amp volume, master dep, the mixer after the amp, turning effects off and so on but nothing gets rid of it.

The tuner thing is not weird; it's just a quirk about how the unit works. With Input 2 set to Variax, the right field of the stereo signal is fed a mute signal. So you only hear Input 1, which is Guitar. Since my patches use "Preset" for the Input settings, I am guessing they carry over to when you're using the tuner.

The other issue is kind of mind-boggling to me. I've had something similar happen to me. My Megadeth 13 and Scar Symmetry patches have always had this quirk where I'd get some clipping. I've rebuild the patches from scratches but gotten the same results. Strangely, the problem only occurs when the unit is connected via USB. I connect to my DAW by firewire for audio, but use USB to edit patches. If I disconnect the USB cable, no more clipping sounds... I did notice it seemed to come more from the left side than the right, but I believe it affected both.

Is this ALL my patches or just some? If just some, which ones?

Try connecting headphones speakers directly to the Pod and disconnecting USB. See if you get the same issue. I don't think the problem is with my patches but something to do with the Pod's software when there is a USB connection. (a) my patches are mono for the most part, so I don't understand why only one field would clip if it was something in the patches, and (b) i have extensively backed off the volume throughout the whole patch and still get clipping in the examples above.

Unfortunately your guess is as good as mine here. I know that you use USB to record, so there's no workaround. I would also advise trying to increase your ASIO buffer size (slightly increase latency) to see if that helps, or try to remove an effect from the patch to see if using less DSP fixes the issue. Also, try setting Input 2 to Same/Guitar - see if that helps or just causes clipping in both left/right. Please let us all know if you find a fix.

One possible workaround is that since you are going into a DAW, you could try using IR's instead of the onboard cab/mic sims. I don't think you'll get this issue if you get rid of the dual cabs in the patch. I suspect the issue has something to do with USB data communication interfering with some part of the digital audio signal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
Bobbo, could you post the DEP's for the veil of Maya patch? Ide love to know >.<

Offhand, I think I just turn up the Master Volume DEP on the ENGL model. The cabs probably have a bit more thump than usual. But otherwise, I bet things are around 50%, with the exception of Low Cut which would be between 0% and whatever 85 HZ is on both of them. Maybe set the Treadplate cabs Low Cut a lil higher than the Uber's.

The hero for that tone is just saturating the ENGL right using a good pre-EQ.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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Bay Area, CA
You'll be proud that its a dual cab tone lol I spent some time trying to tweak a tone that I was really happy with for playing without having cubase open. I also tweaked some tones with the redwirez impulses. My goal is to have one or two tones that I'll use for a whole album. Rather than different tones on every song like the one I'm working on.....

If line 6 never adds user ir loading, then there needs to be a company that takes the two notes torpedo c.a.b. one step further. Seems like an awesome piece of gear, but you can't load your own impulses!!EDIT: I just read that you can, but can't find the info on their actual website.

Maybe it's cause I have the pod pro hd? Or I just don't have a program to open it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
Maybe it's cause I have the pod pro hd? Or I just don't have a program to open it?

yes, it's an hd500 patch. just save the file to your computer, then rename the extension from .h5e to .hre. then you should be able to open it in Hd Edit Pro. Or download jZab's converter and use that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
Bobbo, could you post the DEP's for the veil of Maya patch? Ide love to know >.<

Ok I was a little off. For the Treadplate cab, turn Res Level down to about 42-45%, Thump down about the same, Decay up to 65%. For the Uber cab, Res Level up to 55-58%, Thump to 80%, Decay 65%. Low cut is turned all the way down on both.

The Amp DEP's are Master 80%, Sag 25%, Hum 50%, Bias 20%, Bias X 50% for both.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
yes, it's an hd500 patch. just save the file to your computer, then rename the extension from .h5e to .hre. then you should be able to open it in Hd Edit Pro. Or download jZab's converter and use that.

You are awesome bobbo. Thanks so much!


Of Blood and Sawdust
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Ok I was a little off. For the Treadplate cab, turn Res Level down to about 42-45%, Thump down about the same, Decay up to 65%. For the Uber cab, Res Level up to 55-58%, Thump to 80%, Decay 65%. Low cut is turned all the way down on both.

The Amp DEP's are Master 80%, Sag 25%, Hum 50%, Bias 20%, Bias X 50% for both.

Thanks so much mate! I cant wait to see the rest of the DEP's for all your patches but in the meantime this is gonna get me started nicely. I've been super bummed out about my lack of ability to get my tones right but it seems a LOT more than I thought is in the DEP's and using different cabs than I'm used to (I generally stuck to a combination of the Tread V30 with a 57 on Axis and a XXL V30 with a 57 off axis). Again, thanks so much :) Were these patches the ones you implemented the Q filter thing on wherever you found it suiting the tone more?


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
You are awesome bobbo. Thanks so much!

here, this one i find is much better actually. if your playing at high volumes, just turn the studio eq off. http://line6.com/customtone/tone/223803/

i tweaked a previous one a bit more. i dont like the weird mid range im getting with that other oen, and im out of dsp to eq it out. as well as free fx blocks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
here, this one i find is much better actually. if your playing at high volumes, just turn the studio eq off. http://line6.com/customtone/tone/223803/

i tweaked a previous one a bit more. i dont like the weird mid range im getting with that other oen, and im out of dsp to eq it out. as well as free fx blocks.

I'll check it out, I have a couple clean tones I use for tapping if you wanna try let me know and I'll upload it. They are a little delay heavy but Fun to mess with. lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
good news and bad news fellers. I have found the issue with the DEP's isn't limited to jZab's converter but has something to do with how setlist files are saved for the bean. the individual patches changed fine, but when I tried to save them as a setlist file then reload them, all the DEP's reset to 50%. So...I am making the individual patch files available, but I can't make a Bean setlist. If someone actually has a Bean connected, maybe they could save the files as a setlist? If so, please PM or make it available and I'll double-check that the DEP settings aren't reset and post it.

Thanks, Bobbo.

Index of /podhd/patches/hdDesktop


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
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asheville, nc
So have I explained I'm a tempermental asshole? I am. Mostly mental. Too much time in the cans I spose. Anyhoo, I demo'ed a lot of my patches last night and found most of them too thin or harsh. Very Pod sounding. So I made some tweaks to get the punch and warmth in there. Also, I found they all sound better when the Treadplate 57 on axis tone is lower in the mix compared to the other cab. Here are the tweaked versions:

And since I f'ed up, here's the individual patches that changed:

Meshuggah: Chaosphere, Obzen, Koloss

Periphery Lead/Rhythm:


Faceless Autotheism Rhythm:

KSE End of Heartache:

Lamb of God Ashes of the Wake:

Dream Theater/Petrucci Mark II Lead, Mark IV scooped Rhythm, Mark IV big rhythm, Recto Rhythm, Recto Lead:

Satch Love in Space, Fuzz:

Vai Ultra Zone, Story of Light:
http://www.foobazaar.com/podhd/patches/hd500/SH_Vai-SoL_6.h5e (Surf the Alien - I think you'd like this one)

I will def check that one out I have the desktop HD and I thought the patches sounded fantastic. We should really be thankful that we have a guy like you to lay it all out for us.