
Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Honestly, I don't really like the cabs in the pod HD series. I prefer to use wall of sound from torpedo. For about $30 you can get a few good cabs that sound amazing. I really love the control I get from wall of sound.
This is what I currently have my tone sounding like.

Just listened to this with my monitor speakers. I like it bro. Might have to give it a try

You should ask this in the giant POD HD thread on this forum, if only because you'll get more and better responses, but I've yet to find a stock HD cab that doesn't sound like total ass except the ENGL, which is admittedly fantastic. I've experimented with the power vs. only pre models and solid state vs. power amp-colored impulses, including Recabinet, as well as the TPA-1 power amp VST plug-in. The only problem I've found is that the stock HD cabs tend to be well-suited to the amp models, and when you use external IRs you wind up with a crapload of fizz- even more than normal for a Line 6 product. I'm still playing with things, and I'm sure if I ever find a godsend-type cab tone I'll post it on here.

I'm also trying similar combinations with external cab impulses and have found the same problem with the fizz. My PodXT+Catharsis tone sounds great but PodHD+Catharsis impulse is sounding fizzy and honestly a little thin. I'll keep trying tho because I've heard some great tones out of the HD in other peoples mixes. It took me a while to nail my XT sound so it will probably take me a while to nail my HD sound as well

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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the gong - Australia
I only use the cabs If I'm just playing with headphones straight from the pod . I use redwirez when going into my laptop . my fav presets I have in 2 banks. one with the cabs and one with none for IR's . I think the stock cabs sound ok but a good impulse def sounds better . the bottom end is more realistic to me with the impulses .more defined

I'm sure they could add a convolution reverb effect to load the IR wav files . just put it last in your chain and bingo

but will they ? I'm not so sure . for one i'm sure it would eat dsp and limit what you could use at one time


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
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Washington, DC
Okay, an hour later, I have found a fantastic patch with the SLO overdrive full model and Recabinet's Mesa Boogie sims. Recabinet is on sale for $20 right now, and I highly recommend it to all of y'all.

edit: oops, no it's not. But Kazrog did put it on sale around christmas last year, so it's worth a look at any rate.


Gravity is Shifting!
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
I think there's a few cabs that are decent or passable, but I definitely agree they could be. It'd be nice to not have to tw-eak a ludicrous amount to get a good sound from the stock cabs, and I agree that with IR loading Line 6 would be making a great business decision, since the onboard cabs are really the only thing holding the unit back.

That being said, I've gotten a few patches to sound pretty good with the trick that Bobbo posted quite a few pages back. I'd have to check my patches, but it's something with dual amps, one with an Uber + 57 and the other with the XXL + 121 Ribbon (and I think a couple small parameter changes.)

I'll try to find the exact post and report back.

EDIT: Found the post.

I have stumbled onto pure gold.

Channel A use Uber 4x12 + 57 on axis
Channel B use XXL 4x12 + 121 Ribbon

Set Channel A volume around 45-50%
Set Channel B even or a bit less than Channel A. I find -5% works well.

Set the Cab DEP's all around 25%.

Don't use EQ's after the amps and before the mixer. Use a Mid-Focus EQ after the mixer and set the HP freq to 15% and Q to around 25-35%. That should tame some boominess.

You may have to use more midrange than usual to get it to have enough.

This is the most realistic tone I can get. It's not just the sound - it even affects the feel. The response is super crisp. The tone is thick and resonant. Highs are crisp. Sits perfectly in a mix.

The tone has a nice rough edge to it too.


Previously CYBERSYN
Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sunny Coast, Australia
I dont see the big thing about the cab sims.

I have a fantastic tone with the XXL and 57 on axis. The Cab DEP goes a long way. Just need to spend the time.

My patch is: Gate - Screamer - Gate - Treadplate - XXL (57 on axis), thats it.


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
You should ask this in the giant POD HD thread on this forum, if only because you'll get more and better responses, but I've yet to find a stock HD cab that doesn't sound like total ass except the ENGL, which is admittedly fantastic. I've experimented with the power vs. only pre models and solid state vs. power amp-colored impulses, including Recabinet, as well as the TPA-1 power amp VST plug-in. The only problem I've found is that the stock HD cabs tend to be well-suited to the amp models, and when you use external IRs you wind up with a crapload of fizz- even more than normal for a Line 6 product. I'm still playing with things, and I'm sure if I ever find a godsend-type cab tone I'll post it on here.

You mean this thread that you posted in? ;)


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
The cabs aren't THAT terrible. The eq that I use is what I use on anything. Even the vst amps that I use instead of the pod.

The problem is the lack of options. One position per mic/per cab is jut not enough. Even one likes a different flavor. We don't all want the mic right on the cap or at the cone edge....


Knob Fiddler
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
The cabs aren't THAT terrible. The eq that I use is what I use on anything. Even the vst amps that I use instead of the pod.

The problem is the lack of options. One position per mic/per cab is jut not enough. Even one likes a different flavor. We don't all want the mic right on the cap or at the cone edge....

Some of us are really weird and like our mics in the weirdest of places indeed (I like mine at angles! 15 degree and 45 degree yeeeeee).

But for what it's worth, the stock cabs arn't terrible, just not fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
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Washington, DC
I dunno, I can't get anything good out of any of the cabs except the XXL. I mean, recto cabs are supposed to be known for their controlled-but-boomy bottom end, and it takes the bass at 100 on the amp to even begin hearing the slightest, tiniest bit of bass from that cab. It's weird.


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I dunno, I can't get anything good out of any of the cabs except the XXL. I mean, recto cabs are supposed to be known for their controlled-but-boomy bottom end, and it takes the bass at 100 on the amp to even begin hearing the slightest, tiniest bit of bass from that cab. It's weird.

Recto cabs are deep in the room. Not as much when mic'd. The tread v30 cab was definitely recorded either right on, or close to the cap. The xxl v30 definitely on the cone or possibly cap edge.


Gravity is Shifting!
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
I know we were talking about the octoverb a couple pages ago, anyone ever tried it on their rhythm patch? I suppose it wouldn't work as well if you're going for something like a tight metal sound, but when recording, for a sort of wall of sound thing, I think it works well and sounds good! I've got a Townsend-y song I'm working on and I think I'm gonna try using the octoverb on my proggy Recto patch with it, at least for some of the rhythm sections. It sounds a lot like the tone Devin has in his GuitarMessenger Masterclass video.

Lower the decay, turn the mix down to around 12-15%, and it's sounding great.


Knob Fiddler
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I know we were talking about the octoverb a couple pages ago, anyone ever tried it on their rhythm patch? I suppose it wouldn't work as well if you're going for something like a tight metal sound, but when recording, for a sort of wall of sound thing, I think it works well and sounds good! I've got a Townsend-y song I'm working on and I think I'm gonna try using the octoverb on my proggy Recto patch with it, at least for some of the rhythm sections. It sounds a lot like the tone Devin has in his GuitarMessenger Masterclass video.

Lower the decay, turn the mix down to around 12-15%, and it's sounding great.

Yes! It actually gives a really nice ambient bloom to the sound. I find octoverb sits well in the mix when things feel really dry.


Kick the Butterfly
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I dont see the big thing about the cab sims.

I have a fantastic tone with the XXL and 57 on axis. The Cab DEP goes a long way. Just need to spend the time.

My patch is: Gate - Screamer - Gate - Treadplate - XXL (57 on axis), thats it.

The thing is though, we shouldnt have to spend that much time. When I load up Hybrit and an SM7 mic'd orange cab in redwirez it INSTANTLY sounds like sex. I dont have to do any more EQing or fiddling with power amp/cab DEPs or whatever it is you have to do with the pod.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
"East Brunswick, US"
I know we were talking about the octoverb a couple pages ago, anyone ever tried it on their rhythm patch? I suppose it wouldn't work as well if you're going for something like a tight metal sound, but when recording, for a sort of wall of sound thing, I think it works well and sounds good! I've got a Townsend-y song I'm working on and I think I'm gonna try using the octoverb on my proggy Recto patch with it, at least for some of the rhythm sections. It sounds a lot like the tone Devin has in his GuitarMessenger Masterclass video.

Lower the decay, turn the mix down to around 12-15%, and it's sounding great.

Would you mind posting your patch on custom tones? I love this effect. For drawn out octaves, power chords, extended triads, and dissonant type stuff, it gives body and uniqueness to the tone, sounds less generic. Your right though, it doesn't mess well with really tight djenty kind of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Madison, WI
The thing is though, we shouldnt have to spend that much time. When I load up Hybrit and an SM7 mic'd orange cab in redwirez it INSTANTLY sounds like sex. I dont have to do any more EQing or fiddling with power amp/cab DEPs or whatever it is you have to do with the pod.

So instead of spending time going through the DEPs, spend time going through endless packs of IRs......Even with IRs (and I don't really record with them, but I have spent a lot of time with LeCab and lots of different IRs) I would still be running a full amp model and adjusting the power amp DEPs to make it sound good anyway. Every piece of gear has its learning curve and the time you put into it is equal to what you get out of it.


Gravity is Shifting!
Dec 25, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Would you mind posting your patch on custom tones? I love this effect. For drawn out octaves, power chords, extended triads, and dissonant type stuff, it gives body and uniqueness to the tone, sounds less generic. Your right though, it doesn't mess well with really tight djenty kind of stuff.

Yeah it's been a big improvement for getting that "big sound." Just for fun, I tried to go full Townsend last night. Quad tracked, and added a choir track too. :lol:

And no problem! I can upload it to customtone a little later. :)