New Amp Head? (Mesa Mark V 25 vs ???)


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
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Wichita, KS
Hey Guys, looking for some amp advice; My current rig is a 6505+112 combo running into a Mesa 2x12 cab and I'm looking into making the leap into a full head/crate setup. I don't need anything with too much power because for the most part I play at home, but do jam semi-regularly with friends. As for as sound is concerned I'd prefer versatility and Peavey cleans just aren't super doing it for me. Currently I have my mind set upon finding a used Mesa Mark V 25 head (I see them on reverb around 1000-1100 typically) but what amps may I be overlooking? I wouldn't mind saving money if I could

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Feb 20, 2013
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Tampa, FL
If you are looking for versatility (and good cleans!) Mark V is where it's at for sure. If you like a bit more of British voicing Laney IRT is inexpensive and looks to be versatile. I have one coming in a few days and can update you on it if you are interested at all.


CNC hack
Aug 17, 2016
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Minneapolis, MN
I moved from a 6505+ 112 with a Mesa cab to a mark V and never looked back. (90...the used 90s weren't much more than used 25s or 35s when I looked). Cleans are perfect. High gain is perfect. Great amp. Really.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
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Wichita, KS
If you are looking for versatility (and good cleans!) Mark V is where it's at for sure. If you like a bit more of British voicing Laney IRT is inexpensive and looks to be versatile. I have one coming in a few days and can update you on it if you are interested at all.

Yea please update me if you think about it, I've wondered about Laneys but have never really gotten to play one


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
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Fryette sig:x.

You can get ANY tone out of them with the right cab... They are just kinda hard to find.


Wannabe audio engineer
Sep 18, 2012
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The 35 gives way more volume than the 25 in my experience, but if I could go back in time I would've just saved my money for the big boy 90 watt.

Honestly I don't see myself using any amp that isn't a Mark Series in the future, its just perfect.


Proud blacksheep
Dec 23, 2011
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mchenry, IL
Yea please update me if you think about it, I've wondered about Laneys but have never really gotten to play one

I used to own a mark V. The 90 watter. Great amp. But I was very much a set it and forget it type of guy so I really only used 2 sounds out of it. A clean and a dirty tone. All those switches do change the tone. But I found I only liked it with specific settings. I would argue they are very versatile if you like the other voicings the amp provides. Still even though for me the amp was a one trick pony for my personal tastes it was still the best amp I have ever owned until a couple weeks ago.

I get it if you want a mark series. They are great. But if versatility is really what you want and the Mark series stuff is in your price range I would highly suggest you try out a kemper. I was a total non believer. But now that I have one, I have to say it was the best purchase I have ever made. My ear isn't perfect but its decent. And the amount of tonal difference between the kemper and the amp it references could easily be the same difference in tone you would get from 10 different mark V's lined up. As in if there is any difference my ear cant pick it up. Just a thought.


finally got seven
Nov 12, 2013
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South Carolina - Upstate
I had three of the Laney IRT amps.
60 head
30 combo
They are closer to a Mesa than a Marshall, IMO, having had all of them.
The studio 15 got as loud as the 30 combo, but I'd go for the 60 head with a 212 or 112.
The watts feature is great and it'll make the 6505 combo sound tame
Hunt GC's used stuff or eBay
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
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Wichita, KS
I used to own a mark V. The 90 watter. Great amp. But I was very much a set it and forget it type of guy so I really only used 2 sounds out of it. A clean and a dirty tone. All those switches do change the tone. But I found I only liked it with specific settings. I would argue they are very versatile if you like the other voicings the amp provides. Still even though for me the amp was a one trick pony for my personal tastes it was still the best amp I have ever owned until a couple weeks ago.

I get it if you want a mark series. They are great. But if versatility is really what you want and the Mark series stuff is in your price range I would highly suggest you try out a kemper. I was a total non believer. But now that I have one, I have to say it was the best purchase I have ever made. My ear isn't perfect but its decent. And the amount of tonal difference between the kemper and the amp it references could easily be the same difference in tone you would get from 10 different mark V's lined up. As in if there is any difference my ear cant pick it up. Just a thought.

You know I have always wondered about Kemper. Having never really gotten to play anything of the sorts I've just mentally written them off as a more cost effective Axe FX and never thought I would be able to get into them. I have heard amazing things about them though, but have my reservations about any learning curves that might be associated with them


Proud blacksheep
Dec 23, 2011
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mchenry, IL
You know I have always wondered about Kemper. Having never really gotten to play anything of the sorts I've just mentally written them off as a more cost effective Axe FX and never thought I would be able to get into them. I have heard amazing things about them though, but have my reservations about any learning curves that might be associated with them

The most complicated thing about the kemper is the persons own reservations. I was very intimidated. Then after ten minutes with it you go " it cant be that easy". But it really is. Overthinking it is the only reason someone might have an issue. Now when i play on it I vontemplate why all gear cant be set up to work the way it does. If you have the chance to try one out i would. I didnt have one to try so i got one from sweetwater. They gave me an insanely good price and i was fully expecting i would send it back and just buy the mark v. That didnt happen. Whats most awesome is the noise gate and noise reduction. The thing is silent unless you are playing yet notes fully bloom and they have all the character and feel of the amp its emulating. Sorry for coming off like a fanboy. Its just when you experience something this good you want to share it with others.


Proud blacksheep
Dec 23, 2011
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mchenry, IL
OR. Positive grid head amp, what I would have if I had the money

600 watts $1299
And much easier to use than the Kempers

Have you ever used a kemper? I would say on one hand you are correct that the pg head is easier to use. But that doesnt mean the kemper is actually difficult to use. Plus positive grid bias head has no effects. And i would argue the amps on the kemper are more realistic. I got my kemper rack which also has 600 watts for $2000 shipped. Imho it was worth every penny over the bias. Plus i have all the bias software and got it for $75. Makes the head not really worth it imho.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
If you can spring for it, get the Mark V head. If you want a great sounding head which is plenty loud and also sounds great, the Mark V 35 is fantastic as well.


Gearwhore no more? Nope. Still a gearwhore. :(
Jun 22, 2017
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I have a Mark V:25. It's a great amp. Fantastic cleans, fantastic Crunch, fantastic high gain. Will said the 35 gives way more volume. That may or may not be true, I haven't tried the 35. But I can say the 25 gets very loud even through the 1X12 cab. I haven't run mine through my 2x12. As much as I love its tone, I'm considering selling it.

The things I don't like:
1) The Crunch mode is on channel 1 so I can't switch quickly between clean and Crunch. Crunch is my favorite mode on the amp.
2) I wish it was 3 channels (goes with number 1)
3) I wish it was organically MIDI capable

Those things really aren't true showstoppers, but I'm planning on a stereo rig with the TC-50 and a Peavey Invective. so I consider selling it but every time I look at it I think about how awesome that little amp is and wonder if I should just keep it.


May 23, 2008
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I have a Mark V:25. It's a great amp. Fantastic cleans, fantastic Crunch, fantastic high gain. Will said the 35 gives way more volume. That may or may not be true, I haven't tried the 35. But I can say the 25 gets very loud even through the 1X12 cab. I haven't run mine through my 2x12. As much as I love its tone, I'm considering selling it.

The things I don't like:
1) The Crunch mode is on channel 1 so I can't switch quickly between clean and Crunch. Crunch is my favorite mode on the amp.
2) I wish it was 3 channels (goes with number 1)
3) I wish it was organically MIDI capable

Those things really aren't true showstoppers, but I'm planning on a stereo rig with the TC-50 and a Peavey Invective. so I consider selling it but every time I look at it I think about how awesome that little amp is and wonder if I should just keep it.
I was considering the 25 like OP originally, but ultimately decided to save for the 35 (actually saved a little more and got it custom-colored), and I'm glad I did, because playing with a loud drummer is not a problem. I do feel like 35 watts is kinda pushing it on clean headroom when playing loud, and thats what makes me think the 25 is juuuust a little too small when jamming with other loud musicians.

I agree with not liking that the crunch mode is actually a voicing tied to the clean channel, but I understand that if Mesa were to make it a 3 channel amp, that would blur the line with it's 90 watt big brother too closely. My solution was to pick up a Friedman BE-OD, and now I feel like I've finally achieved my goal of a very versatile tube amp that I can gig, jam with, and play at bedroom volume or lower easily. Still, my main use for the 35 is recording and bedroom playing, so living without being able to switch between clean and crunch for a year wasnt a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
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Fredericton, NB
OR. Positive grid head amp, what I would have if I had the money

600 watts $1299
And much easier to use than the Kempers

You haven't used a Kemper then. No harder to dial in than a Mark V. For 1299, I'd take a Mark V 25 over the BIAS head. It's not exactly the pinnacle of amp modeling. Hell, you could get a Helix LT + FRFR for the same price as the BH as well.

To the OP, the biggest drawback to the 25/35 marks is that they are only 2 channel. You want clean, crunch and heavy (or lead) available on the fly, then you'll need to go with the 90. In my case, I pretty much never play clean so the 25w works great for me. Had no problem keeping up with a metal drummer in a small room through a 2x12.


Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
Yea please update me if you think about it, I've wondered about Laneys but have never really gotten to play one

I got my IRT studio and it's pretty versatile. The cleans are a little bland with settings at noon but if you scoop the eq a bit and turn up the dynamics knob it gets full and sparkly on the top end. The breakup when the clean is pushed is pretty pleasant as well. Distortion channel is good, pretty bright and chunky, reminds me a little bit of orange amps in the gain structure. The eq is very versatile, you can get a lot of different sounds but it requires a bit of experimenting since there are so many different combinations with all the options on it. Even with all the different eq settings it seems to retain a bit of that grittiness in the gain structure that gives me a bit of a British vibe. I would make sure you like that kind of sound before you think about getting one. The Mark V in comparison will have a smoother gain structure and a little more "refined" sound. I personally prefer the more raw sound of the Laney


Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
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a 25W mark V is not going to be much quieter than a 90W mark V, and both have adjustable wattage if memory serves.

Get the highest wattage for the most headroom and tightest bass response, if those are requirements.

Really, you need to grab your guitar and try them out and see which one you prefer.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
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GTA Ontario Canada
maybe I just dont use a "crunch" tone very much, but I figured even with either of the two Channel smaller Mark series amps you could have that third over the top sound through use of the graphic EQ, but obviously as someone who has not spent much time with one of these I could be way way off.

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