New Dream Theater song - The Gift of Music

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
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Really really really don't like the two new songs. They just sound so... lazy. Just lazy, boring, paint-by-number, alright-here-we-go-again-guess-we-gotta-record-another-album, bland Progmetal. Pity.

Sermo Lupi

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2009
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Really really really don't like the two new songs. They just sound so... lazy. Just lazy, boring, paint-by-number, alright-here-we-go-again-guess-we-gotta-record-another-album, bland Progmetal. Pity.

To be fair, the last two albums have sort of been musical marmite. Those that like it really dig it, those that dislike it just want to shut it off and never listen to it again.

Oddly though, whilst I wasn't a fan of the last two albums (nor this album so far), I can't really say the music is bad. LaBrie's voice has started to get on my nerves a bit, but aside from that they're all still writing at a very high level. But very little of the newer stuff grabs me in an essential way, I just get kind of bored of it like you said.

DT has created more than their fair share of 'masterpiece' albums so it's hard to feel angry at them. But part of me wonders if they would've been a stronger band coming back from the 1-2 year hiatus Portnoy proposed. From a business perspective it was a very stupid idea. However, maybe they would have been a bit more refreshed creatively, and we'd have a new Petrucci solo album to talk about instead, etc.

Anyway, the album isn't out yet. No point in writing it off until we get to hear the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Danville, CA
I dunno, I liked the song a lot haha it is a more by-the-numbers DT song but from the reviews I've read, TGOM and this one are the only songs on the 34 song album that are like that. If that's the case, I'm even more excited for the new album


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2014
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Kansas City, MO
I guess I just don't know what people are expecting. Like, I truly can't fathom how people can listen to something like TGOM and call it "lazy" - as if alternating 12/8, 15/8, 7/4, 6/4, 4/4, 9/8 time signatures is lazy writing or something.

I feel like people just like to hate on DT now because it's the cool thing to do - they got a little too prevalent and everything in prog is now compared to Dream Theater, so it's cool to move past them.

The amount of people coming in here to give there one liner on why DT sucks is just sad. :fawk:


Hide your Jacksons
Jan 27, 2013
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NB, Canada
I don't care what anyone says, I am enjoying these new songs and I can't wait to hear the album from start to finish.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Sound's actually pretty damn good. Loving the guitar sound. Sounds like Falling Into Infinity, which is my favorite DT sound.

Although now I can hear where the complaints about the drum tone are coming from, though. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Danville, CA
Sound's actually pretty damn good. Loving the guitar sound. Sounds like Falling Into Infinity, which is my favorite DT sound.

Although now I can hear where the complaints about the drum tone are coming from, though. :lol:

The guitar sound is great. Apparently Petrucci used his new signature amp to record everything on this album and songs like this really make me think that amp is gonna be amazing :agreed:


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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I guess I just don't know what people are expecting. Like, I truly can't fathom how people can listen to something like TGOM and call it "lazy" - as if alternating 12/8, 15/8, 7/4, 6/4, 4/4, 9/8 time signatures is lazy writing or something.

I feel like people just like to hate on DT now because it's the cool thing to do - they got a little too prevalent and everything in prog is now compared to Dream Theater, so it's cool to move past them.

The amount of people coming in here to give there one liner on why DT sucks is just sad. :fawk:

I don't have any opinion on these two songs other than being entertained by the tough guy drum sound, but this bolded part is ridiculous. It's almost easier to compose a bunch of chopped up time signatures like that cause then your melodies and riffs practically write themselves if you're writing around the time signatures instead of writing the time signatures around the lyrics or something (Dream Theater DEFINITELY does the former). Doing that kind of thing is exactly what they've been doing since their first album! It's no evidence that they're "trying" any more than any other aspect of the music, and if the whole album was in 4/4 then it probably almost show MORE effort on their part since maybe they'd have to go outside of their comfort zone a bit more (yeah, I know they have plenty of 4/4 songs in their catalog).


Tube Snake Boogie
Nov 14, 2011
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This is in no way directed to anyone specifically (relates to more than just this DT album), but I think sometimes we (as playing / recording musicians) get too hung up on the technicalities.

After reading the comments I too started to listen to the drum sound, and not the song itself. Gear and production takes over from the music.

Have you ever wished that you could go back to listening albums without knowing a single thing about playing, gear, production etc. ? I sure do. Sometimes I can fake it pretty well, though.

Moment of Betrayal had a pretty cool solo in it, a bit Yngwie-like (see, I did it again :lol:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
To be fair, the last two albums have sort of been musical marmite. Those that like it really dig it, those that dislike it just want to shut it off and never listen to it again.

Oddly though, whilst I wasn't a fan of the last two albums (nor this album so far), I can't really say the music is bad. LaBrie's voice has started to get on my nerves a bit, but aside from that they're all still writing at a very high level. But very little of the newer stuff grabs me in an essential way, I just get kind of bored of it like you said.

DT has created more than their fair share of 'masterpiece' albums so it's hard to feel angry at them. But part of me wonders if they would've been a stronger band coming back from the 1-2 year hiatus Portnoy proposed. From a business perspective it was a very stupid idea. However, maybe they would have been a bit more refreshed creatively, and we'd have a new Petrucci solo album to talk about instead, etc.

Anyway, the album isn't out yet. No point in writing it off until we get to hear the whole thing.

^^ this, so much this^^

Since the earlier video is gone...

Not very fan of the drums, but the song sounds amazing, very classic DT, love it.... and you can hear the bass loud and clear!!! :shred: yay! hehe

Have you ever wished that you could go back to listening albums without knowing a single thing about playing, gear, production etc. ? I sure do. Sometimes I can fake it pretty well, though.

sadly I cant, lol, I dont remember how to. Since I started playing bass, my perception of music and the way I listen it changed forever, even more since I study audio engineering/production, and now playing guitar.

Ive only knew DT from this perspective. That was why I got soo hooked up with them since 2001 and thats why they still are my favourite band. I can enjoy the songs at multiple levels and every time I listen to them, there is something new to pay attention to it..... Except the vocals lol, I never pay attention to them, I only know like 3 songs lyrics, hahaa, that one came also as a result of growing up in a spanish speaking country. Kinda of a blessing, as I focus more on the music and the vocal melodies rather than the lyric. And it would work a champ on this cheesy new album lol


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2010
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New song reminds me of Behind the Veil, which is good because it was the best song from the last album for me.

I like both of the new songs and looking forward to the album :)


not guthrie govan
Dec 14, 2010
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Belgrade, Serbia
I don't have any opinion on these two songs other than being entertained by the tough guy drum sound, but this bolded part is ridiculous. It's almost easier to compose a bunch of chopped up time signatures like that cause then your melodies and riffs practically write themselves if you're writing around the time signatures instead of writing the time signatures around the lyrics or something (Dream Theater DEFINITELY does the former). Doing that kind of thing is exactly what they've been doing since their first album! It's no evidence that they're "trying" any more than any other aspect of the music, and if the whole album was in 4/4 then it probably almost show MORE effort on their part since maybe they'd have to go outside of their comfort zone a bit more (yeah, I know they have plenty of 4/4 songs in their catalog).


there is no sign of even the slightest bit of effort to evolve or try something new, step outside the box they've built for themselves even the tiniest bit.

these guys can play shifty time signatures in their sleep. they've been doing it for the better part of 30 years.

at least when portnoy was in the band they would at least make an effort to try something new, for better or worse.

this literally sounds like some prog metal band from the 90s trying to emulate Dream Theater's style, like Vanden Plas. It's pretty much Dream Theater trying to emulate Dream Theater.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2015
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dayton, OH
BREAKING NEWS: Dream Theater sounds like Dream Theater. Not sure what else you all were expecting. :scratch:


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
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Out there, somewhere
Because every Dream Theater album sounds exactly the same, right? :lol:

No however after years of people bitching about everything new they tried they start writing material that is similar to the old stuff and now people bitch about that :lol:

I said it before, no matter what they do people will always bitch about Dream Theater and Gibson.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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That's pretty much how it is, yeah.

But I'm in the camp that was quite happy with how DT13 came out, and these recent songs are solid as well. I like them much better than Nu Theater.

EDIT: ...., DT13. The Self-titled album, not JP13. :rofl: