NGD! ESP LTD H7 2015


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
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I never thought I'd actually be posting a NGD on this forum! Been a longtime visitor on this site since around 2009 and I always found myself drooling and dreaming of all the gear I would see featured.


The kid who kept dreaming of owning a quality instrument finally got his paws on the LTD H7 2015 to fulfill all his Nevermore and Scar Symmetry riffing needs and then some! It even came with the hardcase and some upgrades courtesy of the previous owner!


-25.5 scale
-Mahogany body
-Maple neck (set-thru construction I believe?)
-Ebony fretboard
-MOP offset inlays with the LTD 2015 inlay on the 12th
-Quilted maple top
-White body binding
-Transparent black finish in satin
-ESP locking tuners

-Tonepros locking TOM w/ string saver saddles
-TUSQ nut
-Strainless steel frets
-Bareknuckle Nailbomb (B) and Cold Sweat (N)

Here are some pics! (Still getting around the image hosting issue for now)

This is my first 7 string and pretty much first guitar that I've owned of this quality and I am absolutely floored. It's probably the honeymoon period, but there's a certain magic about playing a guitar like this and not having to put it back on a music store wall hehe.

Thing feels great! The guitar came with an amazing setup (although the strings feel a bit thin. Will have to experiment with gauges soon) The ESP thin U neck is very comfy. Like many of you can attest to, it's thicker than an Ibanez wizard and a bit more of a handful which suits me perfectly. Very comfy for riffing and going up the neck.

The stainless steel frets feel like a dream. Super smooth and makes everything feel a little easier than it should! They were installed perfectly as well. No dead spots and it even makes warming up and practicing feel extremely satisfying. Overall no problems here except for a tiny bit of friction when I bend and vibrato on the 17th fret on the B and G string but it's no deal breaker.

The body isn't as heavy as I thought it would be considering it's mahogany. I've tried a number of Horizon models like the MH-1000 and the MH-Evertune model and those things felt like they weighed around 9-10 pounds. This feels more like 7-8 pounds and is pretty comfy.

The one little gripe I have in terms of playability and comfort is the TOM bridge. Sure, it's quite comfortable but I just dont fully jive with TOM bridges. They feel like they need to be tighter or so. But that's all down to personal preference of course. I dont really see it as a deal breaker.

After riffing on it for a few days now in various environments (travelling between the province and the city and all) the tuning stability is pretty good. The occasional flat or sharp G string now and then, but overall I hardly touch the tuners except when I go down to drop A.

As for tone, the thing sounds like a BEAST. Had the privilege of trying this through a friend's Ironheart 120 half stack and a maxon OD808 and it was ferocious. Also works well with my home setup of BIAS FX. Super big fan of mahogany for tone and this thing didn't disappoint. The Nailbomb gets a little ice picky at times, but overall it's quite tight and has a great growl. Way brighter than I thought it was going to be. The Cold Sweat is a great match, although I do find myself wanting a bit more power from it...maybe I'll switch it out one day? But it's no priority right now.

Overall I am VERY happy with this guitar. I think it's a fantastic introduction to 7 strings. I just wish it came with a hipshot style bridge or even something like the knockoff hipshot that the Alex Wade model has, but it's still a very comfortable guitar. Will be keeping this guitar for a very, very long time. And hopefully I can upgrade into legit MIJ ESP territory in the near future if things continue to go well!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
This looks really classy and the color choice for the pickups from the previous owner was a good one. I'm not a big fan of that headstock but it does work well with this guitar.
I know that the TOM bridge isn't as comfy as other low profile bridges and it took me a bit of while to get used to it, as I mainly played low profile Floyd type equiped guitars. But guitars wit the TOM's have something cool going on with their sound. I don't know if it's the clearance from the body or what specific but the guitars I've played that had usually had a more open, fuller sound. Maybe because you can dig in to the strings a bit more.
The LTD guitars around the 1000 mark seem to be really well made and the name should not drive people away, as iI hate to admit, had that effect to me in the beginning


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
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This looks really classy and the color choice for the pickups from the previous owner was a good one. I'm not a big fan of that headstock but it does work well with this guitar.
I know that the TOM bridge isn't as comfy as other low profile bridges and it took me a bit of while to get used to it, as I mainly played low profile Floyd type equiped guitars. But guitars wit the TOM's have something cool going on with their sound. I don't know if it's the clearance from the body or what specific but the guitars I've played that had usually had a more open, fuller sound. Maybe because you can dig in to the strings a bit more.
The LTD guitars around the 1000 mark seem to be really well made and the name should not drive people away, as iI hate to admit, had that effect to me in the beginning

Thanks, man! Oh and I fully agree. Over the years I would try different 1000 series guitars that felt great, but had these little problems here and there. Slightly shard frets, the EMGs would feel a little loose, wouldn't stay in tune very well.

But either this thing had a hell of a setup by the previous owner or LTD simply upped the quality because this feels and sounds killer. I'm quickly growing fond of the TOM as well!

Pikka Bird

Vaya Con Cornholio
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
Odense; Denmark
I am in some kind of minority here, but I love the reversed version of that headstock, and am very fond of TOM bridges too. I am quite envious of this guitar. Congrats. :yesway:


Jul 28, 2016
Reaction score
Portland, Maine
I Have this exact same guitar! It was also my first 7 string and I got it used with Bareknuckle Juggernauts. Weird how similar that is to your experience.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
Reaction score
I Have this exact same guitar! It was also my first 7 string and I got it used with Bareknuckle Juggernauts. Weird how similar that is to your experience.

Awesome to hear! It is indeed a lovely guitar, and I think a great introduction into 7 string guitars.

How are you liking the juggs? I don't think I've ever tried any in a mahogany guitar so far.