Siggery guitars


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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Gothenburg, Sweden
It's easy to bag on recent orders but what about the people who got in 3 years ago? Why where builds far more recent completed but these people left out in the cold?

Yes. I noticed this many times, and called Marty out on it. He apologised, but I guess easier builds means faster money. Simple as that.

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young scoundrel
Jan 12, 2012
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Staffordshire, England
I so badly want to empathise with Marty and fight his corner slightly after I did have a good experience with him but the fact is that he has simply lied to people, and regardless of what his intentions may or may not have been, he's literally stolen a lot of money.
I understand that he may have been in a very difficult situation from his perspective but he has clearly handled it in completely the wrong way and it is way too late to go back. Surely history might have served as a warning to him. "Yeah, it's tricky, but here's exactly what not to do"

Here's hoping that this works out for everybody involved, good look friends :hbang:


Guitar Guardian
Aug 24, 2007
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Albany, NY
I don't know how it is in the UK, but if you want to declare bankruptcy in the US and want the debt cancelled you have to provide a list of creditors and notify them of your bankruptcy petition. If you didn't get notified then the debt shouldn't be dischargeable. Also, if the debt is based on fraud then it probably won't be dischargeable either. If you can show that he intentionally lied a number of times, regularly, etc. you might at least prevent him from discharging his debts to those "customers" he took money from. Sounds like there are enough people involved you could look into getting an actual legal opinion from someone local. Good luck to you all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I so badly want to empathise with Marty and fight his corner slightly after I did have a good experience with him but the fact is that he has simply lied to people, and regardless of what his intentions may or may not have been, he's literally stolen a lot of money.
I understand that he may have been in a very difficult situation from his perspective but he has clearly handled it in completely the wrong way and it is way too late to go back. Surely history might have served as a warning to him. "Yeah, it's tricky, but here's exactly what not to do"

Here's hoping that this works out for everybody involved, good look friends :hbang:

I'm pretty much in the same boat, I'm happy with my guitar.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I just could not be happier that I didn't place an order with him about 3 months ago after he gave me a quote for "early 2015".


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2014
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New England
Do we get refunded our deposits ? i paid mine 2 years ago would i still be able to get it back if i ring up my CC company ?

Not a chance. Most CC companies will go back about 180 days, max.

Best anyone can do for amounts under, I believe, $2k is to file a case against him in small claims court. However, you have to take into account your expenses and time. Unless the court is local, it's probably not worth it.

If his company files for bankruptcy, you're going to be out of luck. If he was never legally incorporated then that's a different story. Filing for personal bankruptcy is a bigger deal. You can't just walk away from that one. A company? Yeah, pretty easy to walk away if you have the right lawyers.

(EDIT: I missed that he's in the UK. I have no idea what the laws are over there, but there was a link on failed businesses in the UK a few pages back. Unfortunately, if you're outside the UK, I don't see how you will get anything back without it costing you more in fees, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2012
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one of the guys in the group got his letter returned from Marty, with a box checked "refused".
he simply refused to accept the letter.

I'm at loss for words at this point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Boca Raton, Florida

one of the guys in the group got his letter returned from Marty, with a box checked "refused".
he simply refused to accept the letter.

I'm at loss for words at this point.

While still accepting orders/stealing peoples money? That's pretty low...

I too am fairly surprised that Marty won't man up and face this disaster he created. Bad form, Marty, appalling display. :noplease:


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
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Copenhagen, Denmark
Man, I wish a bunch of the UK users from this forum could go to this house and confront him, while documenting the whole thing. That would be useful in court.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Shelton, CT
Not a chance. Most CC companies will go back about 180 days, max.

Best anyone can do for amounts under, I believe, $2k is to file a case against him in small claims court. However, you have to take into account your expenses and time. Unless the court is local, it's probably not worth it.

If his company files for bankruptcy, you're going to be out of luck. If he was never legally incorporated then that's a different story. Filing for personal bankruptcy is a bigger deal. You can't just walk away from that one. A company? Yeah, pretty easy to walk away if you have the right lawyers.

(EDIT: I missed that he's in the UK. I have no idea what the laws are over there, but there was a link on failed businesses in the UK a few pages back. Unfortunately, if you're outside the UK, I don't see how you will get anything back without it costing you more in fees, etc.)

I have a Visa credit card and I called them about this. They don't seem to have a limit on how many days but they just need a written letter if it is over 6 months back, which is standard. I will be sending my letter soon to the HQ about what happened and then they will refund me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2012
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Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario/Michigan
I'm feeling double screwed in regards to pursuing a return of funds through paypal/cc.

My paypal/cc transactions both went to third parties who were the original owners of the build spots. If I try and pursue this through paypal, they can only take the money back from the previous owners, who have nothing to do with this situation anymore.

The only documentation proving Marty owes me is the confirmation emails from him that I am now the owner of the spots along with the following conversations regarding specs and progress (progress that was never made :lol:)


Active Member
Jan 25, 2013
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I am shaking in my seat.

I just found out about this. I didn't get ANY sort of email confirming this. The only reason I got to know about this is that I, by chance, visited this thread again. I have waited since 4 October 2013. I even mailed him about the build mid January without any reply whatsoever. I'm speechless with anger, this is ridiculous.

I have sent a request to join the FB-group.

Bloody hell.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
Man, I wish a bunch of the UK users from this forum could go to this house and confront him, while documenting the whole thing. That would be useful in court.

This is probably the dumbest post, outside of those threatening to "kick his ass".

If you show up to small claims court, or even criminal court, with a video harassing him you'll be lucky to get out with just paying his court fees, and could probably be on the receiving end of the law yourselves. Courts are designed to stop mob bullshit like this, not reward it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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So for those of you who actually got their Siggery, how is it? Worth the money?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Vienna, Austria
So for those of you who actually got their Siggery, how is it? Worth the money?

As a person, who onwned one, borrowed one from my friend, and never got his second one because it was destroyed during building, my answer is:



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Vienna, Austria
Can you elaborate?

Here are two opinions (Danukenator and me), that were posted in the mid of this thread:

I'll offer a counter opinion, respectfully.

In my experience, Marty was completely unable to estimate the completion time of the instrument, Sure five or six weeks isn't a big deal, five or six months... It got to the point where I'm sure he was intentionally dishonest as it would be near impossible to repeatedly string me on for that period of time saying "It will be done in a week or two," over and over again.

The actual guitars themselves aren't all that great. I was new to the high end guitar game at this point so I didn't really know what and where I should be looking. Live and learn.

-The frets were fine, they worked. They weren't smooth like a Jackson Select. I had hoped for exceptional fretwork, didn't get it.

-The case he sent was dirty and had little flecks of metal inside of it. I never found out if he sent me a used case or if he had gotten scraps of his bridge plate milling into it but I had to meticulously clean it to get it up to snuff. I was lucky the guitar wasn't damaged.

-I was NOT given an ebony fretboard. Let me be clear, I've had a lot of guitars with ebony fretboards. I've been to lumber yards to pick ebony before. I know what ebony looks like and have played and seen many different varieties. Based on pictures on this thread, I was given a "bog oak" fretboard as it has the same distinctive grain pattern. Again, was this Marty intentionally lying? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but a wrong fretboard is a BIG flaw.

-Build quality was, again, fine. Neck pocket could have been tighter, wasn't loose. Everything simply seemed by the numbers as opposed to a truely nice job.

Honestly, get a Carvin. I picked one up for 350$ and it has far nicer workmanship then a Siggery. The fretwork on Carvins is FAR better. If you need a custom, go for Ran. My FF8 was better in every respect. EBMM beats all three.

I don't want to be a wet blanket. I've heard he has gotten better and perhaps I got a dud. In my experience his guitars match exactly what one would expect in that price range and certainly nothing more.

I have a similar experience as Danukentor. My Siggery was my first custom guitar. I expected a guitar of superior quality that stands above all other guitars I have ever played. Unfortunatly the guitar wasn't like that.

My NGD was really positive for some reasons. Like I said it was my first custom and I was sure it MUST be a quality guitar and I thought that maybe my expectations were too high. Besides that I was kind of ashamed paying my hard earned money, waiting nearly a year and then receive a mediocre instrument.

- Marty quoted me 6-8 weeks. It took about 10 months to receive it. I know that it is nearly impossible to get a guitar in 6-8 weeks, but why does he even quote me that time?

- He said that the guitar cant be finished because BKP has delays in delivery due to a show. I wrote a mail to BKP asking about the pickups and they said that they dont have an order from Marty but had sent the exact set that I wanted to his place a few weeks ago. Marty was really mad that BKP talked to me about his orders and then my pickups appeared "magically" at his shop.

- The fretwork was not great and the wrong frets were installed. I asked for jumbo but got some medium frets. Maybe they were Jumbo but were filed down way too much.

-The pickups were not height adjustable and the strings where not running straight over the polepieces

-the nut was cut way too deep. Even open strings were buzzing.

-the guitar had little dents all over the body and neck.

-the neck was way to thick. Almost like on a Les Paul. I requested a very thin c shape.

-the guitars playability and overal quality was not as good as i had expected. It felt cheap.

-the oil finish was blotched on the back of the body.

-the neck pocket was not tight and the neck was shimmed. I know that a shim is nothing bad but I dont expect a custom guitar to be shimmed. Do you?

I asked Marty to reshape the neck, replace the frets and the nuts. He offered me to send only the neck. I was wondering how he is able to cut a decent nut without the neck beeing mounted on the body, but hey, I am not a luthier. So i thought he knows a way to do it. I got the guitar back with a new neckshape but with "medium" frets again and without a new nut. Upon request he said that he cant cut a new nut without the body.

I had the guitar reworked by to luthiers to make it a decent guitar, but i didn't liked it anymore. I had to sell it.

I dont want to bash Siggery, but give a second opinion to all the people who consider getting a Siggery. This thread is full chorus of praise, mostly from people who are still waiting for their guitars and are only judging by pictures.

The communication with Marty was ok and maybe I just had bad luck. I hope you guys receive stellar guitars.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Vienna, Austria
oh I did forget about my 7string build: The body was laying around in his shop for half a year without progress and then a split in the wood appeared.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
How anyone could have been naive enough to give Siggery money after those reviews boggles my mind. :nuts: