The Official Agile ERG Thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
If you lock it properly and everything is tightened well it works fine. Mine is 27" scale.
The Kahler has a whole bunch of adjustable options, which is a novel idea, but on an 8 string it seems really unnecessary (IMHO). More adjustable options also mean more things that can go wrong and more things that need to be considered when working on it. I personally have mine locked and don't plan on unlocking it...unless i m bored and really want to cause myself some stress. If there is a way, maybe sometime in the future I might get it routed to house a hipshot.

Also, one of the fellow jedi master posters did some nice mods to his Interceptor with a Kahler. Turns out the string break angle at the saddle isn't enough for a strident tone, especially for the low F#. I cant seem to find the thread, but please search for it and read up. I m looking to make this modification myself, will keep you posted.

Other than that Kahlers work fine, but Hipshot wins.

Thank you very much.
I have one intrepid, and it has no trem, because I thought I really don't need a trem on an 8 string. But now I see those nice Septors, and some of them have the Kahler, I was wondering, why not?!
Not sure, though, if I'd ever use it that much if I got a Kahler.

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Newly joined 8 strin
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Hey everyone,

I've recently been looking into buying an 8 string guitar and a friend of mine showed me RondoMusic.

I was contacted by the guitarist of Scale the Summit about an 8 string guitar and I asked him what her preferred which would be the extra high string which isn't what im looking for.
I'm mainly looking to get an 8 string to do some AAL covers and then begin writing my own music.
So, if you could recommend one 8 string guitar to me for playing music like AAL what would it be? (From Rondomusic without a Floyd Rose)
What modifications would you make on the guitar when you got it as well?

I appreciate all feedback! Thanks:)

i have an intrepid 828 dual with a maple board and ocean burst, which i got for roughly 600$ and it handles the job stock, so something along the lines of this Agile Intrepid Dual 828 MN Darkburst at should do


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
A question to those of you who have an Agile 8-string with a Kahler:
How well does the Kahler work? Does the guitar stay in tune well?
And what scale length do you have on your Kahler equipped 8-string?


Yeah, the Kahler's seem to stay in tune well (I have a 27" 8 string and a 27.5" 8 string). But one thing I noticed is that the thicker the string, the less you need to press the trem arm to get it to go slack. It's the nature of the cam, and how the string goes over it. A thinner string will pass pretty much right over the cam, so that pressing the bar moves the saddle closer to the nut by a tiny bit, but the cam itself doesn't really get involved. It only moves in a horizontal vector. So even with the bar pushed to the body of the guitar the pitch only drops 1.5 steps. On the other hand, the .072 on the F# is so thick that the string has to go up and over the cam (i.e. the core of the string is higher at the cam than at the saddle). So when the arm is pressed the saddle not only comes forward but it raises as well and comes up to the level of the string on the top of the cam. So then you have the vertical vector added in. What that means in practicality is that pressing the bar less than an inch causes a complete slackening of the string. A knife edge trem wouldn't suffer the same consequence as much (although it would a little due to the lower strings having the saddles back further for intonation).

Anyway, I can barely tolerate the 8th string on these, so I have zero intention of getting a Kahler on the 9 string guitars.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Yeah, the Kahler's seem to stay in tune well (I have a 27" 8 string and a 27.5" 8 string). But one thing I noticed is that the thicker the string, the less you need to press the trem arm to get it to go slack. It's the nature of the cam, and how the string goes over it. A thinner string will pass pretty much right over the cam, so that pressing the bar moves the saddle closer to the nut by a tiny bit, but the cam itself doesn't really get involved. It only moves in a horizontal vector. So even with the bar pushed to the body of the guitar the pitch only drops 1.5 steps. On the other hand, the .072 on the F# is so thick that the string has to go up and over the cam (i.e. the core of the string is higher at the cam than at the saddle). So when the arm is pressed the saddle not only comes forward but it raises as well and comes up to the level of the string on the top of the cam. So then you have the vertical vector added in. What that means in practicality is that pressing the bar less than an inch causes a complete slackening of the string. A knife edge trem wouldn't suffer the same consequence as much (although it would a little due to the lower strings having the saddles back further for intonation).

Anyway, I can barely tolerate the 8th string on these, so I have zero intention of getting a Kahler on the 9 string guitars.

Thanks !:yesway:


Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Melhus, Norway
Great news! Your guitar is due in ahead of schedule, around the end of August or early September. We will inspect and ship as soon as it arrives in. Please send your ballance of 375.00 to via Refer to order xxxxxx in the comments of your payment
Whoa, when I ordered it, it was due for December :S

Time to move some money around, didn't plan for this lol

edit: anyone else getting theirs early?


Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Melhus, Norway
8 string Trans white Intrepid pro, 28.628" scale with Ebony Fretboard and active pups :D Should turn out nice :)


Street Theorist
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Akron, OH
Whoa, when I ordered it, it was due for December :S

Time to move some money around, didn't plan for this lol

edit: anyone else getting theirs early?

I got an e-mail, too, about mine. I ordered an Intrepid 928. Looking forward to trying out my first ERG!


Street Theorist
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Akron, OH
Anyone else on here put in an order for a December 2011 custom? I'm waiting for an Intrepid 928. I got an e-mail a few weeks ago saying that the order is ahead of schedule and should be arriving end of August/beginning of September. Great, now I'm getting antsy.

Here are the specs on mine:

Intrepid Pro Dual 928 EB CP 2TS w/Case
2TS (Plain top)
Ebony Fretboard
Cepheus Passive
9 String (+150) ;+150
Right Handed

Post yours! :cool:


Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Melhus, Norway
Got the same mail :D been waiting(rather impatiently, if i might add) ever since :lol:

Heres my specs:
Intrepid Pro Dual 828 EB CA Trans White w/Case
Trans White
Ebony Fretboard
Cepheus Active
8 String
Right Handed


Street Theorist
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Akron, OH
Well, so much for having a thread dedicated so waiting. Does everything even remotely Agile related get tossed into this main thread? It kind of makes having discussions on specific aspects of a topic impossible.


Formerly Lern2Swim
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Well, so much for having a thread dedicated so waiting. Does everything even remotely Agile related get tossed into this main thread? It kind of makes having discussions on specific aspects of a topic impossible.

Imagine if they did it with Ibanez. There would be 14 total topics on the board.


He seldomly knows...
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
Formerly from Cucaramacatacatirimilcote...
Well, so much for having a thread dedicated so waiting. Does everything even remotely Agile related get tossed into this main thread? It kind of makes having discussions on specific aspects of a topic impossible.

I suppose it's better than getting slammed by a mod for having an ANGD (anticipated new guitar day) thread, which is against the rules IIRC....


Street Theorist
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Akron, OH
I suppose it's better than getting slammed by a mod for having an ANGD (anticipated new guitar day) thread, which is against the rules IIRC....

Sheesh. There are times I really considering leaving this forum. I moderate at a very high profile music forum owned by a large music company and the moderation attitude there is nowhere near as restrictive and rigid to the rules as it is here. If someone isn't spamming, trolling, or otherwise being offensive, and there's no issue with a certain topic flooding out other ones (which to a degree I can see the point of an Agile omnibus thread), then it seems absurd to squash on topic discussion on a discussion board.


Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Melhus, Norway
Well sure, but rules are rules, and they're up to the admin/owner to set, and we agree to abide by them when we register here. The choices are simple, abide or leave, and I honestly understand the rigid strictness of the rules considering the history of this site. If you really dislike the rules and believe you find a major flaw in them, it would be wiser to take this up with an admin or mod by PM, nothing good will come of talking about it in this thread(these kinds of topics get heated fast, which leads to bans and a bitter atmosphere).

And back to topic; Anyone have experience with the Cepheus Actives? How do they compare with EMG808 and EMG808x?


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Racine, WI
Sheesh. There are times I really considering leaving this forum.

Which is fine. If you're not happy here, then please leave. I'd hate for you to not be happy. Really. I'm not being sarcastic. This free forum is fine with folks coming and going. Such is life.

I moderate at a very high profile music forum owned by a large music company

Just say Harmony Central. We won't throw bricks at you or anything. :lol:

For a quick comparison, HC has well over a dozen active Mods, and roughly 50,000 users. We have only four active Mods, and some guys that help when they can, to run a forum with close to 20,000 active users, roughly 1,000 on an average day. We have to keep up on things or else it just piles up.

and the moderation attitude there is nowhere near as restrictive and rigid to the rules as it is here.

Every forum is different. I'm on a few myself, and things vary wildly from super-strict-every-post-deleted-thread-locked to ones more akin to "the wild west". We enforce agreed upon rules based on the community. Are we rigid? Yes. Are we willing to negotiate/make expections? Of course. I like to think we keep this forum close to the middles with a slight lean on keeping up the rules, especially those set forth by the Admin. It's his site.

If someone isn't spamming, trolling, or otherwise being offensive, and there's no issue with a certain topic flooding out other ones (which to a degree I can see the point of an Agile omnibus thread), then it seems absurd to squash on topic discussion on a discussion board.

Maybe I missed something, as I don't think I've merged a topic in here in quite some time, but was anything deleted? It appears things were just joined together. :shrug:

Regardless. If you have a problem, just PM one of us. Our names are in blue (duh :lol:), and we'll be happy to talk. We're human, and sometimes we make mistakes, so please feel free to reach out to us.


Street Theorist
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Akron, OH
Which is fine. If you're not happy here, then please leave. I'd hate for you to not be happy. Really. I'm not being sarcastic. This free forum is fine with folks coming and going. Such is life.

Just say Harmony Central. We won't throw bricks at you or anything. :lol:

For a quick comparison, HC has well over a dozen active Mods, and roughly 50,000 users. We have only four active Mods, and some guys that help when they can, to run a forum with close to 20,000 active users, roughly 1,000 on an average day. We have to keep up on things or else it just piles up.

Every forum is different. I'm on a few myself, and things vary wildly from super-strict-every-post-deleted-thread-locked to ones more akin to "the wild west". We enforce agreed upon rules based on the community. Are we rigid? Yes. Are we willing to negotiate/make expections? Of course. I like to think we keep this forum close to the middles with a slight lean on keeping up the rules, especially those set forth by the Admin. It's his site.

Maybe I missed something, as I don't think I've merged a topic in here in quite some time, but was anything deleted? It appears things were just joined together. :shrug:

Regardless. If you have a problem, just PM one of us. Our names are in blue (duh :lol:), and we'll be happy to talk. We're human, and sometimes we make mistakes, so please feel free to reach out to us.

I understand and pretty much agree with all of that. I guess I'm only mildly annoyed by the thread locking/merging. Annoyed enough to post a comment in a thread about it, but not enough to be bothered to PM anyone about seriously changing it. You are right though, every forum has its dynamic. I guess I'm just used to forums that are a little more laissez-faire about things. I also have no familiarity with the history of the forum beyond when I joined earlier this year, so that may shade my perception of the site dynamics quite a bit. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score

I may be getting an Agile in the coming weeks/months and there are a few things I still need to figure out

First, how does the tone differ from the 828 to the 830? I would rather have the 830 for the maple fret board and the pickup routing that can accept actives (if I ever want to change them) but I'm not sure how the scale will sound. any advice on that?

Also, can they do small changes to stock guitars without it becoming a custom order, or if it is a custom order, would it be significantly more expensive or take a lot longer to get? The scale of change I mean is something like changing the wood on the fretboard of the 828 to Maple.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Racine, WI

I may be getting an Agile in the coming weeks/months and there are a few things I still need to figure out

First, how does the tone differ from the 828 to the 830? I would rather have the 830 for the maple fret board and the pickup routing that can accept actives (if I ever want to change them) but I'm not sure how the scale will sound. any advice on that?

Also, can they do small changes to stock guitars without it becoming a custom order, or if it is a custom order, would it be significantly more expensive or take a lot longer to get? The scale of change I mean is something like changing the wood on the fretboard of the 828 to Maple.

The difference in tone between the 28.265" and 30" scales is really going to depend on what you plan on tuning to, as well as the string gauge you prefer to use. Typically though, the longer the scale the brighter the higher strings sound, and the clearer the lower strings sound, though that's speaking to using the same gauge of strings in the same, Standard, tuning. Overall though, it's something you can compensate for to some degree.

Rondo/Agile does not modify their guitars, as they're just a store. What they have in stock is what you get. If you're really set on something like fretboard wood or pickup routes send Kurt an e-mail asking if he's expecting any new Intrepid shipments. The stock at Rondo is ever changing, and they don't leave up the pages on guitars they don't have in stock. So it's possible that the EXACT guitar you want is just a few shipments away.