VHT Sig:X vs Mark IV?

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Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA
V30's rule for a lot of things that the Recto is good at. They also evidently record pretty well. That said, for an amp known for its flat-out metal sound, it's sort of odd that Mesa went with the V30 instead of their excellent C90 Black Shadow.

I A/B'd my C90-loaded Rectoverb combo against a 2x12 Recto cab loaded with V30's - obviously, the low end was a bit bigger in the closed back cab, but there was a noticable difference in the high end - it was a bit hazier, and a little more, eh, Joe Satriani vs. John Petrucci. It'd work for what I play, but I totally understand why so many people rave about the C90 for Rectos - hell, I do too. :D

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Pictures of guitars I don't even own anymore!
Super Moderator
Jul 21, 2005
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Woodbridge, VA
That's odd being the recto cabs are loaded with V30s. Did mesa get it that wrong?

IMO, yes. Lots of people seem to like them, but they pronounce the fizz, to my ears, anyway...


Banned from Reality
Jul 22, 2004
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That's odd being the recto cabs are loaded with V30s. Did mesa get it that wrong?

IMO they definitely did. I hated Rectos until I played one through an older C90 loaded cab. Then my opinion was most definitely different!

The only V30 cab I've halfway liked a Recto through was an Orange 2x12.


Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
Woodbridge, VA
That's odd being the recto cabs are loaded with V30s. Did mesa get it that wrong?

Considering that the bulk of their consumer base was clamoring for them? No. They gave the customers what they wanted. However, we all know that a lot of customers don't really understand what they want, and will blame an amp for the speakers, cab, tubes, guitar, etc.

FWIW you can order a Mesa cab with C90s at no additional charge. They just come with V30s "standard".


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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I suppose I should respond to some of this, to set the record straight...

Nick, I was trying to make a point with a bit of humor and good natured ribbing so I wouldn't have to come out and say it point blank, but since you're taking a bit of kidding personally, I guess I have to be a shade more direct...

Well your true meaning was obvious, that's why I responded the way I did.

Drew said:
Even before you were a dealer you weren't exactly an unbiased source of gear reviews - you took a lot of crap when you first signed up here for talking up whatever it was you were planning on selling next week. Now that you're a dealer, officially, well, it does sort of shed the appearance of slight professional bias. Your Bareknuckle review read exactly like one of those Musicians Friend "reviews" that they toss in every couple pages to drum up interest in a new peice of gear.

Only to a few people like you who for some reason still don't know me too well and assume the worst all the time. If you knew me, you'd understand that I'm the most genuine and passionate guy around when it comes to talking about gear, music, whatever. This is my life man, I don't have ulterior motives or make shit up. I spend as much time as I do on this forum because I love talking about guitars/etc.

Most everyone else around here knows that, believes I'm genuine with my opinions, and have no problems coming to me with advice or talking to me about guitars, because they know I'm sincere, passionate and knowledgeable about this shit - even if I don't share the same opinions with everyone. I don't spend 8 hours talking to dudes on AIM about guitars because I'm hoping their broke-asses one day will be able to afford a VHT, I do it because this is what I love thinking/talking about. That's why I'm opening this business, because I want an excuse to be talking/thinking about guitars all day man.

I swear, I have 10,000 posts and you guys still don't have a clue what I'm about apparently, it's frustrating that you say bullshit like that. Simply not true bro. My Bare Knuckle review was my honest opinion, and if you read you'd see other Nailbomb owners chimed in saying they felt exactly the same way. If you think I'm a liar, fine, you're entitled to that opinion but your perception is not reality.

Drew said:
And now in this thread you're pimping the hell out of an amp you sell, and getting a little upset that the topic, with the blessing of the original poster, has drifted over to one you don't. I mean, maybe it's time to rethink a little how you interact in a discussion forum. You can't just say things like "Of course it can, dude, it's a VHT" when at some level you're open to the charge that you're solely motivated by profit margin, you know?

There you go again assuming the worst. I don't get you man. Years before I was a dealer for any of this stuff I was saying the same things, and I still continue to be passionate about things I have no association with. I'm not exactly a dealer for JJ tubes, Mesa, Peavey, Elixir, but I talk favorably about them all the time too. You know me better by now to not think that way.

Honestly it's so ridiculous and insulting. I've been here for years, and after a rocky start I've been a very helpful and genuine member of this community, you should be a little more respectful and not assume I'm some prick 'solely motivated by a profit margin'.

Drew said:
We're talking about how a Rectifier handles low gain because the original poster wanted a high gain amp that could also handle low gain, and thought (incorrectly) that a Recto couldn't do it. Hell, I didn't even bring it up in this thread. I'm sorry it's intefering with a chance for you to get free advertizing for VHT, but honestly if you want to go that route I'm going to have to direct you to the Dealer forum.

Once again, assuming something that simply doesn't exist. Just like you guys write everything off as 'good natured ribbing', I too wasn't serious either. THE ONLY reason I posted what I posted was because I was smiling about how everytime I look up I see Drew talking about Rectos', which is still ironic to me based on how many years you claimed not to like them. It was just me being silly also, yet you interpret everything as "Nick is a greedy putz only motivated by sales". While I see how you could interpret my post as trying to drum up more discussion on VHTs, it wasn't like that. I don't have any VHTs to sell man. I'm not going to be getting in a shipment of those for like at least 3-4 months. This guy obviously is going to make a move well before then.

Drew said:
Also, nit-picking point - the Road King and Roadster ARE part of the Rectifier line.

I already acknowledged that previously dude, so why bring that up again?

Drew said:
Anyway, don't take this the wrong way, dude - I like you, I'm glad to see you've got this shop on its way off the ground, but at the same time, it seriously hampers your ability to give unbiased advice, and since you seem to take it personally when anyone disagrees with you, it's something you need to think about, you know...?

I seriously doubt you like me man. Clearly based off how you perceive me to be, I don't see how that's possible. I certainly like you however, despite your misconceptions about me.

I understand how in a vacuum someone who's a dealer loses credibility as a biased source of opinions, of course! However, seeing as I've been saying the same things on here for years and people know me to be genuine, honest and passionate about this stuff, I think it's unfair to paint me as biased and motivated by greed when that's not who I am or what I'm about. It's just sad that you of all people are one who thinks that way.

Noodles said:
Buy VHT SIG:X Series 100W Tube Guitar Amp Head online at Musician's Friend

That price puts it between the Roadster and the Road King. So, we really ought to be comparing the Sig:X to the Roadster, which has an extra channel and about the same number of features, for a couple hundred less. If you want to restrict the discussion to three channel Rectos, then VHT is going to have to come in at a more competitive price point.

That's cool man, I'm not debating that. I keep trying to tell you, I was not even thinking of the Roadster or Roadking (perhaps my own fault for not clarifying). Nor was I talking about prices or value. I was only referring to the versatility of the Rectos vs. the Sig:X.

Actually, Nick, you don't tell me what to lose. You pimp VHT around here like you work for them, so if you can't take a little good-natured ribbing, then grow some skin.

Please, don't paint me as some VHT spokesman just because I love their amps. I talk about other amps all the time in a positive light too. I don't 'pimp' VHT anymore than you guys pimp Mesa. I love VHT, as well as Mesa.

I've praised Mesas almost as much as anything else around here, and I'm not associated with Mesa whatsoever am I? I'm the most genuine guy around, I talk about what I'm passionate about and what I love - period. For years and years I've been recommending Mesas to people around here, be it the Caliber series, Triaxis, Rectos, whathaveyou. You either haven't been paying attention, or you have selective memory.

Noodles said:
Yes, and that is your opinion. Personally, I have yet to play a VHT that I could see myself buying. They tend to be too bass heavy, and the character of the midrange on the gain channels doesn't do it for me at all. I don't care about depth buttons and gain switches if they don't provide me with usable tones. I only compare useful features. I understand that you don't like the opinion of the Mesa Militia, but I guess that is part of being in the VHT Army, so learn to tolerate someone else not agreeing with you. ;)

Well you're entitled to that opinion, but I don't see how any of that is relevant. My opinion about the amp being more feature-rich and versatile in its tone shaping capabilities was reasonable and informed. Whether you find that those features/tools are useful is of course up to you. We're really not disagreeing with much here man.

Again, you're no more of a Mesa fan than me man. Everything you love about them, so do I. Mesas were my main amps for the majority of my guitar-playing life. So throw me into the Mesa militia too. But don't claim I need to 'learn to tolerate someone else's opinion', that's bullshit. You really haven't been paying much attention to the majority of my posts on here if you really think that.