Weird shit that has happened to you?


I'm always... hungry
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Renton, WA, USA
Get out of the house?!

Needless to say, we don't live there anymore :lol:. He still sleep walks on occasion, but it's usually pretty mellow compared to some of the freaky crap he used to do. Now, we usually just find him sleeping in different parts of the house in the mornings.

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I'm Back Bitches!
Jul 24, 2007
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My grandmother, who is very religious I might add, claims to have actually been approached by the devil when she was in her early 20's on her family farm. She has told me on several occasions that she was in the garden picking tomatos and cucumbers when she began to smell a very heavy sulfur odor. Upon standing up and turning around, she said that a few feet from her a man in a tattered suit was standing, smiled and walked up to her and asked what she was doing on such a fine day. She told me that the sulfur smell was so unbearable that she had to do everything she could not to vomit, and ran back to the house to get her father. The "man" that approached her in the garden was nowhere to be found, and they never saw him again.

My grandmother always went into greater detail about his looks than what I can remember outside of the unbearable sulfur odor, tattered suit, black chipped/split fingernails, and horrible skin. Myself, not being too religious and kind of on the fence about it in general, was always creeped out by this story. She's told me several times through-out the years, and although shes turning into the typical wandering mind, senile, crazy old grandmother - this story never changes a shred with her.

My father in law, an avid outdoorsman and hunter, actually stopped going in the woods for 2 years shortly after my wife and I started dating. He said he saw something in the woods that in his 35+ years of outdoor adventures, he could not begin to explain, but yet he refuses to talk about it and actually becomes very irate if you badger him about it, which I made the mistake of doing. Not really sure what to think about it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
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That would be my reaction to all of what I just read from you, .... it made me look around my room and make sure nobody was watching me, now I'm weirded out, shit.

That's what this thread is for!


I'm always... hungry
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Renton, WA, USA
My father in law, an avid outdoorsman and hunter, actually stopped going in the woods for 2 years shortly after my wife and I started dating. He said he saw something in the woods that in his 35+ years of outdoor adventures, he could not begin to explain, but yet he refuses to talk about it and actually becomes very irate if you badger him about it, which I made the mistake of doing. Not really sure what to think about it.

I MUST know... post up his email and we'll all badger him!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Belfast, Northern Ireland
I got one! After an out of town show I drove back at around 2am, and I was pretty tired. On the way home my car sort of got stuck in 2nd gear and accelerated wildly beyond my control. The clutch was jammed, so I checked my mirrors (all clear) turned the ignition off, stuck my hazards on, and was able to get the car safely to the side of the road. There were no cars around at all, and I was sure I was on the road on my own.

A man appeared at the drivers door and knocked the window, which startled me in my rather panicked state. He said, "are you okay son? Do you need a hand?"
I explained I was fine and the car started normally again.

As I drove away I looked at the man in the rear view mirror; he was out in the middle of the road on his own with no car, and stood staring until I was out of sight.

When I got home, I unloaded all the gear, locked up, and got into bed.
I was lying with my eyes closed, but there was this weird humming. Not tinnitus, very very low pitched, like a big generator or something. I opened my eyes, sat up, and saw a black spherical object floating at the end of my bed. At this stage I figured "you are just totally exhausted from the gig and a bit freaked from the car event, just go to sleep".

The noise increased and I opened my eyes again to see the sphere floating beside my head! It looked exactly how black holes are often depicted, with an infinitely black centre and a bright corona around it. It was around the size of a tennis ball. I was pretty scared, but also totally fascinated!
I reached out to touch it, and it distorted and reformed as I pulled away.
I attempted to grab it, but it shrank in on itself and sort of "popped" out of existence!! :eek:

I believe this was mostly likely some strange non-paralysed version of sleep paralysis, but it was absolutely amazing and I don't think I'll ever forget it.

Just to add a bit of freakiness to this story, the next morning the floorboard underneath where it appeared had separated itself leaving a 2" gap in the floor. The tiles in the kitchen right below this have also cracked leaving a gap of the same size.



I think I'm profound
Feb 19, 2013
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El Monte, CA
Well when I was about 12 or 13, I went to my friends house across the street to spend the night on his trampoline with a few other friends. We tried to set up a tent but it was missing pieces so we just decided to sleep out in the open with sleeping bags.

Time goes by and we're laying out just looking up at the night sky just talking (note that I live in So Cal so there are very little visible stars at night the only things you can really see are the blinking lights of helicopters and airplanes) I notice that one of the lights was moving a lot faster than the other lights in the sky so I watched it for a few seconds. I told my friends to check it out and then it flipped on its side revealing a ring of green lights. We all started freaking out and tried to take pictures with our cell phones, but it was already way to far away. After a few seconds whatever it was went back to its original position and zipped off.

To this day whenever that same group of friends are together we always bring it up and tell people about it.... man that was a weird night


I'm Back Bitches!
Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
I MUST know... post up his email and we'll all badger him!

lol, believe me, it wouldn't be a good idea. Ive asked him almost every year at some point for almost 7 years and he's never told me. Just always says he doesn't want to talk about it and that's that. He's not the type of person that scares easy, and is actually pretty intimidating himself, so I've decided maybe I don't want to know, lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Pensacola, Florida, USA
All right so this isn't a paranormal story, nor does it involve me, but it is a little weird.

So before I was born my dad's father was still alive, I was born in 94 and I wanted to say he died in 91, anyway he died of heart block in his sleep, during that time both my aunt's and my uncle from that side of the family still lived at home with my Grandmother and Grandfather. At that point my dad had already moved out and he was actually in Japan with the Navy at the time. So anyway he died during the night, in his sleep and no one knew until everybody woke up, but the thing is both my aunt's, my Grandmother and my uncle all woke up and looked at the clock at 4:13 in the morning. Since they all woke up at looked at the clock at the exact same time they all believe that 4:13 was the moment he died and his spirit left. So not a paranormal story, but a bit weird but pretty interesting I think. I am really am sad I never got to meet him


I'm always... hungry
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Renton, WA, USA
I've got one more, but this story has a positive twist to it (thanks Misery Theory for reminding me of this with your family story)... and I'm going to have to keep it short because talking about my grandma is one of the few things that will actually make me cry...

Quick backstory: I have a HUGE family... my grandma had 11 children. My dad is the youngest and because my parents divorced while I was very young, my grandma helped a lot with my upbringing, so much so that my other family members lovingly referred to me as her 12th kid. She was the epitome of what I believe a good person should be and will always hold the most special place in my heart.

Flash forward: After my grandpa died, my grandma's health slowly worsened. To give you a quick idea of what kind of lady she was, she refused to be a burden on any of her children or grandchildren, saying that parents are meant to take care of their kids, not the other way around, so she checked herself into a care home. She lived there for awhile in good health and good spirits until one day when she became completely unresponsive, occasionally mumbling a few words in Filipino. Of course our entire family was notified and everyone made their way to her to say they're last goodbyes.

The most special moment of my life: I lived on another island at the time, so it took me awhile to get to her, but when I did, my giant family had the room and hallways of that place filled to capacity. She hadn't been responsive to anything or anyone for days and the staff informed us that she would probably be moving on to the clearing at the end of her path very soon. When I finally got there, I sat in the chair right beside her... my family had been saving it for my arrival. I held her hand, and not knowing how to digest the possibility that my superhero would be proven mortal very soon, I kept asking her to please wake up.

*Now that I'm typing this the waterworks have started and I'm going to cut to the chase.*

She woke up. And when she did, she turned to her right, looked me straight into the eyes and said, "When did you get here? I missed you. You know grandma loves you very much." The entire room was silent for a moment, until my grandma asked me to bring her a sandwich, which was such a random statement that it caused the room to erupt with laughter. She stayed awake for quite awhile, talking mostly to me, but addressing a few of the other people in the room, until she told me that she was tired and needed to rest. She closed her eyes one last time and that was the end of my grandmother's life on Earth.

I just thought I'd share a (somewhat) happy story for once instead of the usual spooky stuff...


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Pensacola, Florida, USA
I've got one more, but this story has a positive twist to it (thanks Misery Theory for reminding me of this with your family story)... and I'm going to have to keep it short because talking about my grandma is one of the few things that will actually make me cry...

Quick backstory: I have a HUGE family... my grandma had 11 children. My dad is the youngest and because my parents divorced while I was very young, my grandma helped a lot with my upbringing, so much so that my other family members lovingly referred to me as her 12th kid. She was the epitome of what I believe a good person should be and will always hold the most special place in my heart.

Flash forward: After my grandpa died, my grandma's health slowly worsened. To give you a quick idea of what kind of lady she was, she refused to be a burden on any of her children or grandchildren, saying that parents are meant to take care of their kids, not the other way around, so she checked herself into a care home. She lived there for awhile in good health and good spirits until one day when she became completely unresponsive, occasionally mumbling a few words in Filipino. Of course our entire family was notified and everyone made their way to her to say they're last goodbyes.

The most special moment of my life: I lived on another island at the time, so it took me awhile to get to her, but when I did, my giant family had the room and hallways of that place filled to capacity. She hadn't been responsive to anything or anyone for days and the staff informed us that she would probably be moving on to the clearing at the end of her path very soon. When I finally got there, I sat in the chair right beside her... my family had been saving it for my arrival. I held her hand, and not knowing how to digest the possibility that my superhero would be proven mortal very soon, I kept asking her to please wake up.

*Now that I'm typing this the waterworks have started and I'm going to cut to the chase.*

She woke up. And when she did, she turned to her right, looked me straight into the eyes and said, "When did you get here? I missed you. You know grandma loves you very much." The entire room was silent for a moment, until my grandma asked me to bring her a sandwich, which was such a random statement that it caused the room to erupt with laughter. She stayed awake for quite awhile, talking mostly to me, but addressing a few of the other people in the room, until she told me that she was tired and needed to rest. She closed her eyes one last time and that was the end of my grandmother's life on Earth.

I just thought I'd share a (somewhat) happy story for once instead of the usual spooky stuff...

Great story man, and pretty cool event that happened with your grandma :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Tampa Bay Area, FL
My mom made me eat a bunch of hotdogs when I was a little kid for some reason and I couldn't eat them all so I started throwing them down the hallway when she wasn't looking. I found all but two of them that night and about 5 years later we were rearranging furniture and I found the other two. They were tiny, black and hard as a rock. We had a good laugh about it. I sharpened one into a point and took the other for show 'n tell for science class.

Still don't know why she was forcing me to eat all those damn hot dogs though.


Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
This just happened yesterday. Im going to go back today to get some pics because im absolutely terrible at explaining things.

Alright. So i was just walking my dog we were going up to a culdesac that had an alley in it. there was a girl walkin too, she was walking along the road and making a beeline straight for the alley. I was walking along the path and the alley was still across the street when this girl started walking in to the alley. That was the first good look i got at her, she was probably about my age (15-16) maybe a little shorter than me with long red hair.
She awkwardly stood in the alley for a few seconds while she removed something from her pocket, i couldnt tell what it was, at first i thought it was her phone but she was holding it very close to her chest and it was almost shimmering in the afternoon light.
At this point im a little freaked out. Id made it about half way across the street and the girl was still fiddling with whatever she took from her pocket. My dog didnt like the situation one bit and she insisted we turned around. But i kept on going and was practically dragging the dog along with me, and she stopped every chance she got to sniff something in the road.
I'd made it tothe sidewalk again and now that i was closer the girl started walking very fast. I got a good look at whatever she was holding, it looked like a necklace with some crystal on it.
My dog had no interest in the alley so she just walked right through only enjoying the shade of the various trees.
I could still here the girls footsteps as she reached the bend out of the alley and onto the path. She turned around as she turned the corner but she was looking up at the sky, it was a determined look, like she was looking for someone instead of checking to see if anyone was there. And then she turned the corner and i couldnt hear her footsteps anymore. It was weird because you can usually hear people coming from a mile away if youre standing where i was. I got an eerie feeling like i was being watched and i think my dog felt it too because we both practically ran out of the alley. I turned to my right on the path where the girl shouldve been walking, but she was gone. Just like that. I was baffled, theres nowhere she couldve gone that fast ive lived there my entire life an to move around that fast youd be making a lot of noise.
M dog and i went home, my dog was very shaken up by whatever happened, usually she spends all day lounging in the backyard but imstead she was on te couch with me for the rest of the day and even tried to follow me into the bathroom when i went to have my shower. Overall a bery weird day that i think makes for a great story.
I dont know what happened, if it was paranormal or if the girl is just a crazy ninja all i do know is it was my first experience like that, something unexplainable happenening. And i still dont really know what to make of it.
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors i typed this up on my phone.
Like i said, ill get some pictures of the place posted up today or tomorrow.


H. Maddas
Apr 24, 2011
Reaction score
Cornwall, UK
I've got one more, but this story has a positive twist to it (thanks Misery Theory for reminding me of this with your family story)... and I'm going to have to keep it short because talking about my grandma is one of the few things that will actually make me cry...

Quick backstory: I have a HUGE family... my grandma had 11 children. My dad is the youngest and because my parents divorced while I was very young, my grandma helped a lot with my upbringing, so much so that my other family members lovingly referred to me as her 12th kid. She was the epitome of what I believe a good person should be and will always hold the most special place in my heart.

Flash forward: After my grandpa died, my grandma's health slowly worsened. To give you a quick idea of what kind of lady she was, she refused to be a burden on any of her children or grandchildren, saying that parents are meant to take care of their kids, not the other way around, so she checked herself into a care home. She lived there for awhile in good health and good spirits until one day when she became completely unresponsive, occasionally mumbling a few words in Filipino. Of course our entire family was notified and everyone made their way to her to say they're last goodbyes.

The most special moment of my life: I lived on another island at the time, so it took me awhile to get to her, but when I did, my giant family had the room and hallways of that place filled to capacity. She hadn't been responsive to anything or anyone for days and the staff informed us that she would probably be moving on to the clearing at the end of her path very soon. When I finally got there, I sat in the chair right beside her... my family had been saving it for my arrival. I held her hand, and not knowing how to digest the possibility that my superhero would be proven mortal very soon, I kept asking her to please wake up.

*Now that I'm typing this the waterworks have started and I'm going to cut to the chase.*

She woke up. And when she did, she turned to her right, looked me straight into the eyes and said, "When did you get here? I missed you. You know grandma loves you very much." The entire room was silent for a moment, until my grandma asked me to bring her a sandwich, which was such a random statement that it caused the room to erupt with laughter. She stayed awake for quite awhile, talking mostly to me, but addressing a few of the other people in the room, until she told me that she was tired and needed to rest. She closed her eyes one last time and that was the end of my grandmother's life on Earth.

I just thought I'd share a (somewhat) happy story for once instead of the usual spooky stuff...



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Am I the only one who thinks that if you're an adult and a Ouija board seems to be actually working, or you saw a ghostly apparition of some sort, etc. etc. then it's time to get the building checked for gasses?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2013
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Jokes aside, I've had a pretty normal life, minus one house we had back in Virginia.

We lived in this gated community which was basically a huge suburb built into the side of I guess I'd call it a valley. Between all the houses were tons of trees, so it was basically like all the houses were built into a forest.

Pretty beautiful place, honestly. Called Aquia Harbour, in Stafford, Virginia.

I used to live there O_O