Worst live experience?

  • Thread starter SenorDingDong
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New Member
Mar 22, 2011
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Chicago, IL
I can recall two horrible shows.

In 2009, my band just lost a vocalist, and we had to play a show a month from that day, so we figured no problem, we'd get one... and so we did. Only catch was we got him 2 days before the show. He forgot all the lyrics, so half of the time, it was all instrumentals. Let's not even mention the sound guy and his genious idea of moving the mic off my amp.

A month or two ago, we had a show with a full band line-up, in which the drummer and I had communication issues during the set. He couldn't hear me half of the time, and would screw up, taking me along with him. Our vocalist at the time decided to read lyrics live, and during one of the songs, he was reading the WRONG lyrics, and all I can remember was him on the floor looking for the right lyrics.

I guess that's what happens when your band doesn't practice as often as it should. :/


Sweaty fox.
Sep 24, 2010
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Hull (UK)
My personal worst horror stories:

I used to play in a fairly technical metalcore band, one with lots of harmonies and riffs over breakdowns etc (think ABR meets Parkway), and on the first day of our first major tour our other guitarist's appendix burst, which obviously put him straight into hospital. We had no time to get someone else to learn the songs at short notice so we had to do the entire thing with just one guitar (me) playing. I thought I pulled it off (trying to play both parts on one guitar without a looper etc) until I saw the various videos we filmed to make a tour montage... Cringe!

Another one was a hometown pop-punk vs metal show, and because of various reasons, we ended up being the only metal band playing on a bill of four other pop punk bands. First song, I fall flat on my arse and then snap a string. That was back in the day when I didn't back anything up or have any strings etc, so lesson learnt from that haha.

Another was just a few weeks back, we headlined our local venue to a packed room. Halfway through the set I knock a full pint of water all over my shoes and pedalboard. Nothing broke but I had to take my socks and shoes off, and stepping on EHX pedals with bare feet doesn't tickle! (Just remembered, this happened a year earlier too and absolutely SOAKED my NS-2. I still have/use it. That is solid proof that Boss pedals NEVER die.)

Our van broke down outside one venue, we loaded in and played etc and loading out it pissed down with rain and fucked all our gear... My wireless has blown up and when I swapped to a cable my amp shut down on me... I once caught someone walking away with my 6505 and pedalboard... I have so many stories, I have MEGA bad luck live :( !


Smeller of Smells
Jan 12, 2011
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My personal worst horror stories:

I used to play in a fairly technical metalcore band, one with lots of harmonies and riffs over breakdowns etc (think ABR meets Parkway), and on the first day of our first major tour our other guitarist's appendix burst, which obviously put him straight into hospital. We had no time to get someone else to learn the songs at short notice so we had to do the entire thing with just one guitar (me) playing. I thought I pulled it off (trying to play both parts on one guitar without a looper etc) until I saw the various videos we filmed to make a tour montage... Cringe!

Another one was a hometown pop-punk vs metal show, and because of various reasons, we ended up being the only metal band playing on a bill of four other pop punk bands. First song, I fall flat on my arse and then snap a string. That was back in the day when I didn't back anything up or have any strings etc, so lesson learnt from that haha.

Another was just a few weeks back, we headlined our local venue to a packed room. Halfway through the set I knock a full pint of water all over my shoes and pedalboard. Nothing broke but I had to take my socks and shoes off, and stepping on EHX pedals with bare feet doesn't tickle! (Just remembered, this happened a year earlier too and absolutely SOAKED my NS-2. I still have/use it. That is solid proof that Boss pedals NEVER die.)

Our van broke down outside one venue, we loaded in and played etc and loading out it pissed down with rain and fucked all our gear... My wireless has blown up and when I swapped to a cable my amp shut down on me... I once caught someone walking away with my 6505 and pedalboard... I have so many stories, I have MEGA bad luck live :( !

Dude, sounds like you have the worst luck possible... Shit mine wasn't even that bad. I never bring backups though :ugh:


Silence the discord
Mar 21, 2009
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Dude was that the Digitech Bad Monkey you were using? I have had problems with my rp300a processor switching presets randomly. It happened once during a competition for school when I was playing the clean part for "To Live is to Die." Needless to say, I was somehow on a distorted octave effect preset rather than a crystal clear clean. LMAO I still ended up placing 2nd somehow when another guitarist before me played eruption.

No, it was Tube Overdrive DIGITECH HARDWIRE HW CM2 TUBE OVERDRIVE - Thomann UK Cyberstore

Haha, my old Behringer V-Amp 2 changes presets randomly if the footswitch is connected... :D


Active Member
May 18, 2011
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Sugarhouse, UT
This one time (June 2004ish) my black metal band Terra Noir played this black metal fest in the mountains of Colorado called Gathering of Shadows. Turns out our drummer has lung problems and eats very poorly. So being that the fest takes place in the middle of the rocky mountains (very high elevation) and when we arrive at the location in the day our drummer is just drinking nothing but soda and eating his horrible food (burgers, fries, chips, and whatever else have you).

When we finally are getting ready to get on stage our drummer we find out is passed out cold in our vehicle. Attempts at waking him up totally fail. Our vocalist convinces he is just sleeping and just passed out, maybe he drank too much and passed out or something? Anyways we decided to have our other guitarist (also a drummer) hop behind the kit.

We manage to pull off 4 songs, not very good but decent enough and then our passed out drummer finally shows up and wants to finish the gig. We play our final song with our drummer and then he goes back and passes out again in the truck.

We pack up the next day and drive back to Utah and our drummer is crashed out still (from the night before) and sleeps the entire 10 -12 hour drive back to SLC. We are all just freaking the hell out. We figure he is just passed out but we have no way to contact his parents or anything.

We finally arrive and drop him off at his place. He calls me the next day and tells me he just woke up a few hours ago which means he was crashed out cold for 24 or more hours. I guess he got altitude sickness or something and almost died on us. It was not the greatest road trip by any means.
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7-string guitard
Jul 25, 2007
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Salo, Finland
My worst gig must've been the last gig with my old band Apaphis (progressive/melodic/death/thrash, 7-string A-standard tuning + couple of songs in drop-C).

Our drummer must've been too nervous or something, because he forgot the rhytm of the snare thingy at the beginning of our first song, which was a bit like the one on Arch Enemy's Enemy Within, so I had to show it to him on guitar...
Then, after 10 seconds or so, he just stops playing all of a sudden, I turn around and notice that his snare has fallen into his lap... He had apparently forgotten to tighten it properly...
Then he sort of lost where we were going and just played normal 4/4 beat throughout the song (he was supposed to play blastbeats etc.)... It was an epic mess, I sort of lost track at some point and I noticed our basist playing some random stuff too :shred:.
That first song just ruined the whole show, we didn't enjoy playing at all. The rest of the show went quite well anyway, and there was a bit of a moshpit going on too, so the audience must've liked it :) Oh, and the stage sound was the best I've ever had.


Bird Law expert
May 5, 2011
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Kittyland Love Center
I just end up sucking a bit live because I tend to go all Dillinger-y at shows. I mean, I could just stand there and hit every note perfectly, but people are paying to be entertained, and they can just get our album for free if they want to hear how our music sounds all nicely put together and perfectly played.

Other than that general thing, though, one of my worst shows was at a campus event. This is straight copy-pasta from my blog, BTW:
Another occasion that we got screwed out of was an on campus event. One of the dining facilities was hosting an outdoor dinner on one of the warmer days in spring, and they wanted live music. Through a network of people that our other guitarist James knew, we got on the booking. We were to be there at 5, and play at 6. This was supposed to be prime time for playing for a crowd, as they were expecting a hefty body count.
We get a call the morning of the show and as it turns out, we actually need to be set up and ready to roll by 4 sharp. This pissed us off because we all had class until 3, so we had to bust ass to get to the location, set up, and start playing in only one hour. We get there, load our gear in, and start setting up only to find out that we were going to be playing to a rather small crowd, with all of our stage power being supplied by a gas generator. So, for the entire set we had awful ground hum and the generator even quit during one song, putting our amps at danger of blowing-the-fuck-up.
After our set, we set out to get some food, and sure enough, thats right when people start showing up. Not long after our set ended, a guy with a cheap acoustic and a backwards flat-brim hat gets up on stage and plays bad Lady GaGa, Oasis, and O.A.R. covers. He had a full crowd. Awesome.

Also, dealing with idiot sound guys SUCKS when you announce all of your song names and band name VIA sound sample of GLADoS from portal speaking. I guarantee half the people we play in front of dont know who we are because of the jackasses behind the board at my school...


Sweaty fox.
Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hull (UK)
Dude, sounds like you have the worst luck possible... Shit mine wasn't even that bad. I never bring backups though :ugh:

There are tons more, shit gets broken pretty much at every show haha. At my first show with my current band I dropped my pristine condition Jim Root Telecaster and took a huge chip out of the body, which I very nearly cried at :( In an old band aaaages ago (Psyopus-style math stuff) I was doing the usual spaz-out whilst playing and smacked our singer with it and bust his eyebrow open. He still hasn't forgiven me for that!

Also, everyone's done the usual playing-to-the-other-bands thing. I filled in on guitar for a friends band (Demoraliser, check them out) not too long back on a weekend mini-tour, and we played this venue in Nottingham (can't remember what the venue name was) where there was a strict 'no mosh' rule. When we asked about it the promoter said that the floor was so weak that it would probably cave in so bearing in mind the venue was three floors up and directly below it was a cafe bar and under that was a Clinton Cards, we'd all die. The bit that was the weakest was directly in front of the stage so not only was we playing only to the other bands and one dude with dreadlocks, everyone was stood still miles away from the stage. I've never felt more awkward on a stage!

Just remembered another one. We drove for three and a half hours to headline Blackpool. We turned up before it started, a bunch of kids were mega stoked for us to play. Anyway the changeovers took forever and a bunch of bands played much longer sets than planned, which pushed our set back and back until eventually we were told we couldn't play. After a lot of arguing they agreed to let us play but only for ten minutes because of the sound curfew. They could only offer us £15 payment so we made sure we got that before we went on. We borrow the last bands backline so we could play our full ten minutes (lol), and thought fuck it, just do our full set. This venue also had a no mosh rule, again due to the floor, but those kids LOVED it, and were jumping as hard they could to try and break it. Anyway to cut a long story short we're now banned from that venue not only as a band but as individuals too haha. Ten minutes can fuck off!


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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Asheville, NC
Numerous power outages, wireless packs going bad, pedals dying are common

The most memorable, On tour with BLS, I went through 4 guitars in one 50 minute set. My main guitar (floyd equipped) broke the locking nut and the guitar wouldn't stay in tune. 2nd guitar I broke a string(floyd again), 3rd guitar ripped the strap lock off, 4th made it through with constant re-tuning between songs.


Sep 27, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
at my first gig, I was playing with a cover band, playing some 80's rock shit (Bon Jovi,
Scorpions, and stuff like that) the lead singer was sick, forgot all the lyrics and still
went on-stage without telling all that to us, thanks god the girlfriend of the other
guitarrist jumped on stage and sang the rest of the songs,
she sings pretty well so everything went all right :cool:, but still, i almost shit myself
that day


Space Adventurer
Apr 27, 2011
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Back in 2008 I was in a Death Metal/Punk band called Barricade, and we did a local show out in the middle of the desert with a bunch of other bands here in las vegas.

The generator we rented kept turning off and on for all the bands including us. and you know, since we were out doors and all... the sound didn't really reflect off the walls back to us so I couldn't hear the drummer or anything for shit. Everyone ended up going off tempo and it was just a total mess.

On the other hand, everyone was wayyyy to drunk to even notice. :)
Jun 13, 2011
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Kankakee IL
My Band's fist show at this venue. We sold all our tickets, then the manager told me the date of the show had to be moved. Most of the bands dropped because it was close to the holiday season, like mid December. So we are told we would be put on a show Jan 6th. I looked at all the bands playing that night and they were rather big, nationally touring bands. We show up for load in and bands are already playing, The manager told me the wrong date, we were booked for Jan 7th......

So we drive home pissed and get ready the trip again the next day, as we arrive, the manager is outside then venue. a sewer pipe broke inside the place and raw sewage was flooding the entire place. :wallbash:


Seven strings... Yes
Aug 2, 2008
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I put a marble under the floyd rose of an agile 7 stringer to make it "fixed" and used that to open at a show for a band brought from out the country. Guess what? The marble fell... the guitar tuning went crap and I kept playing for two songs out of tune and then left the stage and the band with only one guitar which did not work well... total failure.
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Allendale, MI
The worst show I ever played was in Mount Pleasant, MI. It was some house party fully of people. So we begin our set, and the pit opens up in the middle of the living room. Fine by us! 30 seconds later a guy gets thrown into our drummer, destroying his kit, breaking stands and cymbals. NOT GOOD. We got $40 in "sorry the guy went through your drum set" donations. I'm so glad we drove 4 hours to play for 60 seconds and have close to $300 in damages. Worst show of my life.


Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, OR
My worst experience has been not getting paid, or for being told to expect a good turn out and end up playing for a few kids. But Pot fixes most problems these days


Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Reno, NV
I have two stories I think are worth sharing in regards to gig horror stories -

So my band got a gig on some sort of "local band festival" with about 12 other bands and were scheduled to play fourth. We thought this was going to be great because hopefully most of the people would have shown up by then and also because the venue was having the bands backline four at a time, meaning all the other bands stuff would be off the stage so we would have tons of room. The band that played before us was some awful, cheesy death metal band who painted their faces and poured fake blood all over the place. Unfortunately, a lot of this fake blood got all over our frontman's keyboard; no harm done other than pretty aggravating to clean off. This band gets off stage and as we are setting up we realize someone has knocked over the rack unit for my guitar rig. We are pretty miffed already as the venue was rushing us and so start to put it all back in it's place when we realize that in the fall an output jack for the sonic maximizer broke. As we are struggling to get the gear up and running someone says into the mic "hey sorry, one of the bands before us broke our shit so we are trying to fix it." Not the most tactful, but true. We finally get it working and play the show, which went fine, but after we finish and start tearing down some of the guys from the band before come up to us and start threatening to beat the shit out of us. "We heard you were saying 'FUCK *name omitted*!!' and 'Those guys are assholes!!' up on stage!" Mind you, these are drunken, 40 year old, 200+ pound Irish biker dudes and we are a bunch of scrawny 20 year olds. It came so close to a brawl that the manager of the event came down and broke it up. We originally planned to demand for them to pay for our broken gear but wound up not being worth the trouble. Pricks.

Another time, we got booked headlining spot on a show at some dive bar with some buds of ours from Utah (us being in Nevada) and two other, non-metal bands. One was a pretty awesome jam band and the other total alternative crap. The venue was mostly filled with friends of the non-metal bands, but we thought it was just good to have anyone there at all. Our friends from Utah went first and put on a pretty good show, even though people didn't seem entirely enthused. Next was the jam band, which were good but played for a lot longer than they were supposed to, around an hour and 20 minutes. The alternative band was next, and took about 45 minutes just to set up, and then ALSO played for about an hour and a half. The lead singer was a total shmooze too, waaaay too into himself. Was awful to watch. By the time my band starts setting up it is getting close to 2 a.m. and we are exhausted. Finally, we are ready to play our set, but guess what? The two bands before us and all of their fans had left, leaving us to play for our Utah friends at 2:15 in the morning. We played the show anyway as not to disappoint, but leaving at 3 a.m. having played to basically no one (new, anyhow) was a pretty shitty experience.

So there you have it! Definitely don't wish to relive any of those nights....

Bryan Griffin

Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Edinburgh, UK (Ex-Paddy)
Haha - some fantastic stories here guys...I enjoyed the read!

Hmmm, I've had a few nightmares myself. First was when my old band played our EP launch gig in a pretty 'romantic' venue in south west Ireland. The turnout on the night was incredible and we packed out the venue (doesn't happen so much for Irish metal bands!). I can get quite energetic when playing and halfway through the set I got my foot jammed down the side of the stage - had to finish out the song without being able to move in front of EVERYONE!

We also played an open air art college gig once. The organisers had put a couple of shitty couches across the front of the stage as a barrier. One guy jumps up on a couch and his friend shoves him pretty hard - he ends up sailing through my 5150 halfstack and sends the whole lot tumbling to the ground (including my painfully expensive Sennheiser wireless system). A couple of broken cables (and teeth) later and it was all good again!

As far as bad gigs go, we had them all. We played at our friend's birthday bash one night (a local tattoo artist) and three...yes THREE people turned up for it.

The list goes on...