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  • I might hire you to build me a left handed 8 string guitar if you are interested... Let me know.... Lance...Rates????
    Ok I just wanted to drop you a line, im building guitars like a wild man now our shop is back up and runing and ive finished most of our local repairs, so its my plan as of now to get as many guitars out before the end of dec and sold we have 3 out in store now as these guitars sell and we pic up more repairs you will be paid up

    Thank you for your patience with me, this had been a hard year and i never intended to have such a rough year or to keep you guys in the dark. ive just been working 12 hour days and rebuilding my shop from the ground up

    Im trying to find as much time as I can to keep you updated

    Building guitars is one of the most loved things in my life and its been a real blow to me seeing it so brused

    Ive sent out emails as well, also I will not remove any of these posts i know it was more than far for people to be upset and I wount hide that fact, all I can say is that Im very sorry and that I never intended for any of this to happen, its my hope to take a life leasson from this and move on and try again all over again, for one I will no longer be taking on customs at least not until the shop is self standing

    So, you've logged on quite a few times since I started the thread showing what's going on, you've blatantly seen everything that's been said by me and the other guys who've given you money, you've seen your professional reputation plummet down the toilet, yet you don't have the decency to contact any of us to give some kind of reasoning (Not that there is a good reason for it) why you've taken our money and disappeared?
    And how about either sending the guitar I paid for in March, giving me my money back or at least telling me what the hell is going on?
    Hey man I saw some of your guitar can you give me quote on this guitar if you were to build it for me. seven string 27 frets, 1 custom in lay, rosewodd fretboard, basswood body , and floyd rose.
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