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  • Greetings -

    I saw that you may still be looking for a fancy 7 string guitar. I am about to get a Mayones Duvell Qatsi with the nicest top (aside from the specific guitar built for John Browne).

    It is being shipped directly to me and should arrive either this week or early next week. I purchased it impulsively, however there is a VIK 8 string that just popped up on the market, and I need to jump on it.

    I am willing to let it go for very cheap, especially relative to the other Qatsi models on the market. I have countless references across Reverb, eBay, this forum, and the Guitar Porn gear exchange.

    Nice move putting an Edge Pro on your RGA7! Can't wait to see it finished! Would you be willing to part with the old Gibraltar?
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