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  1. rahul_mukerji


    Suppose you want an interactive website / forum. You want to log in and keep an account of people visiting and their passwords for logging. And say you want get a report on statistics of the forum / website usage every month. Doing the above is difficult in straight html. You need something...
  2. rahul_mukerji

    We Need Girlfriends

    I watched the entire 11 episodes about a week or two back: really liked it after 4 episodes.
  3. rahul_mukerji

    Website Hacked ! Now what ?

    Thanks stuh84 ! I use Lunar Pages (if that helps). I'll see about the key authentication system. I hadn't thought of that. I use FTP/SCP to copy my files over. My passwords use a mix of everything: Upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters !!
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Website Hacked ! Now what ?

    I do change my passwords, but not that often. They are pretty difficult to guess even by bruteforce methods. I thought over 8 characters was good, apparently not. Even so, I think they hacked using the coppermine gallery. I still gotta look into that ... can't check on anything from work !
  5. rahul_mukerji

    Website Hacked ! Now what ?

    Hi: Over the weekend (or at least thats when I noticed it) my website was hacked :realmad:! Someone broke into the server with a sledge hammer and uploaded quite a bit of nasty content and posted a helluva lot of links there as well. I know this was in the past week, coz I do check my site...
  6. rahul_mukerji

    Gigging with your laptop

    So I tried this last night. I took my laptop and midi keyboard to practice. I had already programed a set into Ableton (bass, drums, tabla, synth: yes cheesy rave music). I was able to kick in and kick out the audio as desired without issues. I could play the entire set, or just pieces: just...
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Gigging with your laptop

    Hey synrgy, thanks for that advice. I hadn't thought about that! I might have to run this through a PA in that case. I'm gonna fiddle around with the Master EQ and test it on my practice amp (Fender 15W) to see what it sounds like. Thanks again for that !!
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Gigging with your laptop

    So last night after work I upgraded my laptop (dell x300) and maxed out its ram at 1GB (really old model). I installed xp sp3 and an old version of ableton. The hdd is 28GB (25 after xp) which is more than enough for my purpose. :yesway: I installed my Axiom 25 MIDI drivers and opened up...
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Gigging with your laptop

    I think thats a great way to go especially if you can't find any band members who are into your style. There's tons of good drum software (Addictive Drums and EZDrummer come to mind) and good plugins (GrooveMonkee) for metal and progressive loops and stuff that are not insane expensive. As...
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Gigging with your laptop

    Thanks everyone for all the insight and replies ! synrgy I have a spare laptop that I wanted to try this thing with. So its not my sole laptop for work or such. Thanks for that advice tho ! Konfyouzd: With respect to your comment: I've seen drummers use samples and triggers in most of...
  11. rahul_mukerji

    Gigging with your laptop

    Hi: I have this idea of taking my laptop to gigs and playing off samples using Ableton and a small Midi keyboard. I thought a little industrial samples / tabla beats / indian drones might add a little more to our sound. Its just a thought, and I've seen the band 'Battle' from NY do it on...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    And now this ....

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooo :scream:
  13. rahul_mukerji

    New song "Amentia Pt. II"

    insanely beautiful. I really like what I'm hearing. Haunting piano with melodic hook ... oh to die for. Very nice indeed .... I'm off to listen to more of your work ! EDIT: Wow, your songs have some fantastic Opeth like arrangements. Great vocals and riffs. I really like your stuff !
  14. rahul_mukerji

    Sony Acid Pro 7.0

    I actually like Sony Acid, but for different reasons. Its great for mixing loops and helping you record if you're a total newbie. Its perhaps the easiest DAW to learn and can handle quite a bit of VSTi plugins. If you're recording to a Mac then: Logic, MOTU Digital Performer is the way to go...
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Stuff you've drawn, painted, or etc...

    some seriously good new entries here from InCasinoOut. I made a new character and after making it my g/f told me that it reminds her of the guy from SAW. The squiggle on the face. I hadn't thought of that. Made some new stuff here, if you like the one below:New sketches
  16. rahul_mukerji

    Iritis :: Live at O'Shaughnessy's, Arlington VA

    Yellow ! My band is finally playing out in VA over a weekend (as opposed to the Wednesday night gigs we've had so far in the DC area). We play out on March 7th at O'Shaughnessy's on Kings St, Arlington VA, at 9:30 pm. I hear there's a parade that day so there's gonna be a lot of inebriated...
  17. rahul_mukerji

    Best Guitar Improvisation Ever

    good clean six string fun .....
  18. rahul_mukerji

    Christians vs Atheists. whats the deal?

    Recently, i find that most people of varying beliefs are pushing their own philosophy on others. this includes hindus, muslims, atheists and the other run of the mill beliefs. It wasn't like this, but there seems to be a sudden relegious / spiritual revival of sorts and everyone is suddenly...
  19. rahul_mukerji

    Nervous about jamming

    Generally, when I try out for a band I try and see if I can get to hear what they sound like before hand. If I dont like the style I say no straight away. No point wasting others time. If I do like it, I jam with the songs till I think I can contribute something to it (may / may not have that...
  20. rahul_mukerji

    NEW Riff+Apocalypse Now/Meshuggah clean thingy (tonetest)

    Sounds like a cold bleak winter ... very desolate and empty sounding. Empty as in feeling wise, not tone or playing wise. reminds me of mulholland drive, the movie.