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  1. Derek Ageless

    NGD - Gary Kramer Turbulence 729-R Violex

    This is my first new guitar post in the forum...about the first seven string I've acquired! I was introduced the Turbulence design back in 2009 when a friend purchased the original 36 fret version...I was completely enamored with these things ever since. I had been considering purchasing one...
  2. Derek Ageless

    Anyone like Fallujah

    I just saw Fallujah last night and they were super impressive. The Nomadic ep made me a fan of their band, and subsequently I got into the Harvest Wombs album. They are all very clean players and definitely execute the material beautifully in a live setting. As far as gear, the lead guitar...
  3. Derek Ageless

    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    The Horde - Brutal Viking Thrash Metal from the US For fans of Destruction, Kreator, Celtic Frost, Skeletonwitch, Havok
  4. Derek Ageless

    An Ohm Question?

    If you're currently running 1 Marshall cab at 16 ohms, then you should be running your head at 16 ohms as well. If you want to add an additional cab, I'd highly suggest getting another 16 ohm cab. If you want to run two 16 ohm cabs at the same time set your head to 8 ohms. If you do a google...
  5. Derek Ageless

    Help! 6505+ Lead channel fail

    Problem was the preamp tube for the lead channel in V5. I'm relieved, I've got a gig in 2 days and I really wasn't too stoked about dusting off my Line 6 Flextone HD for the show. Not that the amp is horrible, but my 6505 simply owns it for loud volumes. LordovChaos, If Eurotubes...
  6. Derek Ageless

    Help! 6505+ Lead channel fail

    At practice tonight, the lead channel on my 6505+ channel died. It happened when I had my effects loop engaged, and I believe it died right as I switched off my delay pedal(coincidence?) The lead channel still produces some sound, but it's as if I've got my post volume turned all the way down...
  7. Derek Ageless


    I'd really like to hear all of these amps with someone else playing on them and dialing in the settings. I think this guy's technique, or lack there of, is really ruining the vid for me. That being said, the 6505+ and 6534 sounded the best to me. I'd really like to jam on a 6534 sometime...
  8. Derek Ageless

    To boost or not to boost...

    I appreciate all the opinions. The tracks on which I used the boost were: 5th Dawn(b), Resolve(a), The New Black(b), and Waves(a) My settings for my unboosted tracks were: Lead channel, Pre-5.5, Low-6, Mid-5.5, High-6.5, Post-1.75, Resonance-4, Presence-3.75 For boosted tracks, the Ts 9 was...
  9. Derek Ageless

    To boost or not to boost...

    "Oomph" as in low end? ...and please don't tell me to scoop out the mids.
  10. Derek Ageless

    To boost or not to boost...

    I'll give that a try...but in the meantime, what do you think?
  11. Derek Ageless

    To boost or not to boost...

    I'm having a hell of a time deciding whether or not to use a tube screamer in front of my 6505+ for my ideal tone... Today I recorded a few of my riffs boosted and without boost. I used an UNmodded Ibanez TS9 into my 6505+, which I recently retubed with a standard set of JJ's from...
  12. Derek Ageless

    Help! Part of my power tube glows GREEN...

    Thanks duder...that makes me feel a little better. I'm still kinda paranoid though, so I'll continue to watch it like a hawk. ...even when I play shows, my back will be turned to the crowd and my face will be permanently in my grill. :-p
  13. Derek Ageless

    Help! Part of my power tube glows GREEN...

    I just retubed my 6505+ for the first time today. I ordered a standard retube kit from Eurotubes. I love the sound I'm getting really smoothed things out. I paid very close attention to what the tubes looked like once I powered up to make sure I got a good connection. Everything...