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  1. jaretthale78

    Banana Nut Multi-Grain Cheerios

    compliments balance flax and fibre granola cereal, try it, its f*cking amazing.
  2. jaretthale78

    HAHAHAHA my new tattoo

    HAHAHA! dude, perfect pickup line now.
  3. jaretthale78

    NGD- 8-string pawn shop lulz!

    yea i just thought about it, thought id share now.. post some vids! :hbang:
  4. jaretthale78

    NGD- 8-string pawn shop lulz!

    woah nice grab dude, the only guits i find in pawn shops are squires and old bc richs lol but it seems kinda suspicous, i dont think somone who knows about guitars would take that into a pawn shop it might be stolen bro :scratch:
  5. jaretthale78

    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    i got 44.5 degrees with my heat gun :scratch:
  6. jaretthale78

    Jersey Shore...

    everyone is so buff...its rediculous...
  7. jaretthale78

    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    my gsp1101 gets hot on the bottom after about 20 mins of it being on, anyone elses do that? might sound stupid but im just wondering
  8. jaretthale78

    All caps typing.

  9. jaretthale78

    Anand Bhatt 7 string Jackson signature... Wait, what?

    what in the hell is this shit? :realmad:
  10. jaretthale78

    Very late NGD - BC Rich Walnut Burl Warlock Deluxe

    $715? holy shit man, that shit is rediculous.
  11. jaretthale78

    Anand Bhatt 7 string Jackson signature... Wait, what?

    pfft..whos deepak chopra compared to anand bhatt...:bowdown:
  12. jaretthale78

    Seven again or RGA8?

    rga8..more possiblities...
  13. jaretthale78

    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    :yesway: thanks dude
  14. jaretthale78

    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    is there a way to get x-edit without the cd? like downloading it or something?
  15. jaretthale78

    Tosin Abasi's new LACS!(8 string hollow body)

    yea rip up some modern meat on that thing, i wanna hear it, it looks amazing.
  16. jaretthale78

    Theres 50,000 bumblebees on the side of my house.

    the 50,000 was an estimate obviously...and the exterminator got rid of em pretty easily he put the queen in a box and they all just went in the box...she must be one peice of smokin' bee ass... oh, and there were squirels around the area and there were three of em layin on the ground dead...
  17. jaretthale78

    Favorite 8 string metal bands?

    my avatar says it all/
  18. jaretthale78

    I could not believe what i saw last night.

    first show i went to, i was at the side chillin with some ppl tryin to enjoy the bands and what not. some kid with stretched ear lobs and a tight green suit came towrds me doin the fucken back stroke or somethin, i shoved him outta my way, and then he got in my face... i grabbed his gay...
  19. jaretthale78

    What's your best metal conversion story?

    i put on the paradoxical spiral solo (meshuggah), and my rap and hip hop based friend started bangin his head and goin crazy and movin to beat of it, and then he hit his head of the dash then continued :lol: