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    NAD! (Axe-Ultra content)

    Where the hell did you get your hands on that VHT in Edmonton? I'd kill to play through that rig btw.
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    ENGL e530 preamp

    I'm thinking of getting one of these soon - what is the general consensus on it? I've seen some horrible reviews and some amazing reviews - but nothing in between. Some people say it's muddy, too shrill and has terrible cleans - others say the cleans are glassy and mindblowing and the hi gain...
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    Pickup Noob: From Actives to Passives (Or Blackouts)

    How comes the Blackouts don't require any soldering? Does this have anything to do with quick connect? Thanks for the useful info btw!
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    Beware of Blackouts Metal

    I've only heard bad things about these pickups. Thanks for the heads up.
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    Pickup Noob: From Actives to Passives (Or Blackouts)

    So, I don't really like the sound of EMGs on my new Schecter Hellraiser and want them switched out. I get too much mud on the E, A and D strings which makes lead playing sound like anus. How hard is it to switch to passive pickups from actives? Which pickups would suit my guitar (I can afford...
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    Is the EMG hate justified?

    It seems like EMG users come in two categories. The absolute die hard fans and the extreme haters. It also seems like getting an unbiased opinion on these pickups is close to impossible.
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    Is the EMG hate justified?

    That isn't what I think of the 81. That's all I've been hearing about it for the past year on every guitar forum known to man, with the odd person jumping in to defend them. I just want to get an UNBIASED opinion on these pickups.
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    Is the EMG hate justified?

    Is the 18v mod procedure any different with a set w/ coil tapping? My Schecter has a 81TW/89 set. Also - have zero soldering experience. Any sort of experience required for this?
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    Is the EMG hate justified?

    Why would a bad pickup be so popular? I think after the SH-4, the 81 is the most commonly used pickup for metal. So, seeing that it's dead, compressed, clippy, sterile and lifeless - why is it so damn popular and used by a variety of top class metal acts?
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    Is the EMG hate justified?

    On almost every guitar forum people constantly bash EMG pickups with phrases such as unplayably sterile, dead sounding and a host of other imaginative terms. Is all this hate justified? I think that everyone is just jumping on the collective bandwagon when it comes to EMG bashing. They hear or...
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    Ngd (Ibanez and crappy pic content)

    That's fucking sweet, man. What pickups are on this bad boy?
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    Hmm, I get you. Cheers for the Schecter trivia. Since you seem to be a Schecter nut, what do you play your Hellraisers through? I've only got a SS Randall RH100, would that do? Some people say EMGs are 'useless' without a tube amp. What'd you say to that?
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    Why doesn't the 2009 model on the official site have a binding on the Hstock then? EDIT: or the 2008 models on almost all guitar sites?
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    Mine is a 2008 model. Have a look at the official Schecter website, it stops with the inlays at the 19th fret. It has no binding on the headstock whatsoever, it's just plain. The logo is printed in white. Mine has a silver bevelled logo with a gray pearl outline and a gray pearl binding on the...
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    Whoops. Sorry, newb here. Anyways, here some mobile phone qual pics of the guitar, does it seem like a semi-rare? Here's a regular BLK Hellraiser
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    If you're referring to the picture, it isn't missing a string. Brightness too high on your monitor perhaps?
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    As far as I know, they have some sort of a restocking fee. I'm so going to get shafted if I have to return it. Thanks for your help man, appreciate it.
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    Yep, my one starts with H08 so it's an '08 model. It's definitely >07 because it's got EMG 81TW/89 with a coil tap on each pickup, a feature that was introduced in late 07/early 08. All the videos I've seen on Youtube from 2008/2009 do not have the 24th fret inlay, and the black one's don't...
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    Hmm, that might be it. That'd be awesome if it were the case. It's urgent because I've only got a week in business days to return it. I bought it in the UK for £749 - that's $1100+ so it made me panic when I got it back home. Another thing it's got is a gray pearl binding on the headstock...
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    URGENT: Schecter Hellraiser question!

    I bought a Hellraiser today (Made in South Korea, set up in Burbank and the serial number starts with 08, so it's an 08 model with the EMG 81TW/89 pickups. The only thing is, all the hellraisers I see online don't have an inlay on the 24th fret but my one does. Also, it has gray pearl binding...