Search results

  1. blanco

    N(home build)GD! Ergonomic Multiscale Sevenstring

    Once again Walterson you have blown me away with your build quality. First your super-strat shape and now this. Have you ever made guitars for people?
  2. blanco

    Whoa! Skervesen Raptor 7 finish preview

    If i ever get a skervesen i'm referencing this for the colour.
  3. blanco

    Test driving Sabre/Jaden Rose guitars anyone?

    I've got a lightweight version of the series 2 and it's one of the nicest guitars i've played and owned. A seriously quality build no imperfections or anything. Seriously good value for the money. The neck is quite thin on mine quite similar to some ibanez but doesn't feel too thin just...
  4. blanco

    NGD: BWGC Fanned Tele

    Ok that fretboard looks amazing congrats.
  5. blanco

    NGD: Fakemachine B7 - Blackmachine copy

    Sweet guitar happy NGD. Did you buy it direct from mercer or someone else?
  6. blanco

    XEN European Run - Feeler

    Would a non-headless oxc be available on this run?
  7. blanco

    A story of non existing BlacKat and pity scam

    Some people have so much balls to even try something like this. Comes to something when builders might have to 'black list' people because they're scammers. Wonder how many other companies apart from you guys as schecter he's tried it on. If he even did ask schecter that is!
  8. blanco

    Nic Huber?

    Sounds roughly right then i suppose depending on the used condition. I've just noticed engage put one up in the for sale section so should be able to give you an idea about quality.
  9. blanco

    Nic Huber?

    They look really nice i quite like the dolphin shape. His website has some links to dealers and they all look a fair bit more than 3k though.
  10. blanco

    NGD - BlacKat Leon D7

    So many purple NGD! This looks sweet increasing my love for hipshot tuners as well.
  11. blanco

    Prepare yourself for the Schaller Hannes 8string bridge

    Yeah i'd start the whole copyrighting thing in a new thread. Its a mine field and is a little off topic for this thread and normally gets out of hand. I wanted more to point out that if people where to acquire the official parts for themselves then there is a nice picture of how to make a...
  12. blanco

    Prepare yourself for the Schaller Hannes 8string bridge

    Well that sucks. Wonder is schaller would ever work with someone like jaden to help make a production version for them if there is a demand for it. I mean these luthiers go through a large amount of work to make prototypes, although they do know its already patent pending so are aware of the...
  13. blanco

    Prepare yourself for the Schaller Hannes 8string bridge

    Doesn't look like any news on a 7 or 8 although i did stumble across this picture of a jaden rose prototype for a fan fretted 6 with hannes. It's an old picture though from 2011. I guess that it never got put into production by Jaden. Heres the link: Jaden Rose Guitars | British Handcrafted...
  14. blanco

    NGD project ugly duckling 1993 prs ce24

    HNGD. I've got myself a CE-22 bit of a big heel on the neck but it's so playable now i'm use to it and sounds brilliant.
  15. blanco

    Druidic Doom 7-string (Peters content inside)

    "TEST STAIN"!!!!! Thats better than a lot of companies put out on a finished guitar. It's going to be stunning when it's finished.
  16. blanco

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Your solo video is awesome. Love the use of the ebow, works especially well with the effortless slide transitions you can make on a fret less.
  17. blanco

    NGD Carvin CT624

    Thats gorgeous, that quilt is ridiculous!
  18. blanco

    Your favorite 6 string neck?

    It's got to be the ESP thin-u, its effortless. Although i love the PRS 25 inch scale and the shape fills out your palm real nice.
  19. blanco

    Incorporating a pedal into a guitar?

    You should check out Manson guitar. They make Matt Bellamy's guitar and loads of similar style guitars with fuzz factories and midi controller screens all built in.
  20. blanco

    Black Water Fanned Tele Build

    Thats gorgeous, the fretboard looks awesome. Love the inlay as well really classy.