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  1. jaretthale78

    Tosin Abasi teaches you to play Wave of Babies

    this is sick!, is he using the axe fx is in this vid?
  2. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    your not gross , i love you :bowdown:
  3. jaretthale78

    Schecter Damien elite 7 or Agile septor 727?

    i thought they were emg hrtz, sorry for my ignorance
  4. jaretthale78

    Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

    me- "thats like the nicest seven string in the world" travis- " yea, more like the WORLD"
  5. jaretthale78

    Schecter Damien elite 7 or Agile septor 727?

    personally, id go for the agile, as the damien looks cheesy and the pickups and neck heel are nasty, and the agile ive played are awesome
  6. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    they dont sell them hear:wallbash:, i wanna try one so bad
  7. jaretthale78

    It sucks so hard to be a young musician.

    yea i know what you mean, im 15, ppl my age really suport me and think im good and all but i play stuff for older people and they just look away....kinda makes me sad....and i have put up numerous ads " seeking band " and all that shit and about 20 people emailed me but stopped when i told them...
  8. jaretthale78

    Line6 Spider IV opinions?

    this. i tried my friends bugera 333xl and shitted, its amazing for the price, i highly recomend it, i got a line 6 spider 3 and sold it very shortly after, write now u night think there alright but they got old and you realise how shit they are, but yea check out bugera, :hbang:
  9. jaretthale78

    Meshuggah covers

  10. jaretthale78

    OMG, Worst guitar solo of all time...?

    ruination is a master peaice IMO :agreed:
  11. jaretthale78

    Another " which guitar should i get" thread

    Im looking for a new guitar, either 8 or 7 strings minimum of 27' scale, i was lookin at this: your thoughts? suggestions would be nice also.:hbang: i have 1500$ im open to fanned fret models to
  12. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    LOL, r ya sure you want to do that? :ugh:
  13. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    i dont die alright, it just doesnt happen
  14. jaretthale78

    Agile Porn

    OMG! YOUR AN ASSHOLE! LOL, i want an agile 8 so badly, how do these things play\sound? can u give me some insight?
  15. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    so, me and travis tried to eat 8 feet of donair last night, we did not accomplish it...i ate 3 feet and he had about 2 and a half, and we threw up on the last bit of donair...damn brownrigg talked me into havin some drinks with him, it wasnt the best night :ugh:, i dont drink much either, im a...
  16. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    since this thread has had a good outcome, me and my friend travis are goin to attempt to eat two 4 foot donairs and inform you guys
  17. jaretthale78

    So i just ate 5 triple baconators

    yea i went a bit far with that, but its a real thing, and i wanted to gross ppl out