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  1. C

    What brand of strings do you use and why?

    I like my pretty colorful collection of balls
  2. C

    What bands did you see live recently / are waiting to see?

    My guitar teacher went and saw Botch 2ish weeks ago idk if that counts
  3. C

    considering tone block replacements for trems

    I saw a post somewhere with actual quantitative data that showed the different block material didnt make much of a difference at all. Its probably pretty easy to find and its a fairly reliable test and Im pretty sure they did a titanium block and if i find the post Ill send the link.
  4. C

    Open Palm Mutes

    Shit slams
  5. C

    Open Palm Mutes

    Yeah, a set of kxk vxt 4s with a big boy sub, and Sony xm4s, you pretty much can't notice on higher quality stuff
  6. C

    Unbias opinions

    I have worded my original post poorly and it has been severely miss understood. that is mostly my fault for not taking the time to think it through properly but oh well
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    Unbias opinions

    I probably shouldntve mentioned thin necks cus yeah that is completely personal, but i feel like I still dont understand this weird refusal of innovation, just doesnt make sense to me ig.
  8. C

    Unbias opinions

    TL;DR Do (usually older) players have genuine reasons to not like modern guitars? As an 18 yo who has only been into guitars and metal for the past 4 years, I have never wish for a fender or a Gibson, always modern metal only shit. But recently Ive gotten an Ibanez KRYS10, and its opened me up...
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    Open Palm Mutes

    I do agree it seems intentional, but as someone who knows nothing about production it intrigues me, and especially as someone who has plans to record, this is something I would want to avoid. I don't even know if stuff like this happens normally in recordings, but its seems like its something...
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    Open Palm Mutes

    This isnt an issue I have with my tone, rather something Ive noticed listening to music on mediocre speakers (UE boom 2 and my car). Not an issue on nicer speakers and headphones.
  11. C

    Open Palm Mutes

    TL;DR wondering how to fix open string palm muted chuggas sounding much louder than other notes. I've noticed that sometimes big distorted palm mutes sound really shit in some song, but not others. Most noticeably "Addicted to Misery" by Volcano. No hate towards the band I fucking love this...
  12. C

    YouTube isn't synced well

    The rest of the song is actually pretty easy, it's paradise by polyphia and it's just the short run after the first chorus. Although I think making myself learn something by ear is a good way to train my ear, and unfortunately I can't play a composition of my own cus its an assessment for school
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    YouTube isn't synced well

    I personally love them but yeah it is pretty annoying. they sell them for about 20 bucks for the album of tab sheets, not that much but im only struggling with a few bars of one song that I can just make up if I really need to
  14. C

    YouTube isn't synced well

    no unfortunately its a polyphia song so anything that isnt sold by them gets nuked from existence
  15. C

    Ibanez bridge substitute

    I have a new schecter that I am very much enjoying, but after playing with an iron label for the past two years, I've fallen madly in love with the Gibraltar standard ii fixed bridge and I want one on my schecter but Ibanez make it difficult to get their parts a bitch to find and I plan on...
  16. C

    funny looking trem "arms"

    I have recently gotten my first floating bridge that allows me to do those really quick vibrato trem tap things, but because of my hand positioning I can only do them sitting down which makes me way less cool. after thinking about it for a bit, having a d shaped trem arm that kinda arches over...
  17. C

    YouTube isn't synced well

    I need to learn a piece for an assessment I have coming up that doesn't have tabs available for free (guess what band) and I was wondering how people transcribe fast runs. I've gotten through most of the song by ear or watching covers on yt, but that can only get you so far when the audio and...
  18. C

    Digital microtone piano

    After discovering some videos discussing double modes played in a 36 note microtone scale, it gave me a lot of inspiration to further look into microtonal scales myself. This is a pain in the ass as you can imagine, owning only guitars, my only method of getting microtones is through precise...
  19. C

    Where to plug in subwoofers

    thank you for the help. I would need to buy a couple more cables to set that up so I wont do it right away but it will be high on the to do list.
  20. C

    Where to plug in subwoofers

    Ive recently picked up a pair of studio monitors which sound amazing but while messing around with some eqing I found myself looking for a more prominent lowend and started looking for a subwoofer. Only issue is The only spot i could think to plug this into would be the headphone out on my audio...