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  1. RevelGTR

    The Les Paul thread

    Incoming - Gibson Custom 58 Junior. 6.4 pounds to boot.
  2. RevelGTR

    I unknowingly bought a Kiesel that someone made a 22 page thread complaining about.

    This is one of like two guitar forums left with any activity, I’m happy to have all the content we can get. This doesn’t strike me as YouTube spam.
  3. RevelGTR

    G&L Rampage 24

    Excited to buy a used one for $1100.
  4. RevelGTR

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    Ibanez headless’ might look stupid, but nothing looks stupider than me playing a headless guitar.
  5. RevelGTR

    Mayhem Fest Revival=Summer Laughter 2.0?

    Lmao the Mayhem lineup is absolutely fucking stacked, the idea that this is in any way comparable to Summer Slaughter is asinine.
  6. RevelGTR

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    Curious if anyone knows - does the AZ outsell the RG?
  7. RevelGTR

    Corey Beaulieu getting signature Seymour Duncan Blackouts

    Let’s be real any metal or rock guitar player could get along fine with either of these. How many things has Duncan done with the JB itself? The Distortion, Invader, Black Winter, RTM, Holdsworth, Mustaine pickup, Pegasus, Omega, etc. are all variations on it, no?
  8. RevelGTR

    Am I losing it? Considering selling Aristides H/08r..

    I’ve tried to replace my 2022 60’s Standard LP with an R8 and two R0’s and it was just such a better guitar than all of the CS’s, sometimes you just really gel with something. OP you should sell the Aristides.
  9. RevelGTR

    Lundgren M7 Output that low?

    Blackouts are literally the highest output pickups I’ve ever encountered by a lot, I couldn’t get a clean sound out of anything no matter how hard I tried.
  10. RevelGTR

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    I always thought it was odd that even the highest end models always came with Ibanez pickups
  11. RevelGTR

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    I love the S but I get the impression they just don’t really sell, especially post AZ.
  12. RevelGTR

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    I’m 99% certain the most recent Erra, Knocked Loose and Invent/Animate albums were recorded with Fusion Edge’s. Wait until they’re discontinued and people will want them.
  13. RevelGTR

    Builders with best fretwork?

    Whichever brand I just spent a lot of money on
  14. RevelGTR

    Ibanez 2024 NAMM

    Head has to be the funniest Evertune user because the guitars being out of tune is basically part of the sound of those early Korn albums haha
  15. RevelGTR

    The Carvin / Kiesel thread

    This is what I’m thinking:
  16. RevelGTR

    The Carvin / Kiesel thread

    Should I?
  17. RevelGTR

    OldGD / Brief: Ibanez LACS Dino Cazares

    Orange logo is fucking sick
  18. RevelGTR

    SLAYER is Back

    So are they playing the shows without Kerry? What a mess lol.
  19. RevelGTR

    Jackson/Charvel/EVH 2024

    I’m buying the army green one and moving the 85 to the bridge and putting a 60 in the neck
  20. RevelGTR

    NGD - Music Man Kaizen 6

    Also curious what was wrong with yours, I played two at GC and while more modern than my tastes both were flawless build wise and sounded incredible.