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  1. ooidort

    My take on the Archetype: Rabea

    Thanks! For some reason dropbox likes to destroy the quality of the .mp3, so here's a link to google drive:
  2. ooidort

    My take on the Archetype: Rabea

    And damn if it isn’t the most fun I’ve had on the guitar in years.
  3. ooidort

    Remeber Robowarrior? I made a metal cover of this obscure gem

    Per the title. This game has mostly gone under the radar, but as usual for the time period it has a kickass soundtrack.
  4. ooidort

    Redid all of my presets from scratch, feedback appreciated As the title says, everything redone from the guitars all the way to the vocals. Still somehow managed to make it sound really similar to my older stuff. I also updated my monitors and added a subwoofer, so a lot of stuff changed in terms of...
  5. ooidort

    All about that bass

    I dont have a sub nor a proper pair of headphones at the moment, so, how is the bass?
  6. ooidort

    Somewhat melodic trickery As the title says. On my last thread I got feedback about the guitars being a tad harsh, so I dialed the tubescreamer back a bit. What do you think?
  7. ooidort

    Thrash’ish riffage

    Thanks. I think its the tubescreamer doing its thing. I’ll see how dialing the tone back a bit works out.
  8. ooidort

    Thrash’ish riffage Tried to stray away from plain chugchug. Any feedback of the mix would be greatly appreciated.
  9. ooidort

    This is my music. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

    So, would someone like to have the DI's for the song Beginning? Not much to gain in music nowadays, so at least I could contribute something for the aspiring sound engineers and the sorts. That's how I got started. Might even release a "producers edition" of the full length.
  10. ooidort

    This is my music. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

    And I'm sure glad you clicked the title! I'm in the process of writing my first full length album. Well, that's not quite true. I have released a full length before, just not as a solo project. Some of you might know me from a UK based band called Karhu, from which I parted ways in 2014. Since...
  11. ooidort

    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    A playthrough of the title track from my 2016 EP.
  12. ooidort

    A song from an upcoming title

    Silence means it's alright, right?
  13. ooidort

    A song from an upcoming title And there it is. A full length album is in progress and if all goes well will be published somewhere around the end of the year. In the meanwhile, enjoy this song. All critique is more than welcome.
  14. ooidort

    Immovable Versus Unstoppable EP

    This is still out there, devoid of criticism. :) Also, a playthrough for those interested:
  15. ooidort

    Immovable Versus Unstoppable EP

    Here's some .wav files for your listening pleasure!
  16. ooidort

    Immovable Versus Unstoppable EP

    Thank you for listening! I'm using Steven Slate Drums 4 Platinum for the drums, really versatile and easy to use. Thank you for your feedback, I'll check if the overheads sound better taken a bit back for my future projects.
  17. ooidort

    Immovable Versus Unstoppable EP Just released an EP of 3 tracks on bandcamp for your listening pleasure. Feel free to comment and critique. Everything has been written, mixed, mastered and produced by me. I'd love to release a full length album...
  18. ooidort

    Hiatus broken! (SSD4, BIAS, Logic)

    Thank you for your feedback! To be honest, I wasn't quite sure about the overheads either, will have to see if it makes a huge difference if I take them back a notch.
  19. ooidort

    Hiatus broken! (SSD4, BIAS, Logic)

    Nothing to improve at all? Soundcloud apparently destroys the sound quality, so here's a .wav: