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  1. CrazyDean

    Returning Member!

    I haven't posted in over 2 years here because I simply stopped playing. I'm not sure if 'Member Introductions' is the right place for this, but I feel like a new member. A lot has changed in my life since I left: new job, new city (twice), new house, new cats. It's nearly all positive, though...
  2. CrazyDean

    RG7620 on Reverb

    That sucks. I haven't done any business on Reverb, but I figured they'd side with you and at least get you some money back. I hope you at least gave him bad feedback.
  3. CrazyDean

    RG7620 on Reverb

    I completely understand where you're coming from. We've all been in a similar situation. The guitar isn't "excellent" but "very good". Even with the finish flaws, it's better than 80% of these out there as they were the standard, no-frills 7-string of the day and were typically played hard. The...
  4. CrazyDean

    Your favorite melancholy/sad song?

    Please post your #1 favorite melancholy/sad/depressing song. Mine is Black Sabbath's Warning. It's not the saddest sounding song, but I think the subject is something we can all relate to and gives a good "downer" vibe.
  5. CrazyDean

    What game are you playing?

    I only played through it once, but I got enjoyment out of how it was written more than the gameplay itself. The dialog is great, and so are all the weapon names. It's a good spoof on the tradition RPG which typically tries too hard to be over-the-top epic. The game wouldn't have been enjoyable...
  6. CrazyDean

    Should i use surge protector powerstrip for pedalboard rig?

    Well, if you received a surge of power through a lightning strike or blown transformer, do you think your pedals will be safe?
  7. CrazyDean

    What game are you playing?

    Bought a Wii U off Craigslist for $125 with Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World, and Smash U. I have no more interested in playing Smash and Splatoon doesn't interest me. 3D world is ok, but I'd rather play Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 or Odyssey. 3D World feels a bit tedious.
  8. CrazyDean

    Where Do You Stand On Gun Control/Second Amendment?

    I think this discussion would be much more productive if everyone gave their own definition of what they think is reasonable "gun control".
  9. CrazyDean

    I bought my first 7 String, want some advice on string gauges and tuning

    I like .059 for B at 25.5". So, I'd say that .064 would be a little too light for G#. Have you tried the string tension calculator by D'addario? Also, here is the old chart: Keep in mind that a lot of people...
  10. CrazyDean

    T.V. shows you've been watching

    I'm watching this too. I've been very happy with the direction the show has gone in the past year. It's unfortunate that the show is ending next month. Oh well, DB has been coming and going for thirty years, now. I'm sure it'll be back at some point.
  11. CrazyDean

    The state of online forums in general

    I have two other forums that I frequent more than here. I'd say this is the most tame and most moderated of the three. However, the other two are classic video game forums where the average member is in their 30s or 40s. What I really love about those sites is that they are self-moderated...
  12. CrazyDean

    Need a little help, FR trem related.....

    You could just replace the saddle. It's surprising that he managed to gouge the saddle and not just the block. Looks like the Gotoh 1996 is about $110. That'd definitely be a more robust trem, and it'll be all shiny and new, to boot! It's a much better trem, made with harder materials, so you...
  13. CrazyDean

    Any Sites Like Reverb, But For Video Games?

    Nope, not really. If you're patient, you can keep an eye on Craigslist and Letgo. I've gotten plenty of vidya game deals on those sites. It just may take some time.
  14. CrazyDean

    What type of guitar player are you? What's your reason beeing here?

    I hear cover bands are a good way to make extra cash. Definitely a good way to fund some cool gear.
  15. CrazyDean

    What type of guitar player are you? What's your reason beeing here?

    Maybe you should get with the times, old man!
  16. CrazyDean

    How did this guy get his Kahler to flutter so well let alone at all?

    Dude, that's crazy. So unique. I think the critical response from the forum comes from people just tired of hearing the same old stuff like, "OMG DJENTZ!!!1". Similar music has been around forever and it's just nothing new. If you like it, then great, enjoy yourself. However, try applying some...
  17. CrazyDean

    How proud are you of your old works?

    What do you mean "deal with"? Like with anything, treat it as a learning experience. Is it the style that you don't like or your ability to play? maybe mixing ability? Somewhat related: it's fun to watch interviews of famous musicians. A lot of them will cringe at their past albums and songs...
  18. CrazyDean

    Some guitars are too funny not to post

    Ha, thanks. I'm not sure how I didn't see that, lol. Personally, I don't think it's any worse than when people mount pickguards on rear-routed bodies.
  19. CrazyDean

    Some guitars are too funny not to post

    What's wrong with this guitar? Am I missing something?
  20. CrazyDean

    Lip balm - the saviour!

    I found the tip a few years ago on It is so small but so helpful.